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All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 6
Sambungan Thread sebelah yang mau digembok emoticon-Big Grin emoticon-Ultah

Daftar Konflik di Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara emoticon-Big Grin emoticon-Toast

1. Perang Sipil Suriah 2011 - 2017

2. Perang Irak vs ISIS/Daesh/Wirog 2014 - 2017

3. Perang Sipil Libya 2011 - 2017

4. Perang Saudara Yaman dan Agresi Militer Arab Saudi 2015 - 2017

5. Konflik Semenanjung Sinai antara Mesir vs ISIS 2011 - 2017

6. Konflik Turki vs PKK/Kurdi

7. Perang Saudara Somalia 2007 - 2017

8. Konflik Afrika Utara antara Mesir, Libya, Aljazair, Tunisia dan Maroko menghadapi Boko Haram, ISIS, Ikhwanul Muslimin, AQIM (Al Qaeda Islamic Maghribi)

9. Konflik Jalur Gaza antara Hamas vs Israel

10. Penggusuran Tepi Barat oleh Israel

11. Konflik Lebanon Timur vs ISIS dan Al Nusra

12. Perang Sudan (Khartoum) vs Sudan Selatan

New Update yang boleh di bahas

13. Boleh bahas dan sharing info militer dan teknologinya, khususnya dari medan pertempuran di TimTeng dan AfriTara

14. Konflik melawan ISIS di Marawi, Philipina 2017

15. Krisis Kemanusiaan Rohingya dan minoritas etnis di Burma, Myanmar melawan teroris ARSA 2017

16. Pro-Kontra Referendum Kurdistan Irak KRG 2017

17. Krisis Semenanjung Korea dan Pengaruhnya bagi Perdamaian Dunia

18. Pro-Kontra Referendum Catalonia/Catalan/Catalunya dari Spanyol 2017

19. Krisis dan Konflik di Venezuela 2017

20. Pro-Kontra melawan berita dan informasi HOAX di Media Sosial dan Realita

21. Kisruh Dalam Negeri Menjelang Pilpres 2019

nah ini sumber trit2 legend

dimulai dari trit agan earth.index emoticon-Embarrassment

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trus sama ane emoticon-Embarrassment

"All About Perang di Timur Tengah, di Syria, Irak & Lebanon-PERJUANGAN"

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part 1 emoticon-Embarrassment

"All About Perang di Timur Tengah, di Syria, Irak & Lebanon-PERJUANGAN - Part 1"

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"All About Perang di Timur Tengah, di Syria, Irak & Lebanon-PERJUANGAN"

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 1

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 2

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 3

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 4




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Update Suriah

Setelah mikir lama, ane gak yakin akan ada ofensif militer Turki ke Suriah Utara dalam waktu dekat...

Turkish-US military delegations' meeting on establishing safe zone in Syria's north starts in Ankara - AA

Walaupun kemungkinannya tetap ada...

In a unusual escalation, the National Syrian Army (NSA), Turkey’s main proxy in Syria, announced on August 5 that it had shelled positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northern Aleppo countryside.

The Turkish-backed coalition released photos showing its fighters firing mortar rounds at the Kurdish-dominated group’s positions east of the towns of Marea and Herbel.

Northern Aleppo witnessed several clashes between the two sides during the last few months. However, this was the first time the NSA openly announced an attack on the SDF, since Operation Olive Branch in Afrin last year.

The attack came less than 24 hours after Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s promise to enter the Kurdish-held territory in northeastern Syria.

“We shared this [the plan to enter northeastern Syria] with Russia and the U.S. As long as harassment fire continues, we cannot remain silent,” the Daily Sabah quoted Erdogan as saying.

The Washington Post reported that the U.S. is making a “last-ditch effort” to stop a Turkish invasion of northeastern Syria by presenting a joint plan to Ankara.

Previous U.S.-Turkish agreements, like the one on Manbij, failed as a result of Washington’s blind commitment to the SDF. This explains why Ankara would prefer military action over any unguaranteed political agreement.



7. Melakukan ofensif terbatas lagi menguasai wilayah mujahilin yang sebelumnya melemah

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:00 P.M.) – The Syrian military released a statement this afternoon that accused the militants of violating the truce in northwestern Syria and attacking civilians.

As a result of this, the Syrian military command announced that they will be cancelling the truce and resuming their operations against the militant forces in northwestern Syria.

While the army command did not give a date for the resumption of their offensive, it is very likely soon as they will begin launching airstrikes over the Hama and Idlib governorates.

The military’s statement contrasted the previous information given to Al-Masdar from the Syrian Arab Army. Earlier in the day, Al-Masdar was told by a military source that the militants would be given until August 16th, which is the last day of the Eid holiday.

Previously, Tiger Forces commander Suleiman Shahin said operations were finished in northern Syria as long as the truce was held. On Monday afternoon, the truce was cancelled after the Syrian military accused the militants of violating the agreement.

Operasi Idlib Dawn yang sekarang apakah akan menjadi lebih besar, tidak terbatas (Idlib semua sampai habis), dan berbarengan dengan ofensif Turki di Suriah Utara? emoticon-Bingung
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