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Ditemukan retakan pada Falcon Norwegia

December 2, 2014: In October Norway confirmed reports that some of their older F-16 fighters had been found to have kracks in the fuselage and some of these F-16B aircraft were grounded until repairs could be made. Earlier the United States had found similar kracks in some of their F-16D aircraft and after investigating concluded that all F-16Ds and F-16Bs (which the U.S. does not use any more) should be inspected. There are over 150 F-16B and 400 F-16D aircraft in service worldwide. Turkey, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Denmark and Norway have some of these aircraft and all had to inspect for kracks. Only Norway reported finding any, other may have just quietly done the inspections and made repairs as needed. The situation in Norway was quickly noticed because some of the F-16Bs involved are stationed at the air base the normally sends F-16s aloft to intercept Russian recon aircraft getting too close.

This krack crises began in August 2014 when the U.S. Air Force grounded 82 F-16D jets after kracks were discovered in longerons (metal support beams inside the forward fuselage, which hold the cockpit in place). The D version of the F-16 is the two seater used for training. Some 16 percent of the 969 F-16s in the U.S. Air Force are the D model and these are all at least 24 years old with more than 5,500 hours in the air. The longeron design for the D and B models is different than that for the single seat models because the D and B models have a longer cockpit canopy. The air force is making repairs and replacements to put the grounded F-16Ds back in service. The manufacturer has repair kits for the F-16Bs, which are the two-seater version of the F-16A. Norway has 57 F-16s, ten of them the B model.

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bukan hanya F-16, ternyata F-15s nya jg
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