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Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )
Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

♋︎ Ghost of Tsushima is an upcoming third-person open-world action-stealth video game being developed by Sucker Punch Productions exclusively for the PlayStation 4. It takes place in 1274 on the island of Tsushima in Japan. The player controls the hero, Jin, as he fights back against a Mongol invasion.
The year is 1274. Samurai warriors are the legendary defenders of Japan--until the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the island of Tsushima, wreaking havoc and conquering the local population. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. But, honorable tactics won't lead you to victory. You must move beyond your samurai traditions to forge a new way of fighting--the way of the Ghost--as you wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Japan.

Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

official website Ghost of Tsushima

The next open world adventure from Sucker Punch has been revealed. Creative Director Nate Fox and Creative/Art Director Jason Connell talk about how Sucker Punch decided on Ghost of Tsushima as their next project, and what they have in store for the open world design.

The game is coming soon , if you have some ideas, comments and wishlist about this game can be discussed here, welcome to post emoticon-Smilie 🔪

Story trailer


First Trailer

Sucker Punch interview

Diubah oleh zombiedez 26-06-2020 17:16
hikarinosenshi dan 16 lainnya memberi reputasi
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Ghost of Tsushima ( PlayStation Exclusive )

Selesai jg emoticon-Kiss (S)
abis kelar lgsg berasa kosong map emoticon-Hammer (S)

Main story agak pendek. berasa speedrun. untung sidequest byk + ceritanya bgs2. secara art emg mantap ni game. pas Mysthic Tales keren gaya narasinya.

combat ga usah d tanya, bisa pake bbrp cara buat bunuh musuh. plg keren pake smoke bomb trus assassin kill deh. bisa pake stciky bomb trus tinggal eksekusi.

tp AI musuh bikin rusak mood. oonnya minta mapun emoticon-Cape d... (S) uda masuk lewat gerbang utama pake kuda trus hajar sana sini terang2an tetp aja ada musuh yg diem aja d posisinya. ga nyadar campnya lg d serbu, pdhl uda d kasi niup terompet emoticon-Busa mau lewat depan mata jg celingak celinguk dulu nunggu radar sampe merah baru ngeh emoticon-Hammer

clipping ni game jg parah, Jin kadang main pake lewat aja mesti depannya ada brg kyk gerobak ato bambu. klo busur lg nempel d punngung, Jin duduk pasti ujungnya nembus lantai. ato ga jubahnya d tiup angin nembus busur. pas ngasi hormat di shrine, pasti tgnnya nembus baju bag luarnya

tp yg paling ngeselin d game ini si golden bird emoticon-Mad
mis. kita mark poi d map, bs pake gust wind nuju lokasi kagak butuh dia tp tetep aja dianya nongol. kadang uda nyampe lokasi dia baru nongol emoticon-Hammer mana berisik pula. kita cuekin dianya ciap2 mulu pas masih d lokasi. kadang malah d samperin biar kitanya ngikut. masih fox, nganterin kita ke tempat yg ga d mark d map.

Spoiler for story:

sony kyknya underestimate ni game emoticon-Big Grin
mgkn efek Days Gone. di jepun sampe kehabisan versi fisik
roland_cld dan 2 lainnya memberi reputasi
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