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»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««

»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««

»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««

Full name

Futbol Club Barcelona

L'equip blaugrana (team), Culers or Culés (supporters), Blaugranes or Azulgranas (supporters)

29 November 1899 (as Foot-Ball Club Barcelona)

Camp Nou, Barcelona (Capacity: 98,772)

Josep Maria Bartomeu

Head Coach
Ernesto Valverde

On 22 october 1899, joan gamper placed an advert in los deportes declaring his wish to form a football club. A positive response resulted in a meeting at the gimnasio solé on november 29. Eleven players attended, walter wild, lluís d'ossó, bartomeu terradas, otto kunzle, otto maier, enric ducal, pere cabot, carles pujol, josep llobet, john parsons and william parsons. As a result foot-ball club barcelona was born. Several other spanish football clubs, most notably real madrid and athletic bilbao, also had british founders, and as a result they initially adopted english-style names.

Legend says that gamper was inspired to choose the club colours, blaugrana, by fc basel's crest. However, the other swiss teams gamper played for, his home canton of zürich, and merchant taylors' school in crosby, england have all been credited with or claimed to be the inspiration. Fc barcelona quickly emerged as one of the leading clubs in spain, competing in the campeonato de cataluña and the copa del rey. In 1902, the club won its first trophy, the copa macaya, and also played in the first copa del rey final, losing 2–1 to bizcaya.

In 1908, Joan Gamper became club president for the first time. Gamper took over the presidency as the club was on the verge of folding. The club had not won anything since the Campeonato de Cataluña of 1905 and its finances suffered as a result. Gamper was subsequently club president on five separate occasions between 1908 and 1925 and spent 25 years at the helm. One of his main achievements was to help Barça acquire its own stadium.

On March 14, 1909, the team moved into the Carrer Indústria, a stadium with a capacity of 8,000. Gamper also launched a campaign to recruit more club members and by 1922, the club had over 10,000. This led to the club moving again, this time to Las Cortes, which inaugurated in the same year. This stadium had an initial capacity of 22,000, later expanded to an impressive 60,000.

Gamper also recruited Jack Greenwell as manager. This saw the club's fortunes begin to improve on the field. During the Gamper era FC Barcelona won eleven Campeonato de Cataluña, six Copa del Rey and four Coupe de Pyrenées and enjoyed its first "golden age."

More than a Club

An historic slogan

The slogan “more than a Club” expresses the commitment that Futbol Club Barcelonahas maintained and still maintains beyond what belongs in the realm of sport. For many years, this commitment specifically referred to Catalan society, which for many decades of the 20th century lived under dictatorships that persecuted its language and culture. Under these circumstances, Barça always supported Catalan sentiments, and the defence of its own language and culture.
It was because of this,even though Catalan was not an official language, that in 1921 the club drafted its statutes in the language of Catalonia. It was also in this era that in 1918 the club adhered to a petition for a statute of autonomy for Catalonia, which was being demanded from all sectors of the catalanista movement.
The club’s position led to reprisals from the Spanish authorities and it was closed down for six months under the Primo de Rivera dictatorship. During the Second Spanish Republic, the club intensified its message of implication with Catalonia’s own culture and institutions. President Josep Suñol led this process using the slogan “sport and citizenship”, the purpose being to imply sports in the country’s social and cultural affairs.

Suñol, who was also a member of parliament, was shot dead early in the Spanish Civil War in 1936; and from then on, the Club came to be an icon of the defence of the Republic, as shown by the tour of Mexico and the United States in 1937. When the Civil War ended, General Franco’s dictatorship sought to destroy the club’s social significance.
It enforced the Spanish version of its name and the removal of the four Catalan stripes from the badge. Despite the dictatorship’s persistence, in the late 1960s the Club started recovering its former spirit, evident in the speeches of President Narcís de Carreras, the man who coined the famous phrase “more than a Club” in 1968. Outside of Catalonia, in many parts of Spain, Barça also became a symbol of democracy and anti-centralism. When democracy returned after the death of Franco, the Club maintained its social commitment and new ways of supporting good causes emerged, which would later be encompassed by the creation of the Club’s Foundation.

Now in the age of globalisation, Barça has extended its social commitment to the rest of the planet, with a specially significant event being the signing of an agreement with Unicef in 2006, which was a way of saying that a sports club should not be marginal to problems going on in society, in this case, the plight of children around the world. Because of this, Barça continues to be “more than a Club” both in Catalonia and elsewhere in the world, and is implied in numerous cultural, social and charity initiatives.
Below we take a look at the four of the defining traits of Futbol Club Barcelona.

CATALANISM: Since its very foundation, FC Barcelona has been intrinsically linked to its country, Catalonia, a commitment that comes from society as a whole and one that is understood by Barça fans in the rest of Spain and in the rest of the world. The Club firmly and strongly promotes Catalonia around the world. Barça supports an integrated, multicultural, fair and caring Catalonia.

UNIVERSALITY: When the Club anthem says ‘it does not matter where you come from’, it expresses the spirit of an institution open to everyone, that brings together fans from around the five continents and links them to a history in which half of the Club’s founders were from outside Catalonia. FC Barcelona has members and supporters’ clubs in more than 50 countries, from Cameroon to China, millions of fans come together to make Barça great.

SOCIAL COMMITMENT: Barça is an open club, one that brings people together and promotes positive values on a daily basis whether it be via its own Foundation, via agreements with international institutions such as UNICEF, or via collaborations with local organisations such as ‘Banc dels Aliments’. These projects are usually developed in areas such as educations, the arts and culture as well as in community support and developmental aid.

DEMOCRACY: The Club members are also its owners and they decide democratically who it is that ought to run FC Barcelona. The democratic principle is a fundamental pillar of the Club and it has only been neglected when dictatorships have intervened. Today Barça is one of the few big European clubs that is run democratically, another factor in its unique appeal.

FC Barcelona Football Philosophy

Unlike other clubs, we do not scout the players to fit for a particular position. We are looking for technical excellence, spirit, mind-focusing and fast players. Barcelona players are capable of loving the club’s crest, uniform color too.
It is an important point more than money.

Johan Cruyff, Barcelona coach in 1988, won the first European Cup in 1992 with ‘Dream Team 1’. He lifted many players from ‘La Masia’. Guardiola also took over the same philosophy of Barcelona.

Barcelona B team coach Pep Guardiola with an experienced leader in the Barcelona player experience and highly tactical applications on the basis of international experience gained in Italy, his first full season in Barcelona, close to the matter was achieved. As a result, FC Barcelona won the league championship and the Copa cup and UEFA Champions League.

Barcelona coach, Guardiola, expressed pride of Johan Cruyff’s disciple and football Philosophy.
” Cruyff has that we need some way about whether football had a solid plan. He tells us how to carry the ball as fast as possible.
Players with the highest level of his skills were lifted. We are still dealing with the ball skills and know how to pass quickly the players are looking for”.

Barcelona’s soccer player of all learned the same way(first team to youth); the fans also hope a team like this game. “Attractive, efficient football”
Strong pressure and a quick counter-attack the opponent cannot play football as normal, making aiming their mistakes and loopholes, safe manner is an optimized way to victory.
However, a successful approach in Barcelona technical sophistication of the game of football to its maximum
Bring it up, you can feel the beauty in athletics in a manner that is in progress.
[color=#333333]“Only the results of a large club are not the only thing they have to worry. Victory is not enough. Clubs should be beautiful football. “- Johan Cruyff (former Barcelona player, coach)

»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««

»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««



post#2=====KITS 2019/2020

post#3=====BOARDS AND SQUAD 2019/2020

post#4=====TRANSFER IN/OUT 2019/2020

post#5=====FIXTURES (jadwal pertandingan) 2019/2020

post#6=====RULES trit

post#7=====SERBA SERBI

post#8=====Buku tamu (top junker trit sebelumnya 2018/2019)

»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««
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Diubah oleh mudah dihafal 07-10-2019 01:18
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oke ane coba ringkas kejadian2 yg cukup menyita perhatian barusan.....

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1.dimulai dari interview Abidal ke Diario SPORT.
ane rasa ga perlu ane jabarkan satu2.....langsung aja baca di link2 tsb....

versi videonya: emoticon-Big Grin

2.kemudian Messi mencoba memberikan klarifikasi/bantahan atas interview tersebut.

»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««

khususnya pemberitaan:

tentu yg Messi tunjuk versi bhs.Spanyol:

translatenya kurang lebih:
"Honestly, I don't like to do these things, but I think that everyone has to be responsible for their tasks, and carry the weight of their decisions. The players do it on the pitch, and, furthermore, are the first ones who know when it's not going well."

"The ones responsible of the sporting area also have to carry the weight of their responsibilities, and, above all, hold the weight of the decisions they make."

"Finally, when there's talk about players, they have to give some names, otherwise it puts a 'dirty spot' on everyone, and fuels things that are, although said, not true."

3.ringkasan/poin2 yg coba ane ambil dari berita2 di atas.

>yg coba Messi klarifikasi pada kalimat ini:
El responsable del área deportiva, Eric Abidal, explica que "muchos jugadores no estaban satisfechos ni trabajaban mucho"
Llevaban meses buscando alternativas, pero todo se precipitó en diciembre

The head of the sports area, Eric Abidal, explains that "many players were not satisfied or worked hard"
They had been looking for alternatives for months, but everything rushed in December

dari yg ane tangkap:
Abidal memberikan pernyataan klo mulai banyak pemain yg tidak puas terhadap kondisi saat ini (kepelatihan di bawah EV) dan pemain2 tsb tidak menunjukkan keseriusan merekan utk berlatih dan bermain bola.
ini menunjukkan seolah2 pemain juga ikut bertanggungjawab atas pemecatan EV.

dari awal Messi dan pemain2 lainnya selalu mencoba utk tidak menyalahkan siapa2 termasuk pelatih, dan timnya ketika mengalami hasil yg buruk.
dia selalu mencoba mengambil semua tanggung jawab, dia menganggap klo ini kesalahan kolektif.
ini sudah menjadi "budaya" di dressing room Barca, mereka selalu saling membela meskipun ada yg kurang pas, termasuk membela rekan dan pelatih2 mereka.
ini bukan masalah benar ato salah....ini masalah etika....
klopun memang ada kesalahan/hasil yg tidak baik di lapangan biasanya mereka mencoba utk mengatasi secara internal.
ga mungkin juga pemain2 secara terbuka menyatakan klo tidak suka sama pemain a, ato tidak suka sama pelatih b....
lalu terang2 an minta utk pecat ini pelatih, dll.......mana etikanya???

intinya: jika ada yg salah di lapangan maka dia bersedia utk bertanggungjawab (disalahkan), tp klo hal2 di luar lapangan dalam hal ini pemilihan pelatih, pemain, transfer, pemecatan, dll makan adalah hal yang sangat wajar klo BOARD BARCA harus ikut bertanggung jawab.
dan berani menyatakan klo keputusan2 di luar lapangan adalah tanggung jawab para board ini.....

jadi jangan semua2 salahin pemain.....
ini termasuk menjawab mengenai RUMOR GRIEZMANN tidak diinginkan Messi, krn Messi lebih memilih nyemar.
sekali lagi ini juga uda bolak balik ane posting......
tidak ada satu berita pun yg mengkonfirmasi 100% klo Messi adalah seorang diktator yg bisa mengambil semua keputusan dan kebijakan2 sebuah kleb sebesar Barca, mulai dari transfer pemain, sampai pemecatan dan pemilihan pelatih (manajer).

yg percaya rumor2 kek gituan paling ga jauh dari pocong nyamar.....alias gadungan......
org2 yg percaya klo tukang teriak2 itu sama dengan punya kualitas seorang pemimpin.....


4.mengenai menipisnya pemain2 Barca.....

ini pemain2 yg fit utk menjalani sisa musim 2019/2020

»»★FC Barcelona Kaskus★Més que un club-More than a Club★(Season 2019/2020)★««

hanya 15 pemain.....


>Francisco Trincao (baru bisa dipake musim depan)
>Matheus Fernandes (langsung diinjamkan ke Real Valladolid)
>Matheus Pereira (utk tim B)
>Rey Manaj (utk tim B)

rumor terbaru:
>Suarez masih cedera --> diperkirakan sampai Mei 2020 (operasi lutut)
>Usman akan melakukan operasi (kemungkinan bakalan lebih dari 15 hari pemulihan dari yg diperkirakan sebelumnya)
>Umtiti --> ada masalah hukum dg pemilik tempat tinggalnya dulu, jadi dia menghadiri sidang. (dia kemungkinan ga bisa main utk cdr)



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Diubah oleh mudah dihafal 05-02-2020 08:48
LooNix dan 3 lainnya memberi reputasi
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