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05-03-2020 14:38

Diskusi Seputar Intelijen

wah kok jadi susah ya

ini yang sempet ilang

Quote:Original Posted By a.creation
bukan.bomat dan 35 lainnya memberi reputasi
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Militer dan Kepolisian
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Diskusi Seputar Intelijen - Part 2
19-02-2021 19:11
Check out this story: Chinese fighters buzz Taiwan air zone as it appoints new defense minister from Flipboard.

Taiwan's air force scrambled on Friday after eight Chinese fighter aircraft flew into the southwestern part of its air defense identification zone, in an uptick in tensions as Taipei announced a new defense minister and intelligence chief.

China has increased its military activity around the democratic island it claims as Chinese territory in recent months. Beijing says it is responding to what it calls "collusion" between Taipei and Washington, Taiwan's most important international backer and weapons supplier.

Taiwan's Defence Ministry said four Chinese J-16s and four JH-7s as well as an electronic warfare aircraft flew near the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands in the top part of the South China Sea, into the southwestern area of its air defense identification zone.

The ministry said Taiwan's air force scrambled, with "radio warnings issued and air defense missile systems deployed to monitor the activity."


--- > nah kan.... Selama pentagon hny jalan2 doank n gak bikin pangkalan militer yg tetap di taiwan.... PKT akan slalu bs mmbully taiwan dgn segala cara..... emoticon-Hammer2
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22-02-2021 13:50

Gak usah nge gas, gan.... kebijakan LN itu bs merupakan cerminan dasar dr pandangan2 di DN dr negara masing2....

Kasus perang korea itu trjd pd awal 1950-an.... Skrg sdh 2021, ada gap 70 tahunan.... Hello...... Kok bs mlh jd patokan dlm kasus PKT vs taiwan pd saat ini sih, gan.....
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