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  • Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire

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Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire
Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire

Ready to lay down their lives: Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire and explosions heard in the city centre as they battle Russian forces. US intel warns of plan to fly in 10,000 paratroopers and 'decapitate' government

Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire
Ukrainian forces took to the streets of Kyiv today with national guard troops pictured lining up defensive positions along a highway shortly before the sounds of gunfire and explosions rang out as they battled Russian forces for control of the capital. 

Russian troops have reached the streets of Kiev with gunfire and explosions heard in the centre of the capital 

Ukrainian soldiers tasked with defending the city blocked the streets as they prepared for the Russian attack 

Putin's men are advancing on capital from Chernobyl, in the north, and newly-captured Konotop in the east

US intelligence warns the plan is to capture the government and force them to sign a peace deal handing the country back to Russia, possibly by capturing an airport so reinforcements can be flown in

Putin's men are now thought to be inside the city, though their exact location and number is unclear. Fighting was reported in Obolon, on the city's outskirts, in the early hours as the ministry of defence told residents to make Molotov cocktails to 'repel the occupiers'. Russian forces were also spotted in Vorzel, Bucha, Irpen districts.

Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire

The Russian troops are thought to have arrived from the north-east, having pushed down from Chernobyl which was captured late yesterday. More Russian troops and armour are advancing on the capital from Konotop, in the east, having bypassed the city of Chernihiv where they ran into heavy Ukrainian resistance.

Anton Herashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, said today will be the war's 'hardest day'.

Once Kyiv is surrounded, US intelligence believes the plan will be for Russian special forces to move in and seize an airport - likely Sikorsky or Boryspil - which would then be used to fly in a much larger force of up to 10,000 paratroopers who would assault the capital.

The job of the paratroopers would be to enter the city, find Zelensky, his ministers, and parliamentarians, before forcing them to sign a peace deal handing control of the country back to Russia or a Moscow-backed puppet regime - effectively ending the war without Putin's ground forces needing to complete the difficult and bloody task of seizing and occupying the whole country.

It appears the Russians almost pulled off the plan on the first day of the invasion when 20 attack helicopters landed a crack team of troops at Antonov Airport, 15 miles to the north of Kyiv. But Ukrainian national guard units managed to retake the landing strip overnight after heavy fighting, scattering the surviving Russian attackers into the surrounding countryside. 

A Russian attack on the capital would likely be coordinated with a push by troops on southern and eastern fronts - Crimea and Donbass - aimed at pinning down Ukrainian armed forces so they cannot retreat and reinforce the city, officials told author Michael Weiss.

It may also be accompanied by bombing raids and sabotage attacks on power grids and infrastructure to sow panic and force people to flee, snarling up roads and making it difficult for forces already in Kyiv to move around. 

The plan appeared to be underway in the early hours, as explosions sounded before dawn with the city under bombardment from what the defense minister called 'horrific rocket strikes' not seen since 1941. 

Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire

Ukraine's armed forces claimed to have shot down a Russian jet over the outskirts of the city, with flaming wreckage seen falling from the sky, as Zelensky gave a national address, saying Russia has identified him as 'target number 1' of the invasion but he and his family were remaining in the city. 

He said invading Russian forces are targeting civilian areas, praising his countrymen for their 'heroism' and assuring them that the armed forces are doing 'everything possible' to protect them.  

'They say that civilian objects are not a target for them. But this is another lie of theirs. In reality, they do not distinguish between areas in which they operate,' Zelensky said in a video.

Ukrainian troops take to the streets of Kyiv with gunfire
Spoiler for Russia 'intends to take the whole of Ukraine' but FAILED its key objectives on Day 1 of war, UK defence secretary says:


---- > berita selanjutnya yg terlalu panjang, berikut bnyk foto2 dan video2 nya, ada disini semua di sumber asli nya......


Topik ini akan jd khusus diskusi ttg perang ukraina vs rusian empire, akan TS usahakan tuk slalu bd di update setiap hari nya ama TS nya.....

Bg pihak2 yg lainnya..... jk mau bantu2 tambahan sumber2 yg lain nya tuk di unggah kesini ya.... silahkan saja .....

Ane mulai update dr skrg......










Diubah oleh yoseful 12-12-2023 08:56
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‘The enemy is planning something’: Kharkiv fears new Russian attack

Since the invasion, the west has spent billions in military support to help Ukraine fend off the Russian offensive, most recently shipping the advanced Himars rocket systems to Kyiv.

But in the trenches near Ukraine’s second-biggest city, those arms deliveries felt a world away.

“Here, we simply have not seen any western weapons. All we can rely on is our Soviet-era weapon stock,” said Konstantin, an imposing figure who leads the 228th battalion of the 127th brigade of the territorial defence forces.

For four months now, Konstantin and his territorial defence formation – a unit which is part of the military but mostly made up of inexperienced volunteers – have been fighting against Russian forces just a few miles away from Kharkiv.

“Based on our intelligence, the Russians are planning something near Kharkiv,” the commander said.


Mogyla, who was speaking to the Guardian from a makeshift office at a former language school, said he first fought on the frontlines but added he was soon moved to a different unit to “analyse” the war, given his background as a software developer.

“The Russians usually start with rocket attacks, then heavy artillery comes in, and then they move in with tanks and infantry. We see the first part already happening,” Mogyla said.

Equally concerning, according to Mogyla, were the recent bits of intelligence from “western partners” that his team received, including satellite images that showed Russia massing new troops and military hardware on the frontlines near Kharkiv.

Pointing to his table screen, Mogyla showed images that, he said, indicated a recent massing of forces on the eastern side of Kharkiv near the Russian-occupied village of Shevchenkove. According to Mogyla, about 100 army units, including 50 tanks and eight battalions, were moved there three weeks ago.

“We can’t be certain when, but in the near future, they will attack,” he said, calling for the west to step up its delivery of heavy artillery weapons and drones for reconnaissance.

“In this part of Ukraine, we are even more outgunned than in the Donbas. Ukraine has one artillery piece to 15 Russian artillery pieces,” he said.

Stopping Kharkiv from getting shelled, Mogyla said, was a particularly hard task as it is only 25 miles from the border.

Analysts have pointed out that it would be impossible to stop the Russian bombardment without counter-battery fire hitting Russia, which Ukraine has promised not to do with newly sent western weapons.

The sound of Russia’s military superiority can be heard in Kharkiv almost every night when Russia launches its Iskander and other rockets from across the border. The city then goes eerily dark, so as to not provide Russian planes or artillerists with targets.


Russian troops took over some of the houses in Malaya Rohan, including Dmitry’s, where he said they looted and stole “everything, until the very last spoon”.


“We have nowhere else to go, we were sharing a one-bedroom flat with three families. This was our only home, and we need to rebuild it,” she said.

In Ksenia’s summer garden, next to an apple tree, the burnt carcass of a Russian tank had replaced the picnic table.

“I am still getting used to this uninvited guest in my backyard,” she said.

---- > bantuan alutsista NATO tuk pasukan pro kiev di ukraina timur, masih blum merata.....sehingga sebagian pasukan pro kiev msh andalkan alutsista era soviet tuk mmpertahankan tanah air nya dr serangan pasukan penjajah, khusus nya di sekitaran kharkiv city dan wilayah dotenks......
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