Sugeng ambal warsa, Kaskus~ Semoga panjang umur, sehat-sehat terus yak, memberikan manfaat untuk komunitas pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya~ Kaskus tetap di hati selamanya :kissing:
Dates itu apa? Kurma? Kalo cardiac arrest, sesak nafas atau serangan jantung (kalo ini heart attack setau ane) Dates bisa juga berarti kencan. Tergantung konteks kalimatnya. Cardiac arrest adalah istilah untuk henti jantung. Sesak napas bisa out of breath, blown, asphyxiate, tergantung konteksnya
oh I see, is there any routine meet up schedule sir? Umm we sometimes congregate at Ian Rasnie Foundation HQ, if you lurk around this thread a lot, you will be recognized and he will choose you to become one of his "friend", expect for incoming bully and mocking. Anyhow joking aside, onc
Dicari pegawai yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut: Wanita Minimal lulusan SMK Kesehatan atau D3 Keperawatan/ Keperawatan Gigi Usia maksimal 35 tahun Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim Rajin dan komunikatif Untuk bekerja sebagai perawat gigi di klinik gigi Fresh Dental (Vitasdental), Jl. Kaliurang KM
It's a secret, I can't talk about it. Jibril, I quote you because I was amazed that you are still in touch with this thread :hammer::matabelo:
I've been gone and now back to monitor my thread and the conversation just went from one post into three pages? That was amazing considered we barely had a chit chat in this thread. Any I saw J, aquart, Masnyo, Big D posting. That's like a miracle ever happened to this dreary thread. This is a mo...
Misi agan2, bahasa inggrisnya S1 ekonomi pembanguna/IESP apa ya? Thanks in advance gan😎 Economics of Development The Economics of Development (ECD) major provides students with the theoretical knowledge, policy awareness, and analytical techniques to tackle many of the key issues facing their ...
is this translation grammatically correct? indonesia: fee dibebankan kepada pembeli english: fee will be imposed to buyer Umm grammatically no, but lexically yes. How about: fee is subjected to the buyer atau fee will be charged to the buyer? I'm open to feedback. oke gan, thanks untuk advicenya.
untuk karawang belom ada sis/gan :D kalo sis/gan mw bikin silahkan , dikumpulin dlu member nya kaskuser atau non kaskuser gpp , yg penting WNI jangan WNA hehe :D Biasanya thread berbahasa Inggris tuh yang bikin adalah penduduk daerah/ regional masing-masing, Gan :D. Jadi klo saya yang kebetulan n
Now that's a name I haven't heard since pink unicorns still roamed the martian-plains. How have you been Yuki-sama ? Is that the reason why we can't find pink unicorns in the earth? They're the indigenous resident of Martian plain. Orrr they're just simply clever in stealthing jitsu.
belom ada gan Oh makasih infonya, Gan :D. JFYI, saya sedang iseng mendata saja penyebaran thread English di dunia Kaskus :D.
mohon bantuannya gan, "saya harap bisa memberi anda oleh-oleh Durian Ucok setelah saya pulang kampung nantinya" google translate "I hope to give you a souvenir Durian Ucok after I return home later" oke kah?? need advice as soon as possible! thanks:1thumbup How about: I hope to
hiya there yuki. My ID is a free translation of "pemandu lintas". Pathfinders play an important role in my previous job as they are able to find the shortest way to our destination in jungles/mountains even without navigation tools like compass or GPS. Pathfinders are usually the native
Pathfinder, is your ID based on that communication technology from Nasa? I just rewatched The Martians and there was pathfinder stranded in. I wonder.
tritnya sepi :berdukas Halo, Gan. Saya juga maen game ini. Sekarang level 37. Dulu waktu pindah smartphone, gamenya nda kebawa ke smartphone yang baru. Jadi saya ngulang dari level 1 ToT. Dulu padahal udah nyampe level 46. Lalu saya mutung setahun lebih nda maen game ini. Sekarang bahasanya udah nd
wow :matabelo: i think you're english enthusiast :wow sometimes he online, but i dont know where's TS now, maybe he have busy in real life sorry for my english, i still study :o Ahaha, I was an English Enthusiast :D. Yes, I believe so. It must be hard to maintain a thread online and struggle daily
kayaknya belum ada gan, baru ada kamus sunda sahaja Okok, terima kasih informasinya :). ini dari Jepang ya :D :D Bukan, Gan, asli Indonesia ko.
hi gan/sist... :salaman Kareban mean Kaskus Regional Banten :o welcome to my simple threadd, hope you enjoy it :D Thanks for the reply. Ahaha 😄 so it's actually an abbreviation of your own Regional. I haven't had a slightest idea about conjoined them altogether. Yes, I might drop by this threa...
Hi peeps, Is it okey to post job hiring here or could anyone guide me as to where is the appropriate room for posting as such? Go yo EFor (English Forum) root, and you will find stickied thread about job vacancy. The job vacancy should be adhere into everything with English.