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Voto secreto Trump? Most Hispanics back deportation, want immigration cap cut in half
Voto secreto Trump? Most Hispanics back deportation, want immigration cap cut in half

An election eve poll finds sweeping support for immigration enforcement even among most Hispanics in the United States, potentially bolstering Donald Trump's presidential bid.

The Pulse Opinion Research survey found that 51 percent of Hispanics believe that there has been "too little" done to enforce immigration laws. What's more, by a margin of 49 percent to 36 percent, Hispanics "support a policy causing illegal immigrants to return home by enforcing the law."

Overall, the survey done for the Center for Immigration Studies, found that most Americans, 54 percent, believe that the administration has done too little to enforce immigration laws and 56 percent support returning illegals.

Immigration has been a huge issue in the election and most pundits have reasoned that Trump's call for enforcement and construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border has pushed Hispanics into Hillary Rodham Clinton's camp.

But the findings cloud that reasoning since more Hispanics support a deportation policy for illegals.

Another key finding: Most Americans want a cap of 500,000 immigrants a year, about half the current level.

Voto secreto Trump? Most Hispanics back deportation, want immigration cap cut in half

The poll used "neutral language" on the issue of immigration, succeeding in sizing up the general U.S. feeling toward immigration without the hot language of deportation or amnesty.

CIS Research Director Steven A. Camarota explained, "Unlike many other polls, which give the public the false choice of mass deportation or a 'path to citizenship, this poll asked respondents if they support causing illegal immigrants to leave the country by enforcing the law. A majority of the public supported this approach; and a majority or plurality supported it among almost all demographic groups, including Hispanics. Moreover, a majority of Americans want a level of legal immigration significantly lower than the current level; few want the kinds of increases contained in the Gang of Eight bill from 2013."

haiyaaa ciilaaka luuwa weelas waaa
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