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Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO
Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO
Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not represent the views of Microsoft News or Microsoft.

The World Health Organization isn’t just “China centric,” as President Trump called it on Tuesday. It is also broken and compromised. The WHO fell short in its dithering reaction to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, which claimed more than 11,000 lives. Now its response to the coronavirus pandemic shows it is willing to put politics ahead of public health. The way the WHO has consistently acted to placate China’s leaders makes clear the need for fundamental reform.

The U.S. is the biggest financial contributor to the WHO—more than $400 million in 2019, when China sent only $44 million, according to the U.S. State Department. Mr. Trump suggested that the U.S. might hold its funding while his administration takes a “good look” at what the country is getting for its money. He and Congress should go further.

While Washington pays, Beijing works behind the scenes to influence WHO leaders. The current director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was backed strongly by the Chinese government during his campaign for the job. Mr. Tedros was a controversial pick, dogged by allegations of having covered up cholera outbreaks in his native Ethiopia, where he served as health minister (2005-12) and foreign minister (2012-16). During those years, China invested in Ethiopia and lent it billions of dollars. Shortly after winning his WHO election, Mr. Tedros traveled to Beijing and lauded the country’s health-care system: “We can all learn something from China.”

Under Mr. Tedros’s leadership, the WHO has accepted China’s falsehoods about the coronavirus and helped launder them into respectable-looking public-health assessments.

On Jan. 14, before an official WHO delegation had even visited China, the group parroted Beijing’s claim that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.” Two weeks later, after China had reported more than 4,500 cases of the virus and over 70 people in other countries were sick with it, Mr. Tedros visited China and heaped praise on its leaders for their “transparency.”

Recall that China waited six weeks after patients first saw symptoms in Wuhan to institute a lockdown there. During this time Chinese authorities censored and punished physicians who tried to sound the alarm, repeatedly denied that the virus could be transmitted between humans, and held a public banquet in Wuhan for tens of thousands of families. In the meantime, more than five million people left or fled Wuhan, according to the city’s mayor. This included the patient with the first confirmed case of the virus in America.

The WHO finally declared a public-health emergency on Jan. 30, after nearly 10,000 cases of the virus had been confirmed. China’s reported figures rose in early February to more than 17,000 infections and 361 deaths, yet Mr. Tedros rebuked Mr. Trump for restricting travel from China and urged other countries not to follow suit. He called the virus’s spread outside China “minimal and slow.” It took until March 11 for the WHO to declare a pandemic. By that point the official world-wide case count was 118,000 people in 114 countries.

China’s influence is also apparent in the WHO’s exclusion of Taiwan. The WHO didn’t even bother replying to Taiwanese inquiries in December about whether the coronavirus could, contrary to Beijing’s claims, be transmitted between humans.

Last month a Hong Kong TV reporter asked Bruce Aylward, who leads the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus, if the organization would reconsider its refusal to allow Taiwan to join. Dr. Aylward, on a remote video connection, sits silent and expressionless for nearly 10 seconds before the reporter prompts him again: “Hello?”

“I’m sorry,” he finally says, “I couldn’t hear—I can’t hear your question, Yvonne.”

“Let me repeat the question,” she says.

“No, that’s OK. Let’s move to another one then.”

When she presses him on Taiwan, he terminates the connection. The reporter calls back and tries a different tack: “I just want to see if you can comment a bit on how Taiwan has done so far in terms of containing the virus.”

His reply: “Well, we’ve already talked about China, and, you know, when you look across all the different areas of China, they’ve actually all done quite a good job.”

The exchange demonstrates how the WHO prioritizes politics over public health. It has internalized Beijing’s view of Taiwan and seeks to praise China’s leaders at every turn. And at no point during the crisis has the WHO substantively investigated the Chinese regime’s claims about the virus or been transparent about the thinking behind its decisions.

As the biggest financial contributor to the WHO, the U.S. has the leverage to push for radical reform. Congress should condition all future funding on the WHO’s explaining in detail how it reaches its public-health decisions and rigorously and independently investigating the extent of disease outbreaks.

The U.S. should work aggressively to change the culture and leadership of the WHO. The Trump administration took a good first step in January by creating a special envoy at the State Department focused on countering China’s attempts to control international organizations. The WHO’s next director-general must not be a rubber stamp for Beijing.

If efforts to transform the WHO are ineffective, the U.S. may have no choice but to walk away and start over. That could mean creating an alternative organization open to any country willing to abide by higher standards of transparency, good governance and the sharing of best practices. The world needs an organization that can be trusted to address public-health problems that transcend borders—if not the WHO, then something else.

Mr. Chen is a fellow at the Hoover Institution and director of domestic policy studies in the public policy program at Stanford University.

Mudah-mudahan kedepannya masyarakat dunia lebih berhati-hati mempercayai sesuatu, apalagi kalau track recordnya adalah tukang tipu
Diubah oleh akun.internet 09-04-2020 12:30
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Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO

Over the course of the course of the outbreak, the narrative surrounding Covid-19 has changed from “China did great in containing the virus” to “China covered up the virus for weeks, CCP must be held accountable”. Many have started to parrot the Chinese “cover up” blindly without looking into the claims.

The “cover up” is largely a false narrative that was initially propagated by various news outlets, like the New York Times and the Guardian.

On March 21, leaked cables and statements from officials revealed the US State Department had informed its officials to propagate the coverup myth in order to distract the American public from its own failures.

“These talking points are all anyone is really talking about right now,” one official said. “Everything is about China. We’re being told to try and get this messaging out in any way possible, including press conferences and television appearances.”

The main claims of Chinese coverups by Western media:

1. China arrested whistleblower Li Wenliang to silence him

On December 30, Li Wenliang sent some messages to a private Wechat group with a few of his friends, claiming that he saw patient scans and that “There has been 7 confirmed cases of SARS”

Li Wenliang was an opthalmologist (a doctor specialised in eye disorders), who claimed that the virus outbreak was confirmed to be SARS. This was objectively false information spread by a doctor in an unrelated field, obviously he would get censured for spreading rumours. Also, contrary to popular belief, he was not arrested at all, only told by the police to stop spreading rumours and sign a notice. He was reportedly at the police station for only an hour, hardly as serious as Western media have made it sound.

Another important point that counters the “coverup” theory. He was called down to the police on 3 January, four days after China had already informed the WHO.

This post goes into further detail debunking the New York Times claim that Li Wenliang was a whistleblower and shows how they twisted the story to suit their narrative: https://mronline.org/2020/03/05/yell...g-an-epidemic/

Another example of how the New York Times twists information:
Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO

2. China issued gag order and instructions to destroy samples on January 3rd

The New York Post, claims that China’s National Health Commission’s issuing of gag order and instructions to destroy the samples on January 3rd was evidence of coverup.

There are 2 problems with this claim. Firstly, China already informed the WHO of the virus 4 days prior, on 31 December. There is no reason China would inform the WHO voluntarily if they were going to try and cover it up.

Secondly, they intentionally left out the reasoning behind the NHC’s actions, which is that commercial gene sequencing companies are not allowed to process highly contagious viruses. “China’s NHC published an announcement classifying the coronavirus as a highly pathogenic micro-organism (type 2), and requested all samples to be handed to provincial or higher level health authorities. All other organizations or person with the virus sample should either destroy or transfer them”

[Url]http://china.caixin.com/2020-02-26/101520972.html [/url]


3. China covered up whether it was human-to-human transmissible

This SCMP article quoting the New England Medical Journal is frequently used as evidence that China covered up information about its transmissibility. The journal states that “there is evidence that human-to-human transmission has occurred among close contacts since the middle of December 2019.”

This Vox article quoting Lancet presents two cases of human-to-human transmission before January 20. One is the wife of the first person who died. The other is a family in Shenzhen.

Yes, both China and WHO knew about these cases and did not declare the virus was human-to-human transmissible at the time.

That is because “limited human-to-human transmission between close contacts” is not the same as declaring it “human-to-human transmissible”. For it to be officially declared “human-to-human transmissible” there had to be evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission. https://twitter.com/WHOWPRO/status/1...41294291308545

It was only when there was widespread infection to medical staff on the 20th of January that there was sufficient evidence to declare it was “human-to-human transmissible”.

4. China faked the numbers

Few media outlets have actually made this claim, but instead many commentators have claimed, without a shred of evidence that China must be faking its numbers because Italy had a higher mortality rate.

Simply compare the mortality rate and spread with other countries. Germany, South Korea and many other countries reported much lower cases and mortality rates. China’s mortality rate is nothing special, right in the middle. Italy also started to peak around 2 weeks after quarantine began, right in line with statistics from Wuhan at the time of its quarantine.

There are things you can’t hide, like mass graves, trucks full of dead bodies. China has not had any of these reports despite thousands of Western reporters trying to dig for scoops. Maybe bureaucracy might cause a few unreported cases here and there, but there has been no evidence at all of a mass coverup of cases and deaths.

Reports of imported cases in South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan also show that the number of cases from China has drastically decreased, so unless they’re lying, it shows that China has contained the virus.

On the other hand, Japan has been underreporting its cases, using only one sixth of its capacity despite WHO encouraging states to make as many tests as possible. France excluded people dying in homes or nursing homes from death numbers. An Italian mayor leaked that many who died in their homes are not counted in death numbers. Yet somehow no Western media reports them as coverups.

Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO

5. Various other tabloid claims of 40,000 urns, 21 million cellphone users gone, 1500 asymptomatic cases, Dr Ai Fen disappeared, US state department claim

Claims of 40,000 urns came from Radio Free Asia, which arrived at the figure through bullshit extrapolation. Debunked here

21 million cell phone users stopped services due to cessation of businesses, not because they all died, revealed by AP.

1500 asymptomatic cases were already counted and reported as suspected cases by China’s CDC. China voluntarily started to include these cases as confirmed cases, when pretty much all other countries only counted cases with severe symptoms. Even foreigners have called the bullshit of Western media.

Dr Ai Fen’s was claimed by Radio Free Asia to have disappeared because she did not appear on social media for a week. Debunked here

US state department report that China covered up was revealed by “unnamed sources”. And that’s assuming the US state department, which brought us Iraq and Libyan wars, reports on China credibly

Commendations of China’s response to COVID-19

Donald Trump

Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO

Yes, Donald Trump and the rest of his government knew China was transparent and took great measures to contain the virus.

It was only when the virus exposed how incompetent the US was that he decided to switch to attacking China, spreading the cover-up myth to distract Americans, as I detailed in another post: https://asia-review.com/2020/03/20/h...-incompetence/

Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday that blaming China for the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is unfair and called for countries to focus on solving the health crisis.

“I’m sure that there are many aspects of the Chinese response to this outbreak, which they would look back upon and believe that they should have done better,” Lee told “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN. “But I don’t think overall that one can say this would not have happened if only the Chinese had done the right thing.”

CNN host Zakaria asked him if claims of a Chinese “cover-up,” especially by some U.S. politicians such as U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, was fair comment.

Lee pointed out that when looking at the development patterns of the virus outbreak in many other countries, “they don’t have the Chinese government, and yet they have not found it easy to keep the outbreak under control in their country.”


Bill Gates
Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO

Bill Gates counters the common perception of China faking its numbers.

Science Magazine

“Responding to an outbreak of a novel coronavirus (agent of COVID-19) in December 2019, China banned travel to and from Wuhan city on 23 January and implemented a national emergency response.

We investigated the spread and control of COVID-19 using a unique data set including case reports, human movement and public health interventions.

The Wuhan shutdown was associated with the delayed arrival of COVID-19 in other cities by 2.91 days (95%CI: 2.54-3.29). Cities that implemented control measures pre-emptively reported fewer cases, on average, in the first week of their outbreaks (13.0; 7.1-18.8) compared with cities that started control later (20.6; 14.5-26.8).

Suspending intra-city public transport, closing entertainment venues and banning public gatherings were associated with reductions in case incidence. The national emergency response appears to have delayed the growth and limited the size of the COVID-19 epidemic in China, averting hundreds of thousands of cases by 19 February”


WHO Joint Mission

The WHO Joint Mission consisted of 25 national and international experts. It was headed by Dr. Bruce Aylward of WHO and Dr Wannian Liang of the People’s Republic of China. The Joint Mission was implemented over a 9-day period from 16-24 February 2020.

1. In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history. The strategy that underpinned this containment effort was initially a national approach that promoted universal temperature monitoring, masking, and hand washing. However, as the outbreak evolved, and knowledge was gained, a science and risk-based approach was taken to tailor implementation. Specific containment measures were adjusted to the provincial, county and even community context, the capacity of the setting, and the nature of novel coronavirus transmission there.

2. Achieving China’s exceptional coverage with and adherence to these containment measures has only been possible due to the deep commitment of the Chinese people to collective action in the face of this common threat. At a community level this is reflected in the remarkable solidarity of provinces and cities in support of the most vulnerable populations and communities. Despite ongoing outbreaks in their own areas, Governors and Mayors have continued to send thousands of health care workers and tons of vital PPE supplies into Hubei province and Wuhan city.

3. China’s bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic.
A particularly compelling statistic is that on the first day of the advance team’s work there were 2478 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in China. Two weeks later, on the final day of this Mission, China reported 409 newly confirmed cases. This decline in COVID-19 cases across China is real.

4. China is already, and rightfully, working to bolster its economy, reopen its schools and return to a more normal semblance of its society, even as it works to contain the remaining chains of COVID-19 transmission.
Appropriately, a science-based, riskinformed and phased approach is being taken, with a clear recognition and readiness of the need to immediately react to any new COVID-19 cases or clusters as key elements of the containment strategy are lifted.

Full report: https://www.who.int/docs/default-sou...nal-report.pdf


China’s response to the outbreak of Covid-19 has been exceedingly transparent, swift, effective and lifesaving.

However, the narrative has been hijacked by a few Western media outlets to propagate a cover-up using nitpicked events that were twisted to fit their narrative.

The reason it has been succesful is because it aligns with pre-existing Western biases about China’s government being untrustworthy liars.

No amount of re-writing history will change the objective reality that China faced an entirely new virus, had to do all the discovery from scratch, and still had the fastest and most aggressive response. And nothing will change how the entire western world, despite having all the homework done for them, still failed to react until thousands or tens of thousands of cases emerged.

Further reading:

How the New York Times spun a fake narrative of Chinese coverup: https://mronline.org/2020/03/05/yell...g-an-epidemic/

The real timeline of Covid-19:

China and the coronavirus: https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/c...e_coronavirus/

Lost in Beijing: The Story of the WHO

Source: Debunk HOAX
Diubah oleh antikebohongan1 09-04-2020 15:49
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