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7 Top Notorious Brand in Indonesia
with over thousands national wide brand. Indonesia has many well-known brands even abroad. This is good news for Indonesia brand. See here;

1. Indomie

This instant ramen noodles is one of the most famous brand known worldwide indonesia, from Indoneisa dubai and African countries. This global hype makes its way across the top of it is "the flavor of fried noodles" with rich and tasty seasoning.

2. Sosro Teh Botol

this tea sweetened bottled by its Sosro is known widely by the most famous ads by saying "whatever you eat, sosros bottled tea is your drink." You can find this brand almost everywhere. There is no doubt Sosro is one of the first tea bottled in Indonesia.

3. Tokopedia

one of Indonesia's largest e-commerce, which recently have some problems as a data breach. Nevertheless, tokopedia widely used for the purchase of electronics, home appliances and dairy products.

Gudang Garam 4

The Indonesian version of Marlboro cigarettes. Usually liked by older people because their taste feeels "strong enough"


it is essentially KFC Indonesian version, with some additional adjustments such as fried rice menus or menu mie goreng.

6. Donuts

Founded by Johnny Andrean, a well-known hairdresser, this donut chain could be found in all airports in Indonesia. it tasted like crispy like cream.

7. Buccheri

then it sounds Italian, but this brand is 100% Indonesia Indonesia. This brand sells things related to fashion, and everythings real cowhide.

trademark indonesia protector
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