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05-03-2020 14:38

Diskusi Seputar Intelijen

wah kok jadi susah ya

ini yang sempet ilang

Quote:Original Posted By a.creation
bukan.bomat dan 35 lainnya memberi reputasi
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Diskusi Seputar Intelijen - Part 2
26-02-2021 19:41
Food for thought untuk cemilan weekend. Konstelasi macem apa yang muncul kira2?

Monggo dimunculkan diskusinya. Diutamakan tanpa muatan dan murni diskusi intelektual strategis ya.

Konflik Laut Natuna Utara Masih Panas, China dan Singapura Tetap Gelar Latihan Militer Bersama

Edit : typo kurang huruf 'n' di kata yang.
Diubah oleh utjuph
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27-02-2021 17:45
Yang embah2 dari europe sana juga bakal dolan ke sekutu di asia kan yak

Britain remains part of the 1971 Five Power Defence Arrangement designed to support its former colony, Malaysia. Signatories include Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

Similarly, France maintains ties with its former colony Vietnam while managing its own Pacific territories such as Reunion Island.

And The Netherlands, which says it will send a warship to accompany HMS Queen Elizabeth, has emphasised that the United Nations Law of the Sea must form the basis of any dispute resolution.

Meanwhile, Germany is planning to send a frigate to Japan as a sign of solidarity over its East China Sea dispute with Beijing. It’s also expected to visit Australia and South Korea.

“We want to deepen our ties with our partners in the democratic camp,” Germany’s secretary for defence Thomas Silberhorn said.

Lalu lalang angkatan laut eropa ke lcs n pasifik awal tahun
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