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apaloetoedAvatar border
[share] repair bad sector coba dlu gan :betty
langsung aja ya gan emoticon-Cendol (S)
Sectors are the smallest units on the hard disk in which the data is stored. A bad sector on the hard drive is created when that particular sector goes defunct. Bad sectors may be created because of using the hard disk for a considerable amount of time. Other reason for bad sectors on hard drive is physical damage. There are many types of errors that may come up on the screen due to hard drive problems. If there are errors on the computer monitor, but there is no clicking or scraping noise from the hard disk, it may be a problem that can be resolved by using a software application. But if there is a certain noise coming from the hard drive, it may be a serious hardware issue which only needs to be repaired by a professional PC repair shop. If your hard drive is in warranty, you can get it repaired at no charge at all. If these sectors go bad, the data stored thereon is lost and cannot be accessible. However, data on other sectors of the disk will remain as it is.
itu penjelasanya gan kira" emoticon-Cendol (S)
ini gan tutorial nya
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timpukin ane pakeemoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)dong gan ane haus nih emoticon-Berduka (S)
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Diubah oleh apaloetoed 17-01-2013 02:19
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