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Translation thread request English<->Indonesia. ONLY HERE!
Thread ini khusus untuk pertanyaan mengenai terjemahan dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dan sebaliknya. Pertanyaan boleh dalam bahasa Indonesia, no junker is allowed, yang tanya hal2 berbau SARA ,BB17, dll akan otomatis di delete dan usernya bisa di Ban.

Everyone is welcome to ask questions and to answer them, do not be afraid if you get it wrong, we are all here to improve our English.

Just a few quick reminders, here are some general guidelines for those posting questions:
- You should try your best to work on the translation on your own, post the result and then ask for assistance.
NOTE: Google translate and other similar tools does not count in trying your best.
- I cannot emphasize this enough, this is not a thread to do your homework nor does anyone here is obligated to answer any question.
- Any request for translating homework, project, etc without prior effort will be banned for 3 months.

- Please do not put your request under QUOTE
- Please be patient in waiting for a response, everyone here is doing it out of the kindness of their heart in their spare time. When asking for rushed translation, bear this in mind: "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
- Please be considerate in the length of your translation request. One paragraph is about the maximum length for a translation.

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- You are not obligated to answer every request here but when you do answer, please do your best in answering the question in a precise and concise manner.
- The subtle intricacy of translation allows for various interpretation within a single context. Feel free to correct others but don't forget to put your reasoning and please be considerate to others and do it in a polite and friendly way.
- Be open minded when someone corrected your translation or offer a different version.
- Please do not forget to multi-quote the original question(s) you are trying to answer to avoid confusion.

There is one standing rule:
Spoiler for example:

You want to cut yourself, fine. Cry yourself to sleep, fine. But when you start threatening others, you crossed the line ! I don't care if you don't mean it and just being dramatically emo, harming others will not be tolerated.

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Diubah oleh Fadel999 13-03-2018 05:09
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Is it OK to ask grammatical question here? If it is not OK, you can inform me to move this reply elsewhere.

I already ask this question at, but I want another responses from you guys. I will post same question here.

I read from A Comprehensive Grammar of English Language (Quirk, 1985) that sporadic usage of definite article "the" indicates about about location but not a specific one, but an institutionalized one. "We call this the sporadic use of the, because reference is made to an institution which may be observed recurrently at various places and times". When someone says "My sister goes to the theatre every month", with situational usage, we said that his/her sister goes to a particular theatre. But with this new sporadic usage, we can't ask which theatre his/her sister is going to because it will be inappropriate Quirk says in his book.

But now I read another part of the book, "We have already mentioned (cf. 5.33) the use of the in noun phrases with 'sporadic' definite reference, as in the radio, the theatre. In other cases, however, the sporadic use has become so institutionalized that the article is not used." This says that when the same word is used without article (zero article), it becomes quasi-locative (not indicating places, but something abstract). For example:

Be in prison = becoming a prisoner
Walk in the prison = casual visitor walking in the prison

About "Walk in the prison", the book says that the definite usage in this sentence uses cataphoric usage but "Be in prison" is in zero article usage because it is so institutionalized.

Now we got disconnected idea about sporadic usage. Sporadic usage is different from Cataphoric usage, but when it becomes so institutionalized, Zero article is incomparable to cataphoric usage, which now doesn't include the sporadic usage. So, should sporadic usage be placed in the middle of zero article usage and cataphoric usage, or in "very institutionalized" usage of zero, we can attach "the" to reduce its institutional meaning to become close to locative meaning?

Ini maksudnya adalah:
Kan ada "cataphoric usage" untuk menyatakan perincian acuan karena pemberian modifier, dan zero usage digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah begitu ter-institutionalized (sesuatu yang sudah begitu awam bagi sejarah manusia sehingga ia artinya menjadi abstrak. Seperti di be in prison dan walk in the prison, artinya ketika tidak ditambah the adalah menjadi seorang narapidana, ketika ditambahkan the, penggunaanya menjadi cataphoric, yaitu dia adalah pengunjung yang sedang berjalan-jalan di suatu penjara.

Dibanding dengan cataphoric usage yang bersifat unik, di sporadic usage, kita tidak bisa bertanya Which theatre? karena bioskop yang dimaksud bisa berada di sekitar tempat tinggal pelaku yang jika kita ingin meneliti dimana dia berada atau apabila lebih dari satu tempat di suatu lingkup, kita bisa anggap bahwa dia berada di salah satu bioskop yang ada di suatu lingkungan.

Nah, disini ada sesuatu yang putus, karena perbandingan zero article dilakukan dengan cataphoric usage, sedangkan perbandingan zero article dengan sporadic usage tidak dilakukan, Pertanyaan saya adalah apakah sporadic usage lebih sempit abstraksinya daripada zero article, atau bisa jadi yang lain dan coba berikan contohnya. Atau apabila ini tidak benar berikan sangkalannya.

Percayalah, ini bukan tugas sekolah. Ini hanya keingintahuan saya saja.

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