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All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 6
Sambungan Thread sebelah yang mau digembok emoticon-Big Grin emoticon-Ultah

Daftar Konflik di Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara emoticon-Big Grin emoticon-Toast

1. Perang Sipil Suriah 2011 - 2017

2. Perang Irak vs ISIS/Daesh/Wirog 2014 - 2017

3. Perang Sipil Libya 2011 - 2017

4. Perang Saudara Yaman dan Agresi Militer Arab Saudi 2015 - 2017

5. Konflik Semenanjung Sinai antara Mesir vs ISIS 2011 - 2017

6. Konflik Turki vs PKK/Kurdi

7. Perang Saudara Somalia 2007 - 2017

8. Konflik Afrika Utara antara Mesir, Libya, Aljazair, Tunisia dan Maroko menghadapi Boko Haram, ISIS, Ikhwanul Muslimin, AQIM (Al Qaeda Islamic Maghribi)

9. Konflik Jalur Gaza antara Hamas vs Israel

10. Penggusuran Tepi Barat oleh Israel

11. Konflik Lebanon Timur vs ISIS dan Al Nusra

12. Perang Sudan (Khartoum) vs Sudan Selatan

New Update yang boleh di bahas

13. Boleh bahas dan sharing info militer dan teknologinya, khususnya dari medan pertempuran di TimTeng dan AfriTara

14. Konflik melawan ISIS di Marawi, Philipina 2017

15. Krisis Kemanusiaan Rohingya dan minoritas etnis di Burma, Myanmar melawan teroris ARSA 2017

16. Pro-Kontra Referendum Kurdistan Irak KRG 2017

17. Krisis Semenanjung Korea dan Pengaruhnya bagi Perdamaian Dunia

18. Pro-Kontra Referendum Catalonia/Catalan/Catalunya dari Spanyol 2017

19. Krisis dan Konflik di Venezuela 2017

20. Pro-Kontra melawan berita dan informasi HOAX di Media Sosial dan Realita

21. Kisruh Dalam Negeri Menjelang Pilpres 2019

nah ini sumber trit2 legend

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"All About Perang di Timur Tengah, di Syria, Irak & Lebanon-PERJUANGAN"

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part 1 emoticon-Embarrassment

"All About Perang di Timur Tengah, di Syria, Irak & Lebanon-PERJUANGAN - Part 1"

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"All About Perang di Timur Tengah, di Syria, Irak & Lebanon-PERJUANGAN"

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 1

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 2

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 3

"All About Konflik Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara menghadapi Terorisme part 3 - Part 4




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Yang kelihatan dan kerja dibelakang layar lobi negara yahudi, Saudi, AIPAC, evangelis dan neo-konservatif tapi mungkin ada yang masih tidak diketahui dimana yang tau pasti siapa ya presiden sendiri...

Mau dibilang ane konspirator abal2 pffttt bodo amat lha emang fakta kok bukan lagi konspirasi abal2, wong sekelas Putin aja percaya sama aktor dibelakang layar pemerintahan AS...

Putin Tells It Like It Is: US Presidents Are Puppets, 'Men in Dark Suits' Rule Washington


Ohh bagus, makasih gan. Dengan ini ane ucapkan:



Beritanya tidak terkonfirmasi dan selamanya tidak akan terkonfirmasi karena berita yang ente bawa adalah HOAX.

Versi Reuters:

- Serangan sangat mungkin dilakukan oleh ISIS
- Yang dipakai adalah drone dan yang dijatuhkan adalah granat
- Tidak ada IRGC di tempat kejadian
- Yang meninggal 1 orang, sisanya 2 orang terluka

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An unmanned aircraft dropped explosives on a base belonging to Iran-linked Shi’ite paramilitary groups in northern Iraq on Friday, killing at least one person, the army and paramilitary sources said.

The Iraqi military said in a statement a drone had dropped a grenade onto the base in northern Salahuddin province, wounding at least two people, but gave no further details.

Paramilitary sources in the area and a Baghdad-based paramilitary leader said one person had been killed in the attack, which took place early on Friday.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

A security source said two explosions hit the base, one targeting an ammunition depot belonging to an Iran-backed group.

The Pentagon denied that U.S. forces were involved in the attack, after at least one Saudi-based news channel reported U.S. strikes on the base.

The incident took place amid heightened tension between the United States and Iran.

Iraq is seen as a potential arena for any violent regional confrontation between the two foes because of the presence of Iran-backed Shi’ite Muslim paramilitary groups operating in close proximity to bases hosting U.S. forces.

Islamic State militants, also enemies of the Shi’ite paramilitaries, operate in the area where the base is located and in many remote areas of northern Iraq, despite the group having lost its sway over territory.

It has claimed attacks against Iraqi forces in recent months.

Several Iraqi bases hosting U.S. forces were hit by a number of rockets a few weeks ago in unclaimed attacks in which no one was hurt.

Washington is pressing Iraq’s government to rein in Iran-backed paramilitary groups which it says pose a threat to U.S. interests in Iraq.

The United States has blamed Iran for attacks on several oil tankers in the Gulf. Tehran denies any involvement.

Versi setelah investigasi lebih lanjut oleh tim komite investigasi bentukan PMU:

- Tidak ada serangan
- Ledakan tidak sengaja BBM
- Tidak ada korban yang tewas

An investigation committee formed by the Hashd concludes the explosion at the Amerli camp a few days ago was due to a fuel fire and not an attack and resulted in no fatalities. #Iraq #Hashd #PMUs

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