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All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 6
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Daftar Konflik di Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara emoticon-Big Grin emoticon-Toast

1. Perang Sipil Suriah 2011 - 2017

2. Perang Irak vs ISIS/Daesh/Wirog 2014 - 2017

3. Perang Sipil Libya 2011 - 2017

4. Perang Saudara Yaman dan Agresi Militer Arab Saudi 2015 - 2017

5. Konflik Semenanjung Sinai antara Mesir vs ISIS 2011 - 2017

6. Konflik Turki vs PKK/Kurdi

7. Perang Saudara Somalia 2007 - 2017

8. Konflik Afrika Utara antara Mesir, Libya, Aljazair, Tunisia dan Maroko menghadapi Boko Haram, ISIS, Ikhwanul Muslimin, AQIM (Al Qaeda Islamic Maghribi)

9. Konflik Jalur Gaza antara Hamas vs Israel

10. Penggusuran Tepi Barat oleh Israel

11. Konflik Lebanon Timur vs ISIS dan Al Nusra

12. Perang Sudan (Khartoum) vs Sudan Selatan

New Update yang boleh di bahas

13. Boleh bahas dan sharing info militer dan teknologinya, khususnya dari medan pertempuran di TimTeng dan AfriTara

14. Konflik melawan ISIS di Marawi, Philipina 2017

15. Krisis Kemanusiaan Rohingya dan minoritas etnis di Burma, Myanmar melawan teroris ARSA 2017

16. Pro-Kontra Referendum Kurdistan Irak KRG 2017

17. Krisis Semenanjung Korea dan Pengaruhnya bagi Perdamaian Dunia

18. Pro-Kontra Referendum Catalonia/Catalan/Catalunya dari Spanyol 2017

19. Krisis dan Konflik di Venezuela 2017

20. Pro-Kontra melawan berita dan informasi HOAX di Media Sosial dan Realita

21. Kisruh Dalam Negeri Menjelang Pilpres 2019

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"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 1

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 2

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 3

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 4




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Update Yaman

How will the Saudi-UAE alliance react to a rising Houthi threat in south Yemen?



Separatists clash with presidential guards in southern Yemen

All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 6
a citizen was killed and another was injured when the guards of the Yemeni president's palace fired on crowd of people were attending the funeral of the martyrs whom were killed in the last terrorist attacks in Aden

SANAA, Yemen— Yemeni separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates clashed Wednesday with forces loyal to the internationally backed government around the presidential palace in the southern city of Aden, security officials and witnesses said.

The UAE is a key member of a Saudi-led coalition that has been battling rebels in northern Yemen, known as Houthis, since March 2015 on behalf of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s government.

But despite having a common enemy, relations between Hadi and the UAE have been tense over allegations the Emiratis have offered patronage to southern Yemeni politicians campaigning for secession, as well as what the president perceives as UAE violations of his country’s sovereignty.

Wednesday’s clashes came amid calls by ex-Cabinet minister Hani Bin Braik, who serves as deputy head of the so-called Southern Transitional Council, to “topple down” Hadi’s government.

The council, led by Aidarous al-Zubaidi, a former Aden governor, was formed after thousands of pro-secessionist Yemenis rallied behind him during the past two years, but was seen by Hadi’s government as an act that “targets the country’s interests, its future and social fabric.”

Officials and witnesses said the clashes wounded at least two civilians and Hadi’s prime minister and several Cabinet members and high-ranking officials have left the presidential palace in the past two days to other areas in the city.

A video circulated online apparently showed presidential guards protecting the palace.

“The presidential palace is OK. All matters are OK. Nobody got past the gate. They did not advance,” an armed man said in the video.

A top government official described Braik’s calls as an attempted coup, backed by the UAE.

“This is a coup by armed militias, clearly backed by the Emiratis. This is not different from the Houthi coup in Sanaa,” he said. He referred the Houthi takeover the capital, Sanaa in 2013 ushering the civil war.

The officials demanded anonymity because they weren’t authorized to brief the media, while the witnesses who commented feared reprisal.

The clashes come a week after a Houthi missile attack killed a top UAE-backed militia commander, whose supporters were rallying in Aden to bury his body.

Last week, the Houthis said they fired a ballistic missile at a military parade of the same UAE-trained militia known as the Security Belt, killing at least 40 troops.

The clashes also came several weeks after the UAE said it has begun to draw down its forces, pulling out several thousand troops from Yemen, signaling a major shift in the war.

The conflict in Yemen began with the 2014 takeover of Sanaa by the Houthis, who drove out the internationally recognized government. In March 2015, the coalition launched its air campaign to prevent the rebels from overrunning the south.

Saudi-led airstrikes have hit schools, hospitals and weddings, killing thousands of Yemeni civilians. The Houthis have used drones and missiles to attack neighboring Saudi Arabia and have also targeted vessels in the Red Sea.

Iran repeatedly has denied supplying the Houthis with drone or missile technology, both of which the rebels have used increasingly, including to target Saudi Arabia. The kingdom has claimed that Iran supplied the missiles or at least helped the Houthis manufacture them from parts that were in Yemen before the war.
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