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Air defense missile system 50 Sky Dragon (China)

Air defense missile system 50 Sky Dragon (China)
Yesterday, 7:07
Since 2012 the Chinese corporation NORINCO shows at various exhibitions new air defense missile system Sky Dragon 50. This complex is designed to protect critical facilities from air strikes. According to its characteristics the new air defense system belongs to a class of medium-range missiles.

Anti-aircraft complex Sky Dragon 50 ("Heavenly Dragon 50") includes several cars fitted with the special equipment. The complex includes a self-propelled launcher, radar detection and tracking of targets, as well as a command post. All components are made of anti-aircraft complex on the basis of wheeled vehicles. In 2012, alleging that the project Sky Dragon 50 is in the final stages of development. To date, a new anti-aircraft system is ready for sale.

The main element of SAM "Heavenly Dragon-50" is the anti-aircraft missile original design. Guided missile has a housing which consists of two coupled cylinders of different diameters. In the middle of the housing is equipped X-shaped wings, a tail - the rudders of similar design. Rocket ships and transported in a transport-launch canister, which is why all the planes are made foldable. Wings and control surfaces are arranged after the rocket out of the container.

Rocket complex Sky Dragon 50 is equipped with a solid engine, allowing it to hit targets at ranges from 3 to 50 km at altitudes of 30 to 19,800 m. The speed of the missile in flight reaches 1000 m / s. Rugged construction allows the missile to maneuver with an overload of up to 38 units. To exit to the intended target area missile uses an inertial guidance system. After going on the inclusion of an active radar seeker, with which the missile hits the target and pinpoint. To engage targets using high-explosive warhead.

To launch rockets into the new SAM system including self-propelled launcher on a wheeled chassis. As a basis for a three-axle truck used in China. On a flatbed truck chassis installed all the necessary equipment. In front of the platform (immediately behind the cab), there is a compartment for the control equipment. At the rear is a launcher with the possibility of guidance in the horizontal and vertical plane. In order to stabilize the car during the shooting has outriggers.

On the mechanisms of the launcher can be mounted four transport-launch container with rockets. Unlike some other SAM Chinese and foreign, Sky Dragon 50 is unable to vertical launch missiles. Running is made from raised at a certain angle of elevation of the container. Thus, before starting the rocket must rotate the entire launcher towards the goal.

At the time of the first publication of the information set of Sky Dragon 50 was completed radar detection and tracking of targets IBIS-150. The radar could produce earlier detection of targets at ranges of up to 130 km and provide fire at ranges disabilities missiles. IBIS-150 radar was carried out in a container mounted on chassis.

In September 2014 at the exhibition Africa Aerospace and Defence 2014 (South Africa) NORINCO Corporation has introduced a new radar for anti-aircraft complex Sky Dragon 50. The station IBIS-200 has superior performance compared to the previous design. Maximum range is increased to hit targets 250 km. The new radar can track up to 12 targets of different types. It is alleged that the radar complex "Heavenly Dragon 50" can operate in an environment of enemy use of electronic warfare and of detecting a variety of purposes, from large to small aircraft drones.

The proposed structure of the battery of anti-aircraft complexes Sky Dragon 50 is as follows: one radar detection IBIS-150 or IBIS-200, command post and from three to six self-propelled launchers with four missiles each. If necessary, such as the customer's request, of the battery can be changed in order to improve its combat capabilities. Standard of the battery allows you to simultaneously track and attack up to 12 targets. At the same time allowed the shooting of several volleys of rockets. Battery with six launchers have ammunition for two full volleys followed all purposes.

SAM Sky Dragon 50 primarily intended for deliveries to foreign countries. As potential customers are considered a variety of small and low-income countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Thus, China is again the development, which might interest the state in need of new military equipment, but are not able to purchase the products of the leading companies in the world.

According to some, even during the September exhibition Africa Aerospace and Defence 2014 representatives of several foreign countries have shown their interest in the new Chinese anti-aircraft system. Among the first buyers of the "Heavenly Dragon-50" may be the state of South America. Information about the possibility of purchasing the complex there are no armed forces of China.

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