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Jozeph Sebut Agama Dilahirkan dari Hoaks dan Rakyat Indonesia Dididik Memercayainya
Jozeph Paul Zhang baru-baru ini menanggapi kabar dirinya yang menjadi tersangka hingga buron di Tanah Air.

Rupanya sosok yang katanya bernama asli Shindy Paul Soerjomoelyono sama sekali tak terima menjadi buronan pihak kepolisian.

Selain itu, Jozeph juga marah lantaran pernyataan Menteri Agama, yakni Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

Hal itu karena sebelumnya, Gus Yaqut menilai bahwa pernyataan Jozeph sudah mengarah pada penistaan agama.

Oleh karena itu, Jozeph Paul Zhang kemudian melakukan siaran langsung di kanal YouTube miliknya pada Rabu dini hari tadi, 21 April 2021.

Dalam video itu, Jozeph mengawalinya dengan menyinggung perihal penutupan sejumlah gereja.

Tak lama, ia pun sampai kepada pembahasan di mana ia merasa tak terima dirinya dianggap buronan dan masuk Daftar Pencarian Orang (DPO) serta dituding sengaja bersembunyi.

Menurut Jozeph, dirinya tidaklah sulit untuk dihubungi. Oleh karena itu, ia pun mengaku heran dan mempertanyakan letak masalahnya di mana.

“Ternyata saya bisa dihubungin, ‘kan? Saya enggak DPO, ‘kan? Saya tidak sulit, kok, dihubungin. Ada masalah apa?” tanyanya seolah menantang, dikutip terkini.id dari PojokSatu pada Rabu, 21 April 2021.

Jozeph kemudian menilai bahwasanya dengan menetapkan dirinya sebagai buronan dan DPO, itu sama artinya rakyat Indonesia saat ini tengah dididik untuk percaya kepada berita hoaks.

Jozeph lalu menyebut bahwa itu merupakan buah dari agama hingga pada akhirnya ia mengeluarkan statement perihal agama yang menurutnya memang dilahirkan dari hoaks semata dan rakyat Indonesia dididik untuk memercayainya.

“Artinya Anda sedang didik rakyat Indonesia untuk percaya kepada hoaks. Itulah buah dari agama, hoaks. Agama memang dilahirkan dari hoaks,” pungkas Jozeph Paul Zhang.


ternyata doi agnostik/atheisemoticon-Embarrassment

jgn gitulah brader..emang agama tu konyol,tp ngeri efek kisruh yg kamu bikinemoticon-Embarrassment

tp saya setuju apa yg disampaikan brader satu ini bahwa agama lahir dari hoax..lbh tepatnya dari org mesopotamia yg nge beer tiap hari ( minum beer berarti survive /minuman plg aman bagi mereka krn sungai2 dicemari pipa2 limbah rumah tangga ) sambil berhalusinasi ngeliat langit dan bintangemoticon-Embarrassment

dr agama mesopotamia kemudian di rip off oleh samawi menjadi agama monotheis

Jozeph Sebut Agama Dilahirkan dari Hoaks dan Rakyat Indonesia Dididik Memercayainya




pembicaranya adalah profesor yg terbaik dibidang old testament/tanakh,namanya christine hayes

christine hayes education :

Hayes attended Harvard University and received her B.A. summa cum laude in the Study of Religion in 1984
. She continued her education at the University of California, Berkeley, (including an exchange year at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem) earning first an M.A. in 1988, and her PhD in 1993.[5] Her PhD dissertation, "Between the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds: Accounting for Halakhic difference in selected Sugyot from tractate Avodah Zarah" sought to compare and account for halakhic differences between the two Talmuds.


Hayes' scholarship addresses a wide range of historical, literary, legal, and philosophical topics in biblical and rabbinic literature. Her second book, Gentile Impurities and Jewish Identities: Intermarriage and Conversion from the Bible to the Talmud, is a work of cultural history. It examines the diverse ways in which biblical, Second Temple, and rabbinic sources employ purity language to construct Jewish identity and to inscribe and police community boundaries with varying degrees of porousness. Her most recent book, What's Divine about Divine Law? Early Perspectives, traces two radically distinct conceptions of divine law – Greco-Roman natural law grounded in reason and biblical law grounded in divine being's will -- that emerged in antiquity and confronted one another in the Hellenistic period. According to Hayes, their confrontation created a cognitive dissonance for those who felt compelled to negotiate the claims of both traditions. In a series of interconnected close readings, Hayes charts the creative and conflicting responses to this cognitive dissonance. Second Temple and Hellenistic Jewish authors sought to minimize the distance between classical and biblical understandings of divine law by attributing to the Torah the qualities deemed definitive of the divine natural law by the Stoic tradition: truth, rationality, universality, and immutability. By contrast, Paul sought to widen the gap, representing the Torah of Moses as possessing none of the traits of the Hellenistic divine/natural law and all of the traits of conventional positive law. Hayes argues that a third path was taken by the talmudic rabbis, whose unique and surprising construction of divine law resisted the Hellenistic and Pauline conceptions that would come to dominate the Christianized west.

In 2006, Hayes' Introduction to Hebrew Bible course was selected by Yale as a pilot for the university's Open Courses online platform allowing anyone around the world to access course materials and recordings of the lectures.

In addition to publishing numerous books and publications, Hayes has also dedicated time to institutions supporting Jewish Studies research and scholarship. From 2012 to 2016, Hayes served as the co-editor of the Association of Jewish Studies Review. In 2017, she was elected president of the Association for Jewish Studies.

buku yg ia terbitkan :

What's Divine about Divine Law?. Princeton University Press. 2015. ISBN 978-1400866410. OCLC 1034233639.[note 2]

Gentile impurities and Jewish identities : intermarriage and conversion from the Bible to the Talmud. Oxford University Press. 2004. ISBN 0195151208. OCLC 57502065.

Between the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds : accounting for Halakhic difference in selected Sugyot from tractate Avodah Zarah. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0195098846. OCLC 470282018.[note 3]

Winner of the:

2015 National Jewish Book Award in the category of Scholarship
2016 Jordan Schnitzer Award from the Association for Jewish Studies
2016 PROSE award in the category of Theology and Religious Studies, given by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing (PSP) Division of the Association of American Publishers (AAP)
Winner of the:
2015 National Jewish Book Award in the category of Scholarship
2016 Jordan Schnitzer Award from the Association for Jewish Studies
2016 PROSE award in the category of Theology and Religious Studies, given by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing (PSP) Division of the Association of American Publishers (AAP)
Awarded the 1999 Salo Baron Prize for a first book in Jewish Thought and Literature by the American Academy for Jewish Research.

Diubah oleh dispenserr 21-04-2021 02:06
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orang ini ngomongnya mancla mencle kaya orang gila.
sekarang omong agama hoax padahal kemarin sesumbar baptis ratusan orang terus dibaptis apanya.
omongannya kok kontraditif emoticon-Big Grin
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