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Making International Driving License using your SIM
Ever since I got my first driving license, all I ever want to do is taking road trip, driving in coastline and feel the air breeze from the window shield. So you know me, I always living my dream, and decided to go for it. On my second euro trip, I put road trip agenda in my itinerary, cruising Spain territory and crossing one city to another. Why Spain? Because the main road is not too narrow.

I need to endorse my driving license so it can be used in International soil. The procedure is simple, it just administrative process that you need to do in Traffic Police Office Headquarter in Jakarta. The office is in MT. Haryono street and you need to prepare these documents:

Copy of Driving License
Copy of National ID
Photo 4x6 cm 3 pieces
Copy of Passport
“Materai” IDR 6000

Once you got there, just go directly to International Driving License Office, take the queuing number, wait until your number is up and fill the form and hand it over your document. The officer will interview you (ask about your name, birth date, passport number, etc) just want to make sure and conform your data. Relaxed, and nothing to worried about, it’s not like you’re in the middle of murder investigation sort of things. I strongly advise that you don’t have to seek “help or calo” to do this process, believe me you can do this by your own self.

After everything are settled, you pay IDR 250.000 and the officer will take your fingerprint and picture. And..voila it’s legit, I got my own International Driving License valid for 3 years. One more thing they will give you international driving regulation book. Make sure you read it (trust me it’s for your own good) or at least open it especially in the picture section, so you know the rules, the do’s and dont’s so you can drive safely.

The time has come, I managed to drive from Algeciras to Granada, and cruising down the road to Seville. Woohoooo!!
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