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Rekaman Body Came Polisi Minneapolis Saat Penangkapan George Floyd Rilis
Rekaman Body Came Polisi Minneapolis Saat Penangkapan George Floyd Rilis

Body-camera footage from two Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd's deadly arrest were made public Wednesday, documenting the critical moments leading up to his death as he pleaded with officers to let him go.

"I'm not a bad guy!" Floyd said as he struggled with officers in the presence of onlookers. One bystander tells Floyd, "You can't win."

"I don't want to win," Floyd replies.

The recordings were taken from the body cameras of former officers Thomas Lane and J. Kueng, who were fired and subsequently charged -- with two other officers -- in Floyd's death. Derek Chauvin, who pinned his knee on Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes faces a second-degree murder charge. Lane, Kueng and Tou Thao are charged with aiding and abetting.

The footage was released Wednesday but only available for viewing by appointment. Judge Peter Cahill decline to allow publication of the video, without explanation.

The footage shows the officers approaching Floyd outside a convenience store, where he was accused of trying to pass off a counterfeit $20 bill. When he didn't display his hands, Lane pulls his weapon, causing Floyd to say he had been shot before.

Floyd is handcuffed but pleads with the officers not to put him in a squad car because of his claustrophobia. He winds up on the ground during a struggle while the officers attempt to hold him down.

Chauvin and Kueng each grip one of Floyd’s handcuffed hands to hold them in position behind his back, with Kueng’s knee appearing to press on Floyd’s bottom or just below. Lane is at Floyd’s feet.

Floyd stated "I can't breathe" more than 20 times during the May 25 arrest as Chauvin pressed his knee into his neck.

“Then stop talking, stop yelling, it takes a heck of a lot of oxygen to talk,” Chauvin responded, according to transcripts of the incident released last week.

At one point, Floyd called for his mother and children, saying, “Tell my kids I love them. … I’m dead."

Bystanders can be heard expressing concern for his condition. Kueng checks for Floyd's pulse but doesn't find one.


Udah jelas ya klw floyd emang gak kooperatif jadi gk bener klw ini masalah rasisme dan murni krn kelalaian petugas.

Kemenangan Trump bakal di depan mata nih.
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