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Kisah kami semua.. dimulai dari sebuah kata; bandel. Bandel..., dan kami belajar tentang segala hal dari satu kata itu. Lalu, apa yang kami pelajari?


Dalam kehidupan ini, kami belajar tentang banyak hal. Hal yang baik, dan juga hal yang buruk. Seperti sebuah kacamata, kami selalu menemukan dua buah sudut pandang—didalam hidup ini... seperti kanan.. atau kiri, atas atau bawah...

Luas atau sempit.

Pintar atau bodoh.

Kaya atau miskin.

Tinggi atau pendek.

Paha atau dada... eh?

Kuno atau modern.

Hidup atau mati.

Bising atau senyap.

Selingkuh atau setia, surga atau neraka, dan masih banyak lagi... yang tentunya, selalu dipilih salah satu dari dua buah pilihan yang ada. Karena dalam hidup ini kita pasti selalu memilih. Bahkan mati pun adalah sebuah pilihan—pada akhirnya.

Kenapa kami? kenapa bukan ogut, dia, atau mereka? tentu saja, karena ada banyak orang didalam kisah ini. Tetapi sebetulnya, ada tiga orang yang akan membentuk dan menghiasi kisah ini, seperti tiga serangkai, tiga orang ini akan hadir dan turut merangkai kisah didalamnya.

Dari ketiga orang itu, ada ogut, sebagai salah satunya, yang paling diberkati (bandel nya), dannn palinnng butuh banyak belajar, karena itulah, kisah ini ogut namakan baru belajar... belajar apa? belajar bandel.

Baru Belajar Bandel, Desember, 2018.

Spoiler for Soundtrack:




1. Kumpul Bocah

2. Arti Kehidupan

Celotehan — Wrongly Behavin'

3. Ikan Cupang

Celotehan — Felt Like Heaven

4. Emang naik apa?

Celotehan — Mungkin kita lupa



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Diubah oleh navyjahbura 18-12-2018 02:20
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Celotehan — Kedua
Nowadays, its been that hard to find a meaningful people-with their game placed along in their hands. I couldn't resist that the last option I've had-is to travel into another journey where there are no people worshipping their so called high-tech living.

Years passed away, the crowd shouted my name for being a role that they had a little or bigger belief that I'm a kid of fortune in a bloody nation show. The rich asked, the poor asked, and that's the way of the living. I've seen the longest bridge of social stratification, folks. I don't do the living for money, religion, spiritualism achievement nor a self-appeal bragging session.

I live for a life partner, that love story where there are a person in your life, smiling over yours, and sometimes, they love to listen to you-not much, just a bit, but they listen carefully.

They dare holding your hand, accompanying you facing your own death. Lastly, I confess, I've been a bad person in talk, because only compliment I shout to please people.

But if you really, really, or desperately, have interested in me, you'll found me better only when I write down things. Only when you sit, next to my ass.

• ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •

Another fine day,

I see that our bureau enroll their registration program for the new semester. On the day where the event is being held, I saw several cars coming and parked across the road of the bureau.

That was afternoon in May around 2004, I remarkably remember that memories under my own neck.

The street feels windy, the weather is just fine-but above, be shown a cloudy skies, rag, a bit too chill to the bone. I was on the third floor, staring, just doing it. It could be seen, not so far away from where i stand, varying from Mercedes, VolksWagen, Cadillac, Chrysler, Dodge, even a cheap (for that year) Ferrari enzo appears on the back side of a corvette.

But Toyota, Daihatsu is also seen parking on the road. What a day! such a pleasing view of social stratification-me said-alone, bubbling on my brain.

But my eyes goes to a Land Rover, a jeep that has been well-modified. A badass! there, there, I see a girl is coming out, walking... eloquently-and on that moment, a process going thru' my mind.

I exhale deeply, making a body language that was different than i usually did-I see her brown... wavvy hair-with bright eyes-using converse, a black and white converse, a Levi's-a well matched Ralph Lauren's long sleeve shirt (probably? i don't know.., i was just intuitively guessing around), and a navy coloured shirt.

Well, there I go, pal.

There I set my little devious grin, under the shadow that was poured by the 4 p.m sun in that afternoon.

That girl down there has speculatively made me speechless, I behave but I smile continously-I am being aware of my own existence that time, keeping it cautiously, perhaps later I'm wrongly behaving.

Suddenly, third floor felt like heaven. Just an info that I'm above the psycho floor in this bureau.

Down there, be heard somebody named Ensey is playing the piano, uh... he and his Jerry Martin tone are completely melodious. One of my past, too. I tell you later about Ensey. - Now, I walked down the stairs, on the second floor, I mind nothing, it doesn't spook me, nor shocked me-not ordinarily.
Diubah oleh navyjahbura 14-12-2018 00:23
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