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Official Fans Thread Aelke Mariska
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Official Fans Thread Aelke Mariska
Nenk Elke emoticon-Embarrassment
(Dy sendiri maunya di panggil Elke emoticon-Embarrassment)

Official Fans Thread Aelke Mariska

[quote=]Banyak yang mengira kalau Aelke itu orang jepang, tapi kenyataannya Aelke sendiri adalah orang Indonesia. Iklan Pocary Sweat merupakan kemunculan ke-duanya di Televisi (sebelumnya Elke maen iklan Advan, videonya ada di bawah) dan iklan pocari tsb menjadi salah satu iklan paling populer saat ini di Indonesia.[/quote]
Bukti Aelka Mariska IGO
(Message to Message ane & nenk Elke di fb emoticon-Embarrassment) :
Official Fans Thread Aelke Mariska

Official Fans Thread Aelke Mariska

ternyata Nenk Elke orangnya Baik & Ramah gan emoticon-Malu
syg dia blm tertarik untuk ngaskus emoticon-Mewek
[quote=]Artist name:
- Aelke Mariska

- 17 November 1988

- 168 cm

- Design, Photography, World History, Crafts, Myth, Journal

- PT Mitra Adiperkasa ,Tbk
Junior Graphic Designer
Corporate Communication
Annual Reports 2010
Corporate Video 2010

- Henlie Photography
Graphic designer
Wedding Photobook
Baby Photobook
Graduation Photobook of Tarumanegara University

- PT. Rekta MediART
Graphic designer

- Trisakti University Class of 2007
Visual Communication Design Major

High School :
- IPEKA Tomang Christian School Class of 2004

Religious Views:
- Agnostic
(Agnostisisme adalah pandangan bahwa nilai kebenaran klaim tertentu-terutama klaim tentang keberadaan atau non-keberadaan dewa, tapi juga mengklaim agama dan metafisik lainnya-tidak diketahui atau tidak dapat diketahui. Agnostisisme dapat didefinisikan dalam berbagai cara, dan kadang-kadang digunakan untuk menunjukkan keraguan atau pendekatan skeptis terhadap pertanyaan. Dalam beberapa indera, agnostisisme adalah sebuah sikap tentang kesamaan atau perbedaan antara keyakinan dan pengetahuan, daripada tentang setiap klaim tertentu atau kepercayaan.)emoticon-No Sara Please

Political Views:
- None

Favorite Quotations:
You got a dream.. You gotta protect it!

"If your creativity is not your passion,
there won’t be passion in your creativity.
Be passionate… and never sell yourself cheap"


People Who Inspire Aelke:

About Aelke:
Im a dreamer..

I'm a dreamer and gotta be achiever, when u are trying to reach out the dream in your hand,
It's a lot of fun, but it's also a lot of hardwork.

but the most important thing is, it makes story of my life

?????, Aelke???

Im not a genius nor brilliance..
i have to study and work harder than everyone to make an effort. I really understand the meaning of 'Life is challange' which everyone have to meet it.

My life span is just about studying and running head of deadline. Im taking Design Major at Trisakti University and working in design field. its quite pleasing for me.. coz i love design, a lot.
The more I waste my time in front of my computer, the more irresistible it becomes.

Annoying thing

In this nowdays world of lie, hype, complex, false doctrine and weird practices,
Im searchin' for sincerity

Im quite irritated of a living thing called "GUY"
most of them, are easy to say "I love u",
even they are absolutely have no idea about Love..
i really appreciate "sincerity"
at the heart, sincerity is honesty in all your ways..
I have juz a few of pal, i could call 'friend' who are trusted
I think, If we can keep simple and sincere, we can have a positive longterm effect on thousands.
no need selfishness.. or a fake called LOVE.

I hate someone, who are fooling around with bullshit and Gossip!
don't u have other things to do?
my brother said "low people talk about people, middle people talk about event, High people talk about Idea", and im 100% agree with him..
If you are someone who talks behind people’s backs, even those who like you will come to mistrust you.

I despise someone who talking in haughty tone of himself.. coz its really really.. disgusting..

Interested In:
- Men and Women

Relationship Status:
- In a relationship emoticon-noroseemoticon-Berduka (S)

Sex :
- Female


Dikarenakan tdk blh share FB & situs2 Social network lainnya dimari..
maka semua sosial network Elke ane hapus emoticon-Embarrassment
Spoiler for Peringatan dari Momod Benkyo:

Bagi *AelkeHolic
yang ingin mengikuti terus perkembangan Elke
atau Up To Date All About Aelke Mariska bisa join di :
Group AelkeHolic
AelkeHolic Family

AelkeHolic Family

*Sebutan fans & friends Aelke Mariska

- Join SG Aelke Mariska @ KASKUS emoticon-shakehand :
Official Fans Thread Aelke Mariska
Aelke Mariska


sebelumnya elke juga pernah nongol di iklan advan.
Silahkan buffering, cuma 30 detik doang. ^^
Spoiler for Iklan Advan:

Buat yang belum liat iklannya emoticon-Big Grin
Spoiler for :

Versi Kaskus nya nih gan emoticon-Big Grin
Spoiler for :

Tambahan dari agan .Alex.Kaharudin
(makasih gan, bantu2 apdetnya emoticon-Big Grin)
Spoiler for :

bagi agan2 yang pengen download Jingle Theme nya nih emoticon-Big Grin :
Penyanyi jingle namanya [COLOR[/youtube]
Jingle Theme Pocari Sweat

nih penyanyi asli nya gan emoticon-Big Grin :
Spoiler for Ryutaro Makino:

Liriknya nih gan emoticon-Big Grin:
Hateshinai ao no mukou e
Bokutachiro mirai wa hiro garu,
Beautiful day
Kimi to boku ga koko ni iru
Hashi tabun dake michi wa no miru kara
Day by day
Ima wo iki yo..
emoticon-Big Grin


lanjut Photo2 & Videonya di bwh yah gan emoticon-Big Grin
dan jg bbrp Hasil Karya Seni Nenk Aelke Mariska
emoticon-2 Jempol



Welcome Back Aelke Mariska emoticon-Malu

Finally she make a new facebook emoticon-Stick Out Tongue

Info lebih lengkap tentang pertanyaan yg sering di ajukan bisa di lihat
disini : [url=http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_100162753411440&ap=1#!/notes/aelke-mariska/frequently-asked-questions/124330070984009]Frequently Asked Questions[/url]

<untuk apdetan iklan yang baru ada di post #12>
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