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  • [App Kekinian] Pakai Waze, Tentara Israel Kesasar, Nyaris Mati di Kamp Palestina

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[App Kekinian] Pakai Waze, Tentara Israel Kesasar, Nyaris Mati di Kamp Palestina - Dua tentara Israel memicu pertempuran mematikan di sebuah kamp pengungsi Palestina, Selasa (1/3/2015), setelah keduanya secara tak sengaja memasuki kawasan itu karena mengikuti panduan dari aplikasi navigasi Waze milik Google.

Kedua tentara itu dilaporkan menggunakan Waze saat sedang mengendarai Jeep militer mereka dan tersasar di dalam kamp pengungsi Qalandia, Tepi Barat, sebuah kawasan yang terkenal rentan bergejolak di Palestina.

Tiba di kamp itu, mereka langsung disambut dengan lemparan batu dan bom molotov, demikian kata juru bicara angkatan bersenjata Israel, Motti Almoz seperti dikutip The Guardian.

Setelah Jeep mereka terbakar, kedua tentara itu melarikan diri. Salah satu tentara berhasil lolos, melarikan diri ke sebuah pemukiman Yahudi. Sementara seorang lagi berlindung di sebuah halaman rumah keluarga Palestina selama sekitar satu jam.

Menurut laporan media-media lokal, demi menyelamatkan dua tentara itu, Israel mengaktifkan Protokol Hannibal, sebuah upaya luar biasa militer Israel untuk mencegah prajuritnya diculik oleh musuh.

Dalam operasi itu Israel mengerahkan sejumlah helikopter dan pasukan khusus untuk menyelamatkan kedua prajurit itu. Operasi penyelamatan itu sendiri segera menjadi pertempuran besar, yang menelan satu korban jiwa dari pihak Palestina dan 10 tentara Israel terluka.

Organisasi Bulan Sabit Merah Palestina mengatakan bahwa korban tewas bernama Eyad Sajadiyeh, mahasiswa berusia 22 tahun. Ia tertembak di kelapa dalam peristiwa itu.

Berita lain:
Israeli Soldiers Get Lost Using Waze App, and Clashes Follow
A car burned during an Israeli Army raid the night before in the West Bank refugee camp of Kalandia on Tuesday.
MARCH 1, 2016
RAMALLAH, West Bank — Two Israeli soldiers led astray by their smartphone navigation app accidentally wandered into an unruly area of the West Bank, provoking clashes and a gun battle that left a Palestinian man dead.

The soldiers, from the army’s canine unit, were following Waze, a navigation app, late Monday when they drove into an area bordering the Kalandia refugee camp, between Jerusalem and Ramallah.

The app is popular among Israelis, but soldiers are under standing orders not to use GPS services in areas they are not familiar with, said Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israeli military.

“They should be using maps, and they should know the route,” he said.

Armed, in uniform and driving a clearly identifiable military vehicle, they were quickly attacked by Palestinians, who apparently suspected that the soldiers were part of a military raid.

The Palestinians hurled rocks and firebombs and set the vehicle ablaze, the military said Tuesday. The soldiers, who were on an administrative task, abandoned their vehicle and fled separately on foot.

One called for help from his cellphone and was rescued within 20 minutes, according to the military. His companion had left his phone in their sport utility vehicle. Out of contact, the military had feared he might have been abducted, prompting Israel to send more forces, including helicopters and surveillance drones into the area.

The missing soldier was eventually found in a valley between the refugee camp and a nearby Jewish settlement.

When Israeli troops came to retrieve the abandoned vehicle, clashes broke out between soldiers and local Palestinians, lasting until the early hours of the morning.

A 22-year-old Palestinian man, Iyad Sajadiyya, was shot and killed, according to Maan, a Palestinian news outlet.

Moshe Yaalon, the Israeli defense minister, who was attending a technology conference on Tuesday, said that Mr. Sajadiyya had been armed.

It was unclear why the soldiers were using Waze, a smartphone app developed in Israel and acquired by Google for more than $1 billion in 2013, to navigate in the West Bank.

Waze told Agence France-Presse in a statement that the soldiers must have veered off the route suggested by the application.

Waze’s default setting does not provide navigation in areas of the West Bank considered dangerous for Israelis; the soldiers would have had to turn off the app’s “safe mode” to use it around Kalandia.

Colonel Lerner said that the episode was under review, and that the military wanted to know, among other things, “how they ended up there and what were their orders for getting from A to B.”

Mr. Yaalon, the defense minister, warned against relying too much on technology to navigate potentially dangerous areas. Waze, which uses crowd-sourced information from its users to suggest the best routes, “does not take into account all of the considerations,” he said.

At the same time, Mr. Yaalon acknowledged that “not a small amount of technology was involved” in ultimately finding the soldiers.

Waze does not distinguish among the different areas of the West Bank’s political map once the safe mode is disabled, making it potentially perilous for Israelis and Palestinians who rely on it inside the territory.

The West Bank is a mosaic of Palestinian-ruled areas that Israelis may not enter without prior authorization, Jewish settlements where Palestinians are forbidden without permits, and Israeli military checkpoints and border crossings.

Waze also tends to confuse Palestinian and Israeli areas, which often have the same, or similar, names.

In June, two other Israeli soldiers who were using the app accidentally entered the Palestinian city of Tulkarm after they typed in “Beit Lid,” the name of a village near the Tulkarm area of the West Bank and the name of a road junction in Israel.


Bukannya sebaiknya Tentara menghindari penggunaan aplikasi peta sipil ya, apalagi di daerah rawan konflik.
Kalau di Jakarta mah malah bisa mati di jalan kalau ga pakai map app

Turut berduka utk korban.

Ada yg tau Hannibal protocol?
Diubah oleh TherMit 06-03-2016 02:42
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