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-=Juventus FC Sp.A ⭐⭐⭐ =- Casa dei Bianconeri @JuveKaskus @IndoJuveJOFC - Part 1

Welcome To Indonesian Juventini aka Juventini Kaskus Thread Stagione 2020/2021
One of Official Juventus FC Fans Club in Indonesia
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Born March 26 2005

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Agnelli furious after Juventus withdraw from Super League

La Gazzetta dello Sport suggests that Andrea Agnelli was furious when told by Juventus directors that the club would be withdrawing from the Super League project.

The Bianconeri released an official statement yesterday, confirming their decision to exit the project that initially caused protests amongst European supporters during it’s previous launch back in 2021.

Agnelli was one of the driving forces behind the Super League project alongside Real Madrid’s Florentino Perez and Barcelona’s Joan Laporta. Following Juventus’ withdrawal, the two Spanish sides are the only clubs that remain attached to the project now.

Page five of today’s Gazzetta detail how Agnelli was personally informed of Juventus’ decision to withdraw from the Super League in a phone call with the club’s directors.

The former Bianconeri president didn’t take the news well, furiously accusing them of managing the club with a ‘medieval attitude’.

Agnelli, alongside his counterparts at A22 Management, are now contacting clubs around Europe, even those considered at a medium level, to try and convince them to join up to the Super League project.


Sia-sia sudah usaha menandingi epl dengan esl..
menurut ane sih esl ini harusnya digenjot aja. emang bakal sulit meyakinkan klub-klub, namanya juga masih ngerintis. Tapi kalo udah ngerasain benefitnya esl, barulah klub2 kaya itu mau join. Ini udah kena tampol uefa, jadi tameng Madrid sama Barcelona doang, malah sekarang mundur. taik...
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