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Fake rice made with plastic reportedly spreading across Asia
Fake rice made with plastic reportedly spreading across Asia
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Fake rice made with plastic reportedly spreading across Asia

Plastic rice sold on the Chinese market has reportedly found its way into various Asian countries, including India, Indonesia and Vietnam.

The fake rice is made by mixing potatoes, sweet potatoes and synthetic resin, according to the International Business Times. It's long been circulating on the market in Taiyuan, Shaanxi and appears identical to natural rice.

Health experts have warned that consuming the fake grains could seriously damage the digestive system.

Authorities have attempted to quell consumers' fears as the internet has been abuzz with news of the fake rice landing on the shores of various Asian regions.
"As part of AVA’s routine surveillance, imported rice is regularly inspected and sampled to ensure compliance with our food safety standards and requirements," a spokesman from the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) told The Straits Times after rumors surfaced that the fake rice had entered Singapore.

"We have not received any feedback on fake rice."

The Malaysian Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry likewise denied receiving any reports about the resin-laced grains,but said if it were to have gotten into Malaysia, it would most likely be sold at small shops rather than large supermarkets.

So how can you avoid consuming plastic-tainted rice? According to, the fake rice grains remain hard after being boiled, and the soup made by it forms a very unappetizing plastic sheath 'that burns like plastic' when heated up. Euuhhh.

By Katie Nelson in News on May 20, 2015 11:59 PM


♣♣♣ ♠ ♣♣♣

Beberapa poin penting dari berita di atas:

  1. Dilaporkan telah masuk ke beberapa negara Asia, termasuk Indonesia, India dan Vietnam
  2. Dibuat dengan campuran Kentang dan Resin Sintetik
  3. Konon katanya juga sudah masuk ke Singapore
  4. Menteri Pertanian Malaysia membantah menerima laporan bahwa di wilayahnya ditemukan beras plastik tsb.
  5. Beras plastik ini tetap keras setelah direbus
  6. Sup yang dibuat dengan beras plastik ini akan membentuk semacam lapisan plastik yang akan terbakar bila dipanaskan.

Udah masuk kemana-mana. Tapi bahan pembuatnya sepertinya beda dengan beras plastik yang dilaporkan ada di Indonesia.

PS: Jangan lupa Ratingnya ***** bro/sis
Diubah oleh friendlybuddy 22-05-2015 02:11
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