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Misi China ke Mars Dahului AS, Persaingan Dibawa Hingga ke Antariksa
Misi China ke Mars Dahului AS, Persaingan Dibawa Hingga ke Antariksa

Natasha Khairunisa Amani
24 Jul 2020, 09:02 WIB

Misi China ke Mars Dahului AS, Persaingan Dibawa Hingga ke Antariksa

Roket Long March 5B lepas landas dari Pusat Peluncuran Ruang Angkasa Wenchang di Provinsi Hainan, China, Selasa (5/5/2020). Ini adalah kali pertama roket Long March 5B melancarkan misi luar angkasa. (Tu Haichao/Xinhua via AP)

Liputan6.com, Beijing- China meluncurkan misi ke Mars pada Kamis 23 Juli. Jadwal peluncuran itu berdekatan dengan misi Mars Amerika Serikat dan membawa persaingan mereka ke antariksa.
Kedua negara sama-sama mengambil kesempatan yang baik di mana Bumi dan Mars sedang berada dalam jarak terdekat untuk meluncurkan kendaraan luar angkasa.
Pesawat ruang angkasa AS dijadwalkan akan lepas landas pada 30 Juli mendatang.
Sebelum China dan AS, Uni Emirat Arab telah meluncurkan misinya ke Planet Merah pada Senin 20 Juli.
Kendaraan luar angkasa untuk misi China ke Mars itu bernama Tianwen-1, yang dibawa oleh Roket Long March 5. Roket tersebut juga merupakan yang terbesar di China.
Para insinyur dan karyawan lainnya dilaporkan tampak bersorak di lokasi peluncuran yang berlokasi di Pulau Hainan saat Roket Long March 5lepas landas ke langit biru. 
Dalam siaran nasional televisi China CCTV, komandan situs peluncuran, Zhang Xueyu mengumumkan keberhasilan misi tersebut. Tianwen-1 diprediksi tiba di Mars pada Februari 2021 atau selama 7 bulan menempuh perjalanan sejauh 55 juta kilometer.
Misi tersebut mencakup pengorbit Mars, yang merupakan sebuah lander, dan rover yang akan mempelajari permukaan planet tersebut. 

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Persaingan sengit yang akan dipantau terjadi antara AS dan China, di mana Negeri Tirai Bambu Tersebut berusaha keras untuk menyamai supremasi AS di angkasa luar.
Seorang astronom di Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Jonathan McDowell, menyebut misi China itu mirip dengan misi Viking yang diluncurkan oleh NASA pada tahun 1975-1976.
Tianwen-1 "secara umum sebanding dengan Viking dalam cakupan dan ambisinya," ujar McDowell.
Selain itu, ia juga mengatakan, "Sebagai percobaan pertama untuk China, saya tidak berharap untuk melakukan sesuatu yang signifikan di luar apa yang telah dilakukan AS."
Sejak akhir 1990-an, Badan Antariksa AS NASA telah mengirim empat penjelajah ke Mars, seperti dikutip dari AFP, Jumat (24/7/2020).
2 dari 3 halaman
Gelontarkan Dana Hingga Miliaran Dolar AS
Misi China ke Mars Dahului AS, Persaingan Dibawa Hingga ke Antariksa

Penampakan awan di Planet Mars (NASA)

China diketahui sudah mengirim dua rover ke Bulan. Dengan misi kali ini, China akan menjadi negara pertama yang berhasil melakukan soft landing dari posisi yang jauh.
Dalam program luar angkasanya, China bahkan sampai mengeluarkan miliaran dolar Amerika, setelah melihat AS memimpin misi-misi ke ruang angkasa. 
Seorang analis independen di GoTaikonauts.com, Chen Lan, menuturkan bahwa "China yang bergabung (dalam perlombaan Mars) akan mengubah situasi yang didominasi oleh AS selama setengah abad."
GoTaikonauts.com merupakan platform yang membahas tentang program luar angkasa China.
Namun ternyata, Tianwen-1 bukanlah upaya misi pertama China ke Mars. Pada tahun 2011, misi sebelumnya yang diluncurkan bersama Rusia berakhir gagal.
Tetapi kini, China masih bersemangat untuk meluncurkan misinya ke Mars sendirian. 
Banyaknya misi ke Mars yang diketahui berujung gagal yang dialami oleh AS, Rusia, Eropa, Jepang, dan India sejak 1960.
Namun, misi negara tersebut ke Bulan memberinya pengalaman dalam mengoperasikan pesawat ruang angkasa di luar orbit Bumi, tetapi Mars disebut sebagai hal yang berbeda. 
Jonathan McDowell mengatakan, jarak yang jauh lebih besar berarti "waktu tempuh cahaya yang lebih besar, jadi Anda harus melakukan lebih lambat karena waktu bolak-balik sinyal radio besar."
Ini juga berarti "Anda perlu stasiun bumi yang lebih sensitif di Bumi karena sinyal akan jauh lebih redup," tambah McDowell, mencatat bahwa ada risiko kegagalan dapat menjadi lebih besar.
Kendati demikian, menurut laporan Xinhua pada pekan lalu, China telah meningkatkan stasiun pemantauannya di barat daya wilayah Xinjiang dan Provinsi timur laut Provinsi Heilongjiang untuk memenuhi persyaratan misi ke Mars. 
"Selama (Tianwen) bisa dengan aman mendarat di permukaan Mars dan mengirim kembali gambar pertama, misinya akan menjadi sukses besar," tutur Chen Lan.

.Kakek.Sugiono dan 3 lainnya memberi reputasi
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U.S. vs. China Is the Next Great Space Race
Sorry to sinophobia paok .... it is about US vs China in the next great space race .... bukan US vs yg lain spt yg sinophobia harapkan.

U.S. vs. China Is the Next Great Space Race
"Great power" rivalries have historically driven investment in space exploration. And a new one is afoot.
Rich Smith
Rich Smith
Dec 8, 2019 at 7:13AM
Author Bio

According to the executive summary of the 2019 Report to Congress of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, released just last month, China aims:

to establish a leading position in the economic and military use of outer space ... In pursuit of this goal, China has dedicated high-level attention and ample funding to catch up to and eventually surpass other spacefaring countries in terms of space-related industry, technology, diplomacy, and military power. If plans hold to launch its first long-term space station module in 2020, it will have matched the United States' nearly 40-year progression from first human spaceflight to first space station module in less than 20 years.

Far from lauding China's progress, however, the report was meant to raise an alarm. As the commission warns, Beijing "plans not merely to explore space, but to industrially dominate the space within the moon's orbit of Earth." China "uses its space program to advance its terrestrial geopolitical objectives" and is deploying "aggressive state-backed financing" to establish "a commanding position in the commercial launch and satellite sectors." Long-term, China has a "military-civil fusion strategy" to turn space into "a critical U.S. military and economic vulnerability."
Chinese-flagged space station over Earth against background of Chinese flag

Image source: Getty Images.
Danger and opportunity

In fact, it might not be too strong a statement to say the U.S. government now views this situation as a crisis -- but as the old trope goes, in China the word "crisis" comprises two other words: "danger" and "opportunity."

And it may offer a particular opportunity to space investors.

You see, after laying out the case for why China's space ambitions pose a threat to the United States, the commission proceeds to urge that Congress respond to the threat. Specifically, that Congress "develop a strategy to ensure the United States remains the preeminent space power" -- not just militarily, but economically as well. In particular, the commission urges that the U.S. government establish a long-term strategy in three areas:

"extraction of space-based precious minerals" -- space mining.
"onsite exploitation of space-based natural resources" -- space construction.
"and space-based solar power" -- solar panels and solar mirrors in space.

What it means to investors

So why is it important for investors to know this? While it's not yet certain that Congress will develop the recommended strategies -- or pass laws to implement those strategies, or fund efforts to implement those laws -- the fact that a Congress-sponsored organization is talking about sponsoring efforts to mine asteroids and other planets, about building things in space, and about developing a solar power infrastructure in space, is pretty astounding. Politico reports that this is literally "the first time [such a] true grand strategy for space" and its economic development has been proposed. And this could become the first step that leads to action.

The reason they're talking about this is also encouraging.

In his 2018 book Accessory to War, astrophysicist and educator Neil deGrasse Tyson reviewed the history of how nation-states have used science to further their objectives in the past. When it comes to space, he found that great power rivalries such as that between the United States and the Soviet Union have been the primary driver of U.S. investment. We went to the moon in the 1960s, for example, not to search for mining concessions, to seek out little green men, or even just to plant a flag, but because the Soviets were going there and we wanted to get there first.

The fact is, according to Tyson, President Kennedy was on record saying: "I'm not that interested in space." But Kennedy was willing to undertake "fantastic expenditures which wreck our budget" -- his very words -- if necessary to match what the Russians were spending. His goal: To be able to say "we beat them ... by God, we passed them" and landed on the moon first.

And I think the analogies to today are pretty compelling. Like the Soviets back then, China today is devoting "ample funding" to "dominate" space. If it comes down to spending money necessary to prevent that from happening, or not spending the money and allowing China to forge ahead and build space stations, mine the moon, and develop other cutting-edge space technology while we sit on our wallets, Congress is probably going to find the money -- whether or not legislators are "interested in space" per se.

If history repeats itself, we could be seeing the birth of a new growth industry. Now is the time to start paying attention, and seeking out the stocks that will profit from it.

Something big just happened

I don't know about you, but I always pay attention when one of the best growth investors in the world gives me a stock tip. Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner and his brother, Motley Fool CEO Tom Gardner, just revealed two brand new stock recommendations. Together, they've tripled the stock market's return over the last 17 years.* And while timing isn't everything, the history of Tom and David's stock picks shows that it pays to get in early on their ideas.


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