In a Japanese jail sits 17-year-old Jotaro Kujo: punk, fighter, delinquent...and possessed by a force beyond his control! Around the world, evil spirits are awakening: "Stands," monstrous invisible creatures which give their bearers incredible powers. To save his mother's life, Jotaro must tame his dark forces and travel around the world to Cairo, Egypt, where a hundred-year-old vampire thirsts for the blood of his family. But the road is long, and an army of evil Stand Users wait to kill JoJo and his friends...
Type: TV
Episodes: Unknown
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Apr 5, 2014 to ?
Producers: David Production, Warner Bros.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Shounen
Duration: Unknown
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
official page:
source: aniDB|ANN|MAL
Original Work (原作) Araki Hirohiko
Direction (シリーズディレクター) Suzuki Ken`ichi
Series Composition (シリーズ構成) Kobayashi Yasuko
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン) Komino Masahiko
Episode Direction (ディレクター) Tsuda Naokatsu
Original Posted By platypuz►kak izin mampir, seru kah ini anime nya ?
ceritanya gak berat, yg bikin seru itu action dan komedinya yg khas banget, beda dari anime lain.
dan jojo itu anime paling meme di dunia, entah kenapa fanbase jojo ini kreatif banget ngangkat apapun di jojo jadi lawakan.