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[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG
[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

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[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

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[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG


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The Current Released Classes








Tripod System - Combo Variations

The Tripod System of Lost Ark Online plays a big role in the action combat because players can specialize their character to how they like. For example, the Battle Master can focus on strengthen in the element they like fire, ice, earth, etc. Upgrading the skill some more will increase the amount of times the skill can be executed or add. Of course, this only applies to the Battle Master class as the Tripod System varies between all of the playable classes and works in a unique way for each one. With the Tripod System in play users are able to customize their character to their own style. It's up to the player to discover which builds suits them the most and the various mix match combos that can be performed using the system.

World Map - Explore the World

Players can travel freely around the world of Lost Ark Online using their own ship as seen below and in the trailer. Players can set sail on random adventures and discover new areas or get lost on their ark. When you're out on the sea, you will also be able to visibly see other players ships exploring or looking for areas. Giving the game a more open MMORPG feel. You can even go treasure hunting in search of random treasure by using the ships crane. Sail far enough and you can discover various unique areas! Sailing the seas isn't always going to be safe like the random ghost ship appeared in the trailer video. Once you board the ghost ship, you can hunt the special boss for rare loot!

Interactive World - Hidden Quests and Areas

Lost Ark Online is an MMORPG and not MORPG so when players aren't in a dungeon, they're out on the field doing random stuff like life skills, hunting field bosses, hanging out in town, exploring new regions, and more. The game will have a lot of hidden areas and it doesn't stop there alone. The game also offers hidden quests. For example, you can eavesdrop on NPC's and listen to their schemes. From there a new quest will unlock where you can aid the or stop their plan. Another hidden or random quest is a falling off a ledge, you can kick him off or help him up, perhaps he will reward you for the troubles.

Lost Ark Open Areas - Field Adventures

Lost Ark Online offers Open Areas just like Lineage Eternal or Devilian Online. Seen in the trailer or set images below the amount of players in one areas isn't limited to a small party! In the last image you can find a bunch of players beating down on a field boss.

Life Skills
Some examples from the released video
Spoiler for Treecutting:

Spoiler for Mining:

Spoiler for Fishing:

and many more!

Mini Games - Drinking and Gambling

Inside the tavern, players can participate in mini games and events such as the card and keg drinking game shown below. It would be nice to see if they implemented a card system like Ragnarok Online and those cards could be used in the Tavern or against other players or for something else.

Raids - Guardian Raid System

The raid system in Lost Ark Online reminded me of Vindictus a lot especially when they decided to chain down the monster using the ballista. Players must approach raid bosses with a plan because this isn't one of those games where you can tank & spank stuff. Especially with the interactive world and areas the game has to offer. For example, the boss below can shatter the cold ice ground leaving large holes behind where players can slip and fall into and drown unless a team member saves them from their demise.

Dungeon System - Cinematic Experience

The cinematic dungeon experience is one of the main reasons why so many players around the world are interested in Lost Ark Online. As seen in the trailer the boss will chase your party down the dungeon and once you get to the top of the map, you can finally start slaying the beast. While climbing up the tower, the beast will randomly try to eat you alive so you must run fast and break or jump over obstacles.

PvP Arena - 1v1 and 3v3

It wouldn't be an MMORPG if it didn't offer some form of PvP right?! Lost Ark Online currently offers 1v1 and 3v3 in the Colosseum. Perhaps the developers are going to implement some open world PK later on for the hardcore players. Check out the PvP part of the game starting at 13:31 in the video.


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[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

[Info] Lost Ark Online - Best Upcoming MMORPG

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gan tanya dong masi bingung di beli akun, itu kan ada yg non verified sama yang VERIFIED PHONE LOST ARK KR ONSTOVE OBT ACCOUNT. enaknya beli yang mana dulu. sudah ada yang mainkah di server korea ?
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