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17-10-2013 14:44

Cyberpunk 2077 - a Futuristic Open World RPG by CD Projekt RED

[OT] Cyberpunk 2077 | Welcome to Night City

Quote:Title:Cyberpunk 2077 | Developer: CD Projekt Red | Publisher: CD Projekt Red
Genre: RPG | Platform : PC/PS4/XB1 | Release Date: 10 December 2020

Quote:In 2077, America is in pieces. Megacorps control life in all its aspects from the top floors of their sky-high fortresses. Down below, drug-pushing gangs, dirty-tech hustlers, and slingers of illicit braindances run the streets. The world in between is where decadence, sex, and pop culture mix with violent crime, extreme poverty, and the unattainable promise of the American Dream.

In a world where you have no future, what matters is that you control who you are. To survive and protect your independence, you modify your body with advanced cyberware and take jobs others would never dare. You choose to live free, bound by no systems or controls—the only rules you obey are your own. Because you’re a Cyberpunk.

In Cyberpunk 2077 you play as V—a hired gun on the rise and you just got your first serious contract. In a world of cyberenhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners, and corporate lifehackers, today you take your first step towards becoming an urban legend.


Quote:[OT] Cyberpunk 2077 | Welcome to Night City

Quote:Steam - Rp 700.000

[OT] Cyberpunk 2077 | Welcome to Night City

[OT] Cyberpunk 2077 | Welcome to Night City
Diubah oleh texhnolyze
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[OT] Cyberpunk 2077 | Welcome to Night City
20-12-2020 19:10
Wah main story nya pendek juga ternyata ya,
playtime baru 22jam udah sampe mission terakhir nya nih..
padahal udah nyambi2 side quest jg..

abis ini beresin semua side quest dlu deh,
sayang banget mau abisin main quest nya hehe
Charimanto dan .vtg. memberi reputasi
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23-12-2020 12:23

Ana juga kecewa dg CDPR yg merubah mekanik gameplay dan kustomisasi player terlalu simpel dibanding trailer2 kmarin. Misal monowire harusnya utk hacking, skrg hanya kepake utk melee weapon. Background lifepath terlalu sederhana dan hanya berpengaruh 30 menit di awal permainan. Selebihnya mau pilih nomad atau corpo, ya jalan ceritanya sama aja. Dan opsi dialog based lifepath nggk berpengaruh ke jalan cerita.

Klo agan udh nyaman dg playstyle no hacking, lgsung shoot sana shoot sini, ya silahkan.

Jangan generalisir klo game ini tidak punya style lain apalagi tidak ada detail gameplay, Krn tiap orang punya playstyle sendiri.
Ana sndiri lebih suka gedein kapasitas ram utk hacking, drpd gedein HP. Jadi hampir 70% ketemu musuh, pasti hacking dulu.

Kurang puas ? tinggal search di youtube, stealth build no hacking, atau full hacking, atau modal melee weapon aja,
Nih ana kasih contoh dari channel stealthgamebr, build na modal pistol revolver ama hacking aja.
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