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How to Find a Good Buyer’s Real Estate Agent
 What a real estate agent for a buyer does
From property hunting to closing, a buyer's agent will help you navigate the home-buying process. A good buyer's agent will, among other things:
Find homes for sale: A professional realtor will assist you in determining the sort of home you can afford in today's market, locating properties that meet your needs and price range, and narrowing down your options to the best fit.
After you've located a home you want to buy, your agent will advise you on how much to offer and what conditions to include in the contract, depending on the property and a market study. A professional agent will go through the contract conditions with you, answer your questions, and guide you through the entire process.
Negotiate with the seller: The agent will tell you of the seller's response to your offer and advise you on the next steps, such as accepting a counteroffer or negotiating on price and terms.
Other professionals may be referred to you: Other experts, such as home inspectors, real estate attorneys, and movers, can be referred to you by a buyer's agent.
How a buyer's agent is compensated
The commission is shared between the listing agent and the buyer's agent and is normally paid by the seller. A typical real estate commission is from 5% to 6% of the home's selling price.
Where can I find a buyer's agent?
Before you choose a real estate agent, look for a lender and be preapproved for a mortgage. A mortgage preapproval letter is a document from a lender that outlines the loan amount and terms that you are eligible for. Preapproval shows real estate brokers and sellers that you're serious about buying a home.
A Best Buyer’s Agent in Melbourne, Australia
One of the finest and best buyer’s agents or advocate in Melbourne, Australia is Buyer’s Hub ( Property buyer’s agent). They are licensed professionals of real estate and works solely on property buyers and help their customer’s to find their dream home or any investment property. There are top four reasons which make them unique from other buyer’s agent and they are as follows:
1.      They commit their customers to buy them their dream house within six week timing without wasting their much time and that is fastest around the worldwide.
2.      They provide the free and right education to their customer while finding the property. While purchasing a property, they will help you to pay right price and avoid the costly mistakes.
3.      They will provide you unlimited support through chats, calls and knowledge without any hustle and worries.
4.      Money Back guarantee is something which will not there in every buyer’s agent criteria. They ensures the customer satisfaction the most and if any customer is not satisfied with their services then they give them the money back guarantee option too.
Here, you’ll get all the above said above mentioned criteria’s which are required while finding a best buyer’s agent.
Buyers Hub-
+61 481 822 557
3/464 Boronia Rd, Wantirna South VIC 3152, Australia

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