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Pria Teriak Alahu Akbar, Tikam 3 org, katakan Jihad, Polisi mencari Motif
Panjang Judul tidak boleh melebihi 85 karakter.
Man Screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ Stabs 3 to Death, Says It’s His ‘Jihad,’ Cops Search for Motive

Ringkasan: Mungkin yg baca judul gak perhatikan, mari baca lagi, Pria Teriak "Alahu Akbar", tikam 3 wanita sampai mati, mengatakan inilah Jihadnya. Ok cukup jelas, tapi judul berikut nya aneh bener, "POLISI MASIH CARI MOTIF" emoticon-Gila
Begitulah media dan aparat keamanan barat demikian protektif pada kelompok2 ini. Lanjut ke berita,
Seorg pria membawa pisau bernama Jibril A, menusuh 3 org sampai mati dan melukai 5 org lainnya di Jerman. Dia berteriak "allahu akbar!" dan mengaku kepada polisi bahwa ini jihadnya. Menurut media berbahasa Jerman, motif pelaku masih belum bisa di pastikan. emoticon-Big Grin

German authorities are baffled: a knife-wielding man, identified in the German media as “Jibril A.,” stabbed three people to death and injured five others in Würzburg, Germany, on Friday. Police and intelligence officials have no idea why he did it. Yes, he was screaming, “Allahu akbar!” during his attacks, and yes, he told police interrogators after he was arrested that he had now carried out his “jihad,” but really, what does that even mean? The German-language Tagesspiegel reported Saturday that “the motive for the fatal knife attack in Würzburg on Friday has still not been fully clarified.” Of course it hasn’t. After all, Islam is a religion of peace!
According to Tagesspiegel, Bavaria’s Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann, said that “it must now be determined to what extent the psychological condition of the 24-year-old Somali played a role.” Hermann revealed that “his condition had been noticed in recent months, including violent tendencies, and a few days ago he was put into compulsory psychiatric treatment.”
Hermann did acknowledge that Jibril’s screams of “Allahu akbar” and identification of his act as a “jihad” do suggest “a possible Islamist motive, and that is also part of the investigation,” but it’s clear that German authorities are favoring the idea that Jibril is mentally ill over the possibility that he is a jihad terrorist. German government spokesman Steffen Seibert tweeted Saturday: “The investigation will reveal what the motive was of the gunman from #Würzburg. One thing is certain: His horrific act is directed against all humanity and every religion. All thoughts and prayers are with the seriously injured and the families of the victims in their pain today.”
Those thoughts and prayers are no doubt going to go a long way toward fixing this problem, but Seibert’s claim that Jibril’s attack was against “all humanity and every religion” is hard to square with the attacker’s own claim that he was engaging in a “jihad.” Jihad is a theological concept in the Islamic religion that involves, among other things, warfare against non-Muslims until they accept the hegemony of Islamic law, which mandates a detailed and institutionalized second-class status for those outside the Islamic fold. The Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, tells Muslims: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not practice the religion of truth, even if they are of the People of the Book [that is, primarily Jews and Christians] — until they pay the jizya [a poll tax] with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (9:29) And more succinctly: “Fight them, till there is no persecution and religion is all for Allah.” (8:39)
There is more. Read the rest here.
Sumber JIhad Watch
Pria Teriak Alahu Akbar, Tikam 3 org, katakan Jihad, Polisi mencari Motif
Diubah oleh orderic 09-07-2021 02:34
anton2019827 dan 4 lainnya memberi reputasi
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