Welcome to ngaskus bree :ilovekaskuss http://s.kaskus.id/images/2016/05/01/4583813_20160501112212.gif :ultahhore
brazilian huh? :bettys can;t you play football? As far i know every Brazilian people can play football very well.. brazilian women is very exotic and pretty no? you have a big country like mine..i like your brazilian footballer player who is Ronaldo da lima..he is very good..too bad after he is i
Why don't you try to see Indonesia on the other side, I mean the Borneo Island to find another culture that Indonesia has. I live in Palangkaraya, Central Borneo. Just tell me if you want to, I can be the translator and your friend here, because I want to improve my English :lehuga Sure! I will g
So haaaappy!! https://scontent.fash1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13226873_10210231737975780_2231784301841238405_n.jpg?oh=c7ffba6194e055453dc 2aec2384fe5a2&oe=57DBB136
https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1012574_961469503943883_7574670172651440725_n.jpg?oh=d59c488207fab13140b97f c8dc8f2bec&oe=57DE2271
Hello mister, the germans send their regards https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/391617/screenshots/1634089/brazil_germany_1x.jpg :( :(