I love brazil scene in fast furious :D http://s.kaskus.id/images/2016/11/15/6638929_201611150931080238.jpg wkwkwk
Nice, you know the "wkwkwk" means like indonesian know the "LOL" means :ngakak BTW, where are your place in jakarta :D Sorry for bad english :ngakak aku tinggal di BNI raya jakarta selatan :)
hi bro.. nice to meet you.. i thing you must go to riau, some place like rio. rio and riau look like same.. hmm, you must go, and salam kenal from me, sorry to much bacot n my english blepotan, i hope you understand lah.. Ya aku mengerti bro! Aku harap aku bisa pergi ke Riau!!! :) Amin!
bule pengangguran, ga punya duit buat pulang kampung akhirnya numpang populer di sini:wkwkwk:wkwkwk:wkwkwk:wkwkwk Ada duit? :matabelo
Colonialist Descent !!! Where is indian ???? Forest ? Poor ? Uneducated ? Being president ? :ngakak ga tau :wow