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1.700 Indonesia Armed Forces Trained to Combat ISIS
1.700 Indonesia Armed Forces Trained to Combat ISIS

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - As many as 1.700 Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) personnel have been instructed to join a joint force training specifically designed to enhance quick reaction of each individual (PPRC) in Poso.

The 1.700 TNI personnel, consisting the Indonesian armed forces and Indonesian Navy team will be trained to strengthen their reactionary gesture when it comes to threat.

As shown on Liputan 6 Malam SCTV, on Tuesday 24 March 2015, they departed from Surabaya, East Java. Apart from training, the soldiers are trained to be fully prepared in the combat against the notoriously known radical group, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

With the world now plagued with terrorist activities and with one of the breeding grounds viewed to be as in Indonesia, it is in the nation’s best interest to escalate security measures.

The widespread of ISIS radical teaching apparently has exacerbated with the authority finding out that the teachings have been taught to those in the prison or correctional institution where the successfully detained members are.

According to the Indonesia's National Anti-Terrorist Agency (BNPT), Saud Usman Nasution, the widespread of ISIS teaching has been acknowledged by the Indonesian intelligence as the evidence has been found in the prison and some of the inmates have confessed that they have been informed regarding the teachings of radical ISIS.

ISIS now has dominated some parts of Iraq and Syria and they have been using violence to achieve their desired needs.

Many Indonesians have evidently joined the group and brainwashed by their alluring persuasion. An anti-terror movement and propaganda is deemed necessary to prevent the deterioration of such widespread. (Akp/Tnt)


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Ini Beberapa Wilayah Yang Diduga Polisi Jadi Kantong ISIS Di Indonesia

kabar24..com, JAKARTA - Wakil Kepala Polri Komjen Badrodin Haiti mengatakan bahwa Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, bukan satu-satunya daerah kantong simpatisan kelompok Negara Islam (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria/ISIS).

"Enggak hanya Poso yang menjadi kantong ISIS," kata Wakil Kepala Polri (Wakapolri) di Markas Besar Polri, Jakarta, Selasa.

Ia menyebutkan bahwa wilayah seperti Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dan Sulawesi Selatan juga ditengarai menjadi kantong simpatisan ISIS.

Namun, ia mengatakan, polisi tidak bisa menindak para simpatisan ISIS yang tidak melanggar hukum.
"Kami enggak punya instrumen penegakkan hukum anggota ISIS yang belum melanggar hukum. Tapi bagi mereka yang sudah melanggar hukum, tentu akan kami tindak sesuai dengan Undang-Undang," katanya.

Kendati demikian, dia mengatakan, Kepolisian RI bekerja sama dengan para ulama di daerah-daerah tersebut untuk melakukan upaya deradikalisasi terhadap orang-orang yang teridentifikasi sebagai simpatisan ISIS serta masyarakat yang terpapar paham radikal.

"Kami lakukan beragam upaya untuk menangkal terorisme, termasuk koordinasi dengan para ulama," katanya.


Tentara dilatih, tapi tak bisa menindak krn isis belum ditetapkan terlarang.
Trus ditindaknya kapan? kalau sudah meledakkan orang lainkah?

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