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THEINFINITY minecraft server V1.5
Selamat datang di trit ane yang pertama
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Trit ini membahas tentang game minecraft dan servernya
Gamenya seru tapi maaf TS ga bisa nysipin gambar soalnya pakai mobile nanti ane sisipin kalau ada waktu lenggang

Game ini mempunyai beberapa pilihan mode
Dimode ini agan-agan bisa membangun rumah,gedung Dsb. Dengan jumlah bahan yang tidak terbatas, di mode ini bisa ngasah ke-kreativitas kita.
Dari namanya udah pasti tau dongg, dimode ini agan-agan di spawn dengan tangan kosong alias ga ada apa apa di inventory, di mode ini agan harus bertahan hidup dari serangan monster tapi kalau gamau ada monster bisa ubah difficultynya ke peaceful. Dan di mode ini agan harus cari bahan-bahan seperti kayu tanah dll. Agar bisa bertahan hidup.
Sekian dulu ane capek gan nanti ane tambahin

The Infinity [MC]
IP Address:

Server Mods Plugins
Check on the link for more infomation
Anti Join Bot
Chest Shop
Clear Lagg
Core Protect
Multi Login Blocker
No Cheat Plus
Protocol Lib
Safe Creeper
Vanish No Packet
World Edit
World Guard

Minecraft v1.5 Full Game

About The Game
Minecraft is a sandbox-building independent video game written in Java originally by Swedish creator Markus "Notch" Persson and now by his company, Mojang, formed from the proceeds of the game. It was released as an alpha on May 17, 2009, with a beta version on December 20, 2010. Official releases for iOS and Android have been released and the full version of the PC game was released on November 18, 2011 at MineCon 2011. The Android release was temporarily exclusive to the Xperia Play but is now available to the rest of the Android market. A version of the game for the Xbox 360 with Kinect support is under development by 4J Studios, to be released in 2012.

Minecraft is focused on creativity and building, allowing players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D world. Gameplay in its commercial release has two principal modes: Survival, which requires players to acquire resources themselves and maintain their health and hunger; and Creative, where the player has an unlimited supply of resources, the ability to fly, and no concept of health or hunger. A third gameplay mode, named Hardcore, is essentially the same as Survival, but the difficulty is locked on the hardest setting and respawning is disabled, forcing the player to delete his or her world upon death. An outdated Classic version is also available for free, although it is no longer being developed. Creative Minecraft resembles Classic, but with many more features.

The gameplay is heavily inspired by Infiniminer by Zachtronics Industries, and Dwarf Fortress by Bay 12 Games.

The game was officially released at MineCon on November 18, 2011. Minecraft was developed for about a week before its public release on May 17, 2009, on the TIGSource forums, where it gained a considerable level of popularity. It has been continually updated and patched since then, and while it was still in alpha release, it garnered several hundred thousand sales and received critical notice and acclaim from many reviewers. It passed a million units sold on January 12, 2011, less than a month after reaching Beta. By November 7, 2011, the game had sold 4 million units.

System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
OpenGL: 1.4
Processor: 2.0 MHz (Single Core)
RAM: 500 MB(XP) ngelag banget gan, 1.5 GB(7), 2.0 GB(Vista)
Hard Drive: 80 MB Free
Video: 128MB RAM

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
OpenGL: 2.0
Processor: 2.5 MHz (Single Core)
RAM: 2 GB(XP), 3 GB(Vista/7)
Hard Drive: 256 MB Free
Video: 128MB RAM

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