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FBI selidiki ulama muslim di Michigan terkait serangan di London bridge
FBI launch investigation into Michigan Muslim hate preacher over claims he radicalised London Bridge killer

FBI selidiki ulama muslim di Michigan terkait serangan di London bridge
Hate-spouting preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril has ‘inspired’ wannabe jihadis to take up arms

THE FBI have reportedly launched an investigation into a Muslim hate preacher in Michigan after claims he radicalised London Bridge killer Khuram Butt.

News of the quiz comes after the family of evil Butt’s ex-wife said he used to beat her and was “full of anger and hate”.

Butt reportedly watched hate videos by cleric Ahmad Musa Jibril who has inspired Islamic State fighters and extremists.

A former friend of the ringleader – gunned down by armed cops alongside his two accomplices after the atrocity that claimed eight innocent lives – said he used to be an avid follower of the American preacher, known for his hatred of the West.

The Daily Mail reports that a joint UK-US investigation has been launched to discover if Jibril was involved in planning the van and knife attack.

The family of Butt’s first wife have told the Mail his hate led to the breakdown of the marriage and that she walked out after he hit her.

After last week’s attack it was revealed that preacher Jibril’s online rants were popular with Butt, who is said to have masterminded last weekend’s horror attack in the capital.

The Arsenal kit-wearing killer posed with a jihadi flag on Channel 4 documentary The Jihadis Next Door, was thrown out of a mosque and tried to radicalise kids in his local park.

The ex-KFC and London Tube worker, known as Abz, 27, was previously quizzed by cops over his twisted views before he was killed following the horror assault on Saturday night.

A pal claimed he had been radicalised while watching online clips of Jibril’s hardline sermons and said he even contacted the authorities ­after becoming concerned over his friend’s increasingly extremist views.

The former friend claimed he contacted police after comments the man made about other previous attacks. But he said the authorities had failed to act and take action despite evidence of increasingly extremist views.

Jibril is an Arab-American Islamist preacher who has reportedly influenced hundreds of Westerners to fight in the Syrian conflict.

His alleged call for jihad in 2005 led US federal prosecutors to describe him as a man who "encouraged his students to spread Islam by the sword, to wage a holy war" and "to hate and kill non-Muslims".

His lectures have been criticised for turning into angry rants about Western crimes against Muslims and he peppered his talk with invectives against Shi’a Muslims and called on God to turn Jewish children into orphans.

From his home in Michigan, the convicted fraudster produces Internet lectures that advocate a Salafist version of Islam that praises jihad, although he doesn’t specifically call upon his followers to join jihadi groups.

He has directly praised Syrian rebels, comparing them to those fighting on behalf of Islam in the religion’s early days.

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