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Data Science Job Trends in 2023 – Industry-wise
Data science jobs are new hotness in today’s decade. There are plenty of opportunities in almost every industry. Here we will explore the top data science job trends in multiple industries.

Let’s get started. 
Also, don’t forget to have a look at the most comprehensive data science course in Chennai, which focuses on industry-relevant training as per your chosen domain.

Healthcare: Data science is essential to tracking patient health, assisting doctors in recognizing disease patterns, and preventing sickness. In order to create automated systems for processing complicated data in clinical applications, the healthcare sector needs data engineers. The application of data science in the health domain has made it possible to improve patient care, provide quicker and more accurate diagnoses, take preventative measures, provide more tailored therapy, and make more informed decisions. Data Science positions will grow significantly over the coming years due to their critical importance. It will significantly increase the number of healthcare jobs by 30,000 by 2023.

Cybersecurity: As the number of online transactions and Internet users has expanded, so has the number of fraudulent operations. Businesses are implementing Data Science tools to identify such fraudulent operations and stop losses. It provides a methodical scientific way to identify hostile attacks on digital infrastructure. Moreover, machine learning technologies are used to comprehend data patterns and develop powerful algorithms for data security. Large amounts of data are managed by data scientists, who also find the best solutions. Creating more than 5,000 new employees in 2023 will increase the demand for data scientists.

Aviation and Airlines: In the aviation and airlines sector, businesses use data for route optimization, price setting, and preventative maintenance. The airline needs data scientists to gather and evaluate information on route length and altitudes, aircraft type and weight, weather, etc. Data Science will make it simple to improve the services offered to travelers by giving us a greater understanding of how they operate. In 2023, this sector will add about 5,000 new positions in data science.

Genomics: A genome is an object that contains all of the DNA, and the study of genomes is referred to as genomics. Scientists are now using data science tools to more efficiently examine the sequence, function, mapping, structure, and evolution of genomes. It will soon result in revolutionary improvements in the field of medicine. In the end, more positions in the field of data science will be created in 2023.

Automotive: By 2023, we'd be dealing with driverless, environmentally friendly cars on the road. There would be a significant need for Data Science specialists in the production of such automated cars. In the year 2023, there could be up to 35,000 positions available in the automotive sector for qualified Data Science professionals.

Software Development: The field in which data science is most frequently used is software development. Industries use data science and machine learning to create automated software development tools. As a result, this industry has a high demand for Data Science applicants. In 2023, there will be one lakh more opportunities available for data science, claims Indeed.

E-commerce: The utilization of client data by the e-commerce sector aims to enhance user experience and customer service. Companies require Data Science specialists to manage user data. There are over 273,000 e-commerce businesses with online sales worldwide. This indicates that in 2023, this sector will be a major employer in the Data Science sector.

Data science Career
Data science offers a wide range of job opportunities. Analysts predict there will be over 11 million job openings nationwide by 2026. In fact, there has been a 46% increase in data science hiring since 2019. Despite this, India had approximately 93,000 open Data Science opportunities by the end of August 2022. There is no question about the potential of data science in the future. Also, having an understanding of data science opens up a variety of professional prospects that will help you advance your career. In addition to the position of data scientist, numerous other employment roles are available. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself enrolled in India’s top data science courses in Chennai, offered by Learnbay, become certified by IBM and reshape your career. 

Data Science Job Trends in 2023 – Industry-wise

Data science course in Chennai

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