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Why I like 3.
What is your favorite number? Is this kind of common question or not? Well for me it’s not. What’s your favorite color is more like a common question. But what if I asked you “what’s your favorite number? What number will you pick? As for me. My favorite number is three. Why do I like this odd number? It’s hard to explain. But hard doesn’t mean impossible. So now I will use up my cognitive effort to tell you why I like number three.

First, whenever I use number three to list things, I always get this kind of indescribable satisfaction. Maybe because I am exposed to this number. Like whenever I write I always think of opening, content and closing. my little family consists of me, my wife and our newborn baby. I also tend to start counting from to one to three whenever I want to start an action.I think most people do. Because of the exposure, I subconsciously use that odd number.

Second, I tend to remember to things easier in three points. I think not only me, but most people have the same tendency. Because according to what I’ve read, our mind enjoys thinking in pattern and three is the lowest figure that can be used to form a pattern in our mind. A simple example of this is remembering phone numbers. Let’s just say the number is 081735623212. To remember the number better, I usually break them like this: 081-735-623-212. I think it’s harder to remember those number without using the rules of three. That is why great presenters list their points in three. Because 3 is a number of memory .

What about you ? What is your favorite numbers? If you don’t have any favorite numbers, you can just tell me your favorite color.
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