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19-07-2015 17:27


[Official Thread] Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle (Jp/Global)

A brand-new chapter in the Dragon Ball Z saga has arrived!
Now you can experience all the nonstop action in the palm of your hand!

Explore the World of Dragon Ball!
Face off against formidable adversaries from the anime series! Explore your favorite areas in a whole new way with unique board-game-style gameplay! Utilize various items and power-ups to strengthen your team and steel yourself for the battles ahead!

Intense Over-the-Top Action!
Simply tap the Ki Spheres on the screen to engage in supersonic combat! The fighting is so extreme your screen won't be able to handle it! Awaken the true potential of your favorite Dragon Ball characters and make them stronger than ever before! You’ve never experienced Dragon Ball like this!

Assemble Your Very Own Dream Team!
Create your own team from a wide variety of Dragon Ball characters! You can even group together certain characters to activate powerful Link Skills! Only Dokkan Battle gives you the freedom to build virtually any team you want! Take your trusty fighters to the battlefield and rise to the top!

Time is of the Essence!
The story begins when Trunks’ Time Machine crash-lands on a planet where the Dragon Ball timeline has been thrown into chaos! Who could be behind this sinister turn of events? Work together with Trunks to get to the bottom of this mystery, battling legions of familiar foes along the way. The very fate of the Dragon Ball universe rests on your shoulders!

Get pumped--the world of "Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle" awaits you!

[Recommended OS Versions]
Android 4.1 or later

Walau global rilis, sama seperti One Piece Treasure Cruise, app ini belum bisa didownload di playstore indonesia. Harus memakai VPN atau bisa mendownloadnya disini >>>> LINK DOWNLOAD V 1.2.1
Untuk iOS ane belum tau linknya (maaf ane bukan pengguna emoticon-Ngakak )

Permainannya mudah cukup dengan men-tap orb sesuai dengan class character (STR, AGI, INT, TEQ, PHY,) dan akan mendapatkan KI yang lebih besar sedangkan jika tidak sesuai maka KI yang didapat normal


Char disini terbagi atas SSR > SR > R > N
SSR = Super Super Rare
SR = Super Rare
R = Rare
N = Normal
Saat ini char yang SSR hanya SSJ Goku dan SSJ Vegeta

Tips Reroll

Fitur Lainnya
Dragon Ball : Ini bisa didapat dari misi jika sudah terkumpul 7 bisa panggil shenron dan dapat 1 wish. Kita bisa pilih wishnya
- Ada yang buat nambah slot unit sama dapat dragon stone
- Ada yang buat dapat item
- Ada yang buat dapat awakening medal
- Satunya lupa (kalau ada yang tau kasih tau ane gan) emoticon-Malu (S)


Untuk update berikutnya ane akan pakai link posting saja. Soalnya di pejawan lupa di reserve emoticon-Ngakak. Segitu dulu updatenya. Bingung mau nulis apa lagi. Maaf jarang main ke trit ini



credit to : ini dia

NB : Bagi orang yang failed to download atau network error dsb bisa menggunakan VPN (ane pake hola) emoticon-Cape d... (S) regionnya amerika serikat lumayan lancar jaya emoticon-Blue Guy Peace
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[Official Thread] Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle (Jp/Global)
02-09-2018 17:52
Balasan post aldighazali
Quote:Original Posted By aldighazali

Gak gan, yg di quest story yg pertama kali kita main dokkan itu lho, yg ada 4x exp. nah level paling dah aja. Kalau musuh nyerang duluan kan bisa exit game, toh cuma 3-6 sta doang.

Ane baru selesai yg lawan ext agl doang dulu, sisanya belum gak kuat keknya jd males coba. Tunggu yg sbr baru aja yg dapet lr int goku. Katanya lebih gampang.

Iya mayan sih kid buu jadi kepake dapet suplai ki skrng. Kasian si agl rose sih soalnya ampir sering double sa dia. Haha
Tim ext agl ane cupu parah cuma ada agl rose yg bagus sub nya.

Ya emang gak ada, nah masalahnya itu masih 10an hari lagi kan. Masih ada gak family kamehamenya. Mayan kan eza mereka dapet ds dari misi.

Ow mksdnya kita hrs serang dl an sblm enemy ya gan ???
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