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Short Story for Reading "Love Versus Black Hole"
Hey guys,
I wrote this short story, you maybe interested on reading.
Let me know weather it's good or bad, I'm fully open for critics and Suggestions

so here it is, please enjoy. (c) J.A.Parris 2014


A wonderful bright evening a couple in love visit a garden on hilltop to watch millions of stars, Richard and sally under an old oak tree they sit on an old wooden bench, sally lean her head on Richard's shoulder what a romantic view demonstrated a couple and no other but this lovely couple talking about bright starts up in the sky.
Let’s secretly hear them talk:
Richard: my love which one is your guidance, your most love to see star? Show me
Sally: oh why it's the bright blue sky over there (sally’s pointing), the brightest star in summer my dear,
which one is yours?
Richard: I always adore the red-hot brave looking star that always shines everyday like my love to you.
Sally: oh you're so romantic (her face is blushing red)
Richard: look you're blushing (Richard is laughing out loud)
Sally: Stop it you’re making me shy
While they're play around and nagging each other, let’s go to those 2(two) bright stars that they're talking about.
Blue star
This star named the Columbian constellation, not sure how old but it's really blue and it has 25 planets rotating the gigantic star that is 1 million times-sized of our beloved sun. In the solar system it has a planet that looks really like the earth only it is 5000 time larger than our earth. Blue star is doing great in the superb solar system and the planet is another story.
Red star
This star named Arient Giga, a gigantic star that is the last formation of its live, in this supernova form the star turns really red hot and begin to turn into the dark super gigantic hole known well as the black hole.
Let us get back to Richard and sally a year after that evening moment on the hill top, Richard the romantic man currently working as a bank manager and Sally the pretty girl is working as a reporter in a famous local newspaper
They’re maintaining the love relationship and met every other day and begin talking about their pathway of future relationships. In one romantic candle light diner at the finest restaurant in the city Richard dressed tuxedo and looking handsome is proposing Sally to marry him next year, but disappointingly Sally hasn't say anything all evening to answer his astonishing proposal. Not sure she’s just shockingly surprised or she has something else in her mind, but that evening is end up the by both of them splitting up and head toward their own walking path home.

Short story in one fine afternoon when sally’s at home alone enjoying her weekend, suddenly someone’s knocking at her door, she’s walking down the stairs and go to the front door to answer the knock. She slowly opens the door and stands there quiet a while like a statue when she looks at the person who knocks her door earlier.
Let’s hear the conversations between them:
Bill: Hey there pretty!, I was nearby and I thought I just pay you a visit
Sally: that you ?
Bill: I's been a while....
Sally: A while you said? You’ve abandoned me for that stupid project of yours in Africa
and for your information it's been 7 years you pig ...(Sally tries to shut her door really hard but bill managed to stop the slam by his hand)
Bill: I get back didn't I ? I travel thousand of miles just to see you wouldn't understand why I decided to take that job in the first place
Sally: Honestly don't (screaming and run inside, Bill tries to catch her hand)
Then bill tries to hug her and she somehow doesn't reject it, don’t know who starts the heat but they begin kissing each other, again and again and again, Bill takes her slowly between those kisses to a sofa in the TV room and keeps aiming his kiss all over her. All of those passions and kisses and everything makes Sally can’t bear to resist Bill's erotic treat and slowly takes a small step behind to undo her dress and begins making love with her, on the sofa in the living room at her house. In this moment of passion Sally somehow forgotten all of the time being that she’s deeply disappointed and mad, her lust of passion drag her further and further into this man’s hands and let him brings her deeper into love making activity.
Wait a minute, something’s going on far away from our solar system, it is the Arient Giga the gigantic red star that begins to flare its supermassive atomic fire the flare it self explodes as big as a million atomic bomb explosion, at the very moment 3 of the closest planets in the solar system are sweep away and burned down because of the star's enormous explosion, continued by another planet one by one begin to turn really hot and fried, the final stage is the planet exploded, you cannot imagine how tragic and terrifying it is to see a whole big solar system flaring and exploding.
Too scary isn’t it? Let’s get back to our old friend Richard, who are now doing shopping for flower in a flower shop near his apartment building, he’s ordering a bunch of lilies the pink and white that he understands Sally loves them so much, he often buys her flower to express his love this is his first love by the way, and he thinks that this is going to be his first and his last girl in his life by proposing last view night in the restaurant, the thing is that Richard does not understand and maybe being ignorant is that Sally’s is not as good as he thinks she is. Well a man in love is a man in love, what happen is when we’re in love the brain and the heart will contradict each other and try to kill each other’s portion in our body, well in this case magically and most of the time heart wins and brain’s dead like our friend Richard here, if only he knew who’s Sally with and what they’re doing in this very moment.

He is humming some “hum hum hum” on the way to Sally’s house waving to anyone he knows along the way and decided to pay her a visit and presents her the lilies and expects to get some warm welcome and maybe diner and maybe make love, well expectation is only an expectation.
Back to sally's bed, huh?, yes they’ve moved!, they finally realized that the sofa isn’t as comfortable as the bed, the newly met couple still vent their savage fights, Sally with her buff and sweet body in high temperature and highly passionate beasty lust, and Bill! yes the lucky man Bill, who happens to be really strong in bed gives an equal fight.
Too hot huh??
Now imagine Arient Giga which now turning into millions times larger than its previous size like a gigantic vacuum cleaner begins to inhale all of its surrounding planets and everything in the solar system, the asteroids the moons and other space objects. The dust from the exploded planets are starting to get sucked into the dying red star in extremely high speed of spinning a million times of the largest tornado and it has no other choice but being inhaled into the Arien Giga’s super gravity which turning pitch black in the same time.
The star's to scary, Sally and Bill's to hot!
I say let’s get back to Richard, he's now in front of sally's door tries to knock, two know should do he’s saying to him self then he waits. After some minutes away he does it again, now he know more that the previous, three, four, five, not too much not too much he’s saying to him self again, ups no answer, now he knocks and calls out Sally’s name, but no one’s coming to get his knocks, he hears no one’s coming but some gentle moans and knows for sure who’s
voice that is. Suddenly “ooowwhhh…Bill yesssss..”
Richard heard that yelling voice loud and clear, he madly turns on the door knob to check weather it’s locked or not, well since we all knew what happened at that door earlier, I bet the locking thing will be the last thing to be remembered by those two individuals in the room. Richard found that the door isn’t locked so he slowly opens the door and silently goes up to sally’s room then when he gets there the next thing he does is peeking into sally's room throughout the door gap, that moment he peeks he’s shocked and gets real mad, I say like a dramatic mad cow seeing red rug. Instead of rushing in to the room he runs down to the kitchen and grabs a big chef knife, you know that big rectangle chef knife that we usually see in a cooking show in TV and he quickly runs back up. He is madly jumping into the room.
Richard: (big knife in his hand) who the hell are you? How dare you sleeps with my girl!
Bill: (real shocked and jumps off the bed nakedly, he tries to grab anything to cover his big precious vital part) damn it man! Who are you?

Sally: highly shocked and grabs the bed sheets to cover herself.

Richard: is this what you’ve been doing behind me huh Sally?, All of those words you gave me? All of those kisses?, all of those days we spent together? answer me god damn it!
Sally: ..owhh Richard (crying) I'm really sorry ....
Bill: hey hey! Hey!...what's going on here? Honey who’s this butcher ? And what the hell are you doing bringing a big knife like that?
Richard: Shut up you big dick, I'm pretty sure you know who I am! Well now going to have to kill you! Right here right now.
Sally: Richard, stop please let me explain! please (while Richard runs after Bill, who’s apparently still being naked, and confuse mix with undone horn and terrified).
Richard swishes the big chef knife toward Bill’s body, Bill ducks and tries to punch the mad man, unlucky Richard has to take the jab and bleeds his nose.
Wooww ...Wooowww! What's going on here? That fight is too scary to watch thou, let’s get out of here. So, while we left Richard and Bill fighting their ass off for Sally let's get back to former Arient Giga that has completely inhaling all its planets and everything in the solar system parameter. In its new form of pitch black begins to such the nearby stars, the green star Oripix that has around 15 planets and 20 moons all together begins to get gravitated by The gigantic one too strong black hole of former Arient Giga in god’s speed.
Since we have two tragic activities at the same time, to make it clearly understood for all of us it will be made In timeframe which I can describe it like this,
17.00: Bill who was long time ago being a soldier turns to be stronger than his opponent Richard, managed to grab the big knife for his own advantage and accidentally stabs the big knife in Richard’s Stomach, the same time beyond the space,

17.00: Arient Giga has formed its 100% new born black hole and begin to occupies the space as another objects that dangerously will sucks everything nearby.
There it is, 2 superb tragedies in life. Now we can only see sally's guidance star every morning, bright and blue as for no more red-hot star of Richard’s and himself.

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