kayaknya belum ada gan, baru ada kamus sunda sahaja Oke, Gan. Makasih infonya. ini dari Jepang ya :D :D Bukan, Gan. Asli Indonesia.
Helooooo~ I'm so glad to see this thread is in the first page in Regional Bromo's page. I just wandered to every single English thread available in Regional Indonesia. I used to stop by once upon a time and then I got a really long hiatus from Kaskus. And now I return again to get connected with ...
Greetings~ It's been a while since I stop by this awesome thread. Aaannndddd....this necro-tread was revived once again. Finally made its way to 2016. Oh man, it's been two years this thread was neglected and pushed back until what not page. Is the TS Espada still around? Is there anyone still nu...
Hello~:flower: I just asked if there's any English thread available in this regional and I found out that there IS NOW! I'm glad that this thread actually exist ^w^. And this thread now survived until 2016. Is the TS still active now?
selamat siang juga.. sepertinya si belum ada.. ada apa ya? atau mau bikin thread belajar bahasa inggirs? atau gimana ya? Oh begitu. Saya kadang berkunjung dari satu thread bahasa Inggris ke thread bahasa Inggris yang lain, Gan. Menanyakan kabar dan perkembangan thread bahasa Inggris apakah masih
Sudah kak :D Silakan mlipir http://www.kaskus.co.id/post/5145841b20d719590f00000f#post5145841b20d719590f00000f Terima kasih infonya, langsung menuju TKP ;) .
Not that far 'away' haha but yeah, I agree with you. Well, that is cool Yuki, so what are you up to after graduated I mean now? Yahh... I thought you were from Palembang. Because you seems know a lot about this city. Hahaha good experience, eh? Is Sleman near Yogya? I once ever go to Yogya. I'm
Selamat siang, numpang tanya, Gan. Apakah di Regional Tegal sekarang sudah ada thread berbahasa Inggris? Terima kasih :D.
Hello, Everyone. How do you do? It's been a while since I drop by this thread and had a cozy conversation with some dwellers in English thread Regional Solo. Do you know if the TS is still active maintaining this thread or not?
Helloooooooooooooo~ It's been a while since I visit this thread. Is Bowienk still around maintaining this thread? I'm so glad this thread made its way to 2016. Happy MOnday, Everyone ^w^.
Selamat siang, numpang tanya dong, di Regional Klaten sudah ada thread berbahasa Inggris? Terima kasih ^w^.
Hello, good day ^w^/. I reckon this is my first time since I got my looongggg hiatus from kaskusing. It seems that this thread is also not very active, but sure has a lot of potential for improving and honing our English skill. I hope some people will drop by this wonderful thread and will enlive...
Selamat siang, Gan. Apakah di Regional Karesidenan Kedu sekarang sudah ada thread berbahasa Inggris untuk belajar dan berlatih bahasa Inggris?
Halo, selamat siang, apakah di Regional Cilacap sudah ada thread berbahasa Inggris yang didedikasikan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Terima kasih.
Good day :D. Oh wow, this thread survived for more than a year and made to 2016. I believe this is my first post in this thread since I had a long hiatus from kaskusing. I wandered through many English threads in every Indonesia's Regional. Do you have any idea where is the TS of this thread? Thi...
sold it already as the down payment for the not-so-new-now one :ngacir: I heard from Bapak Kencrung that your ride now is bigger than Mio. He misses you a lot. He said that you barely stop by his angkringan and just waved to him from your ride. and i believe sacrosact is one of frequent poster
1. Are my grammar & diction correct in this sentence? "Person who has genuine selflessness is very rare." 2. Need I insert particle before the word "person"? "Person", "The person", "A person" or "Persons"? It's an intact sentence. Y
Well hello too,..... Pal. :salamkenal Yukikawaii, haha I like that name though. Hahaha, ikr ! At point where it's neither just too old to being called as a man nor too young to being called as a boy. But, both were fine. Yeah, I bet you too. Thanks godness finally found same-city fellas. Well, I...
WHOOOAAAAA~~~~ I'm so glad that this thread made into first page :D. I wonder if the dwellers of this regional are quiet or the dwellers love to hang out in the Lounge or specific thread only. Helloooo~ I - some many millennium ago - wandered to every single English thread in Regional Indonesia and
Hello~~ Greetings and good day ^w^. My my my... isn't this a really old thread? Last time the post was three years ago. This thread has survived three years without being locked down or rotted or chained. I'm not sorry for reawakening this necro thread. I hope some people from Regional Sukabumi and