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10 Human Body Organs That Are Actually Useless
You may think that all parts of the human body are useful. Missing one can result in disruption of body functions and disrupt activities. But it turns out that there are some parts or organs that do not have a function.

The existence of these organs or body parts if removed, humans can still live. Perhaps the existence of this organ is included in the evolutionary process of ancient humans. Perhaps in the next few hundred years, this useless organ will disappear. Curious which organs of the body are useless? Here's the list.

1. Arector Pili

When the room temperature is very cold, it can make people get goosebumps. Goosebumps are characterized by the formation of hair on the body. It could be hair on the hands or on the feet. Not only influenced by cold temperatures. When someone is afraid, there will also be a feeling of goosebumps where the hair on the body will stand up.
The formation of hair on the body is due to the presence of a muscle that moves it. The muscle that moves the hair is called the arcor pili. This muscle is small and is connected to hair follicles via smooth muscle fibers. When the arector pili muscles contract, the hair on the body will stand up. The term is known as goose bumps.

2. Vomeronasal Organ

It is important for us to know the anatomy of the body, one of which is the nose. The nose is a human sense of smell. Its function is clear to smell and recognize the smells that are around us. Inside the nose itself there are many more parts. And one part there is called the vomeronasal organ.
The location of the vomeronasal organ is right in the nasal cavity. Not only humans, animals also have this organ. In animals, this organ is very useful to help the power of smell. But in humans it is not the same. This organ is just a leftover organ left behind from the process of human evolution. No nerve sensors were found in the vomeronasal organs of humans as in animals.

3. Nipples in Men

One of the questions that is quite often asked is why do men have nipples? This question has been asked many times, but it is still difficult to find an answer. Humans are born with 2 nipples, whether it's a man or a woman must have them. In women, this nipple has a function, but in men it does not.
In women, nipples can be useful for breastfeeding babies. From this nipple, breast milk or breast milk will come out which will be the main food for newborns. Men do have nipples but do not have the ability to produce milk. Even if there is a man who turns out to be able to produce milk, it is a very rare case.

4. Plica Semilunaris

When you look in the mirror and focus on your eyes, you will see a very small part at the end of the eye which is pink. Many people think that this part is the tear gland, but it is not. This part of the eye is called the plica semilunaris. Some people call it the third eyelid.
Humans are not the only living creatures whose eyes have this part. Animals such as birds also have a third eyelid or nictitating membrane. There is no definite about what the function of this section. The plica semilunaris does little to help the eye rotate and drain tears.

5. Ear Muscles

Is there any of your friends who can move one or even both ears? Their ability to move their ears is due to the presence of muscles. Not only possessed by humans, animals such as monkeys also have muscles in the ears. This allows the monkeys to move their ears.
In apes, moving the ears is very important. They become wary of strange sounds around them. If there are predators, they can warn other apes to run. In humans, the presence of this muscle is nothing more than just to move the ear. So, if you can't move your ears like your friends, there's no need to feel inferior.

6. Darwin's Tubercle

When we were children, it was natural that we would often tease other children when something strange happened to them. Like seeing a friend who has slightly pointed or pointed ears, the child will surely become the target of ridicule from his other friends. Did you know that the tapered or protruding part of the ear has a name?
The protruding or tapering part of the ear is called Darwin's tubercle. Discovered by scientist Charles Darwin. There is no function of this protruding part of the ear. According to scientists, this prominent part is descended from ancient humans. The appearance of this section is a connecting sign between humans and primates.

7. Wisdom Teeth

Teeth are one of the most useful parts of the body. Teeth are useful in terms of digesting food. Located in the mouth, the teeth will cut and grind food before it enters the throat. Without teeth, swallowing food would be very difficult. There are 4 known teeth, namely canines, molars, incisors, and wisdom teeth.
Of the four types of teeth, the most unwanted are wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth have almost no role in helping to chew food. Its appearance is often causing problems. Its presence brings pain in the gums. That's why people go to the dentist more often and ask to remove wisdom teeth.

8. Coccyx (Tailbone)

According to science, humans are the result of the evolution of apes. One of the characteristics of apes is to have a tail. In the human body now does not have a tail but has what is called a tailbone or what is called a coccyx. On monkeys. The presence of their tail and bones is important to help them maintain balance and mobility.
When it evolves, the tail is gone, leaving only the bones. Since humans can already walk on two legs without the aid of a tail, it is clear the existence of this tailbone is a question. The coccyx or coccyx has no special function. It is just a link between muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

9. Appendix

Who doesn't know the appendix? The appendix is an additional organ in the appendix. You may hear more often about appendicitis or appendicitis, where an infection occurs in this internal organ. That's why many people avoid this problem by eliminating the appendix.
The presence of this appendix is arguably not very useful. Because it is useless and can bring health problems, many people choose to remove this organ. The process of removing the appendix is called an appendectomy. Although some studies say that the appendix influences the Body Immunity, in fact many people do not have a problem when this part is removed.

10. Long Palmar Muscle

Have you ever noticed a bulge on your arm when your thumb touches your little finger and points it towards your face? There's a long muscle in your arm that pops up when you do this. This muscle is called the long palmar muscle. There are some people whose muscles can be seen; some are not. For those who don't have it, don't worry.
Not having long palmar muscle will not put your health at risk. Although this muscle exists, there is no clarity about the function of this one muscle. According to analysis, this muscle could be a descendant of human predecessors. When humans use their thumbs more, this long palmar muscle is reduced or not used at all.

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Diubah oleh gianstavin34205 19-06-2021 15:33
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