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Lapor Hansip
31-07-2012 14:21

Gallery Pangsit/Pornpass Part V - The Story Still Goes..

Karena Gallery 1,2,3 dan 4 udah abis kuota page-nya... mari kita lanjutkan warisan thread dari babah pangsit/pornpass... babah we will continue your legacy...please come backkk..... emoticon-Frown

mari2 sini...bagi2 makanan kalian disini and review2 resto, makanan, FR, culinary adventure dsb...
rules :
- no junk post
- no one liner
- no SARA
- no DP
- no question about how to make pangsit... kecuali meng-quote gambar pangsit yang pernah di post di thread ini atau sebelumnya...
- klo melanggar... ya selamanya di hide commentnya and di musuhin and dilempar bata tentunya..... trimsss

Quote:buat temen2 yg baru gabung
diusahakan gbr yg diposting dsene berukuran
max 640x480*
kasian yg pake bandwith gan bro/sis
tolong yah diperhatikan demi kenyamanan kita bersama emoticon-Big Grin emoticon-Big Grin emoticon-Big Grin
makasih atas perhatian nya
sesuai dengan peraturan yg dibuat sm ts babah pangsit

Gallery Pangsit/Pornpass Part V - The Story Still Goes..

Gallery Pangsit/Pornpass Part V - The Story Still Goes..

Gallery Pangsit/Pornpass Part V - The Story Still Goes..

we are not the people who eat to live...but we are the brotherhood and sisterhood of people who

Live To Eat!!!

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Gallery Pangsit/Pornpass Part V - The Story Still Goes..
Diubah oleh big_pati
ceuhetty memberi reputasi
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Gallery Pangsit/Pornpass Part V - The Story Still Goes..
02-05-2019 09:56

sundul dulu gan

sundul, biar naik dah...
vanabout memberi reputasi
1 0
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Moderator Kaskus
02-05-2019 13:40
Suhu turun gunung emoticon-Malu

ngumpul lagi kuy emoticon-Belum Tidur
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kaskus addict
20-05-2019 11:16
tapi sepi nih gan... pada di WA semua groupnya... keciannnnnn Kaskus nyaaa
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kaskus addict
02-07-2019 16:47


gan, ane dimasukin grup WA donk, ini ane yang ketemu di nasgor liem waktu itu
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