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Malaysia: What’s The Point Of Boycotting The Local Starbucks?
Malaysia: What’s The Point Of Boycotting The Local Starbucks?

Malaysia: What’s The Point Of Boycotting The Local Starbucks?

THERE is no denying the fact Malaysians are very passionate. We will commit and dedicate ourselves to whatever social affair or issue we feel passionate about, such as the Palestinian-Israel issue, the ISIS issue, even the Rohingya refugee crisis.

But the commitment hardly ever lasts.

Remember two years ago in 2014 when emotions against the Zionist movement and oppression towards Palestinians by Israel was at an all-time high? There were protests and calls for the boycott of Jewish-linked businesses such as McDonald’s, Starbucks and the like.

How long did the boycott last? Obviously not very long. Everyone was so angry in the beginning. They took to the streets with their banners and scarves. And yes, they did boycott the franchises, for a week or two maybe. But then it was Big Macs and Latte Grandes all over again.

Today, there seems to be yet another call to boycott these franchises.

But this time, it isn’t an issue related to the Zionists. The Malay nationalist group Perkasa wants Malay Muslims here to boycott coffee chain Starbucks, purportedly because the company supports marriage equality and LGBT rights in the US.

Apparently, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz supports same-sex marriage.

Perkasa’s rhetoric echoes that of the Muhammadiyah leaders in Indonesia who have been calling for a similar boycott. The group is one of the biggest Islamic organisations in Indonesia.

I’m not too worried that Perkasa’s call for boycott in Malaysia would amount to much. It may spark something for a few days but trust me, it’s not going to go on for long. History has already proven this: Malaysians need their Western fixes.

sumur sumur

hebat juga malangsia. mau ngalahin indon emoticon-Matabelo emoticon-Matabelo
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