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Started as an "iseng-iseng" story in my facebook wall post, back in 2017. It was originally written with Pilkada DKI 2017 as the background, but later changed to the upcoming Pemilu 2019. Later, I find it hard to stop emoticon-Big Grin, and kept writing ever since...

Warning : This fictional story may contain violence and sensitive issues, such as political, racial, and/or religious

Note : This is a work of fiction. Names, places, events are either the product of author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. Author has no affiliation with any media, political parties nor their support groups.

Spoiler for "index":


... Day 700 after the war. I was scavenging for weapons and supplies from a place used to be a mini-market. During the war, this place was used as a hideout from one of the survivors group. Militants from both opposing sides were using mostly melee weapons or home-made bombs, but if you're lucky, you may find some firearms lying around...

Didn't find any guns or bullets, but I was lucky to find a cabinet filled with instant noodles. Ahh.. the only edible food from the era before the war. Back then, my only problem was deciding where I will have lunch during office breaks. Now my problem is to make sure nobody sneaks in and stabs me from behind while I'm having my lunch. This morning I had to kill 3 youngsters trying to steal my breakfast. I even resisted the urge to impale one of them in front of my bunker, as a deterrent to other thieves...

I broke open one of the noodle package, and sprinkled the seasoning on top the uncooked noodle, and eat it raw. Did all those while my left hand still ready on the trigger, just in case this was an ambush. But after a while, I decided to put my gun down, and enjoy my food with both hands, while my mind wandered to the comfort life before this cursed war, or as we survivors called it: The Post-Election Apocalypse...


I didn't even remember who won the presidential election, or should I say, the dreadful event that led to this war. I only remember that the losing side didn't accept their defeat, and started a violent nationwide protests. The winning side also responded in such a non-peaceful manner as well. Things got escalated beyond control, and like a chain reaction, we eventually ended up in one of the most brutal war in the history of man. Both sides were so deeply fanatical to whom they voted for, and thought that the other side must be somewhat brainwashed....

Why did I survive the war?
Probably because I was a neutral (a "golput" as they said).
Probably because of my 'not-so-bad' survival skill.
Probably because I wasn't near the ground zero when the nuclear exploded.
Probably because my choice of ride got me fast enough to escape some conflict zones.
Probably because my past eating habit somehow caused my body to develop immunity to all those chemical weapons.
Or probably it was just luck....

... But like they say, luck will eventually runs out. I opened my shotgun ammo pouch, and counted my remaining luck. Seven buckshot shells in the pouch, and two in the gun itself. That should be enough luck for the time being...

--- Continued in Episode Three ---

Diubah oleh prabusilitwangi 05-02-2019 10:48
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======= EPISODE ELEVEN =======

... There is no war without economic impact....

Those who survived the war, now faced with a probably more deadlier challenge, the economy...

When people have no more jobs, usually they must choose between three options : Accept their fate and die of starvation, resort to stealing and looting, or borrow some money to survive.

The third option, paved the way for loan sharks everywhere. There were already loan sharks before the war. The difference this time, is without any law enforcement, they are free to charge deadly interest rate, and will not hesitate to use violence to those who couldn't pay.

"Debt collectors", is what they were called. Thugs with intimidating physical appearance, tasked with collecting money from the debtors, and will "make an example" from the ones who were behind payments. They will not hesitate to publicly torture or execute their targets.

At first, these loan sharks seemed to be the nice guys. They provided free shelters, instant noodles, and promised to provide safe escape out of the conflict zones. When people started to feel safe with them, then they proceeded by offering some "financial help". And if you shake their hand, you've bitten their bait...

The reason why people wouldn't raise arms against these loan sharks, aside of fear, was because a huge part of the people depended their lives on the borrowed money. When they see the debt collector's victims, some even defended them by saying, "If you don't want to be executed, don't borrow in the first place..."

Some loan sharks have their own debt collecting squad. However, most loan sharks outsourced the job to 3rd party organizations. An underground group which called themselves "The Credit Consultant", was the biggest of those organizations, specialized in providing professional debt collecting service. They had hundreds of strong men, with guns and armored vehicles, operating in most part of Java island.

Beside debt collecting, The Credit Consultant also had other specialties, such as sabotaging people's business, so they will have no choice but to borrow money. They also built some outposts in order to prevent the debtors from escaping...


"Outpost Thirteen, report, over..."

A guy picked up the walkie-talkie, "Thirteen here, all clear, over."

"Roger that thirteen. Shift change in one hour, over."

"Hey, why do I have to babysit a f*ckin rookie here?"

"Everybody get one, Bruno. Just don't kill him this time, over."

Bruno put down the communicator. He looked outside the guard post, and saw the rookie, Rufus, patrolling around the portal, holding his machete. Rookies weren't allowed to bring firearms until they were promoted. Only Bruno was trusted with a rifle.

Bruno and Rufus were assigned to Outpost #13, located somewhere near the border between South Jakarta and Depok. They were tasked to intercept any debtors who try to escape to Depok. Compared to other outposts, this one was relatively quiet, with just a few passerby every now and then.

Bruno was just about to light his cigarette, when he heard the sound of a motorcycle in the distance.

He quickly got up from his chair, and peeked through his rifle scope. Just a lone biker, he saw. He opened his "log book" to identify the biker. The log book contains the list of names which owe some money to the loan sharks. Based on how much they borrow, and how long since their last installments, the names are separated into two categories : "Capture", and "Kill"... The list also contains some physical description, last known address, and some other informations.

Bruno looked with his scope again. This time, the biker had pulled out a rifle and aimed at Bruno...

"Heh, impossible to shoot accurately while mounting a moto..."

BANG !!!

Rufus turned, and saw his now-lifeless senior, with a huge bullet hole on his chest. He turned to face the biker again. He struggled with the decision on whether to grab Bruno's rifle or not.

Rufus, nineteen years old at the time, had just arrived in the capital city when the war started. Having no skill other than street fighting, he ended up being recruited by The Credit Consultant organization. Yesterday, he was promoted to be an outpost guard. If things go according to plan, he was hoping to be promoted to a debt collector, in a few more years...

Rufus, steady with his machete at hand, preparing to face the oncoming biker, when suddenly, a 2nd motorcyclist from another direction, rode toward him with a two-meters sharpened bamboo pole in the left hand...

You can be the baddest son-of-a-b*tch from wherever shithole you came from, with a dream of becoming a well-known gangster in the capital someday. But if some guy with a nickname "The Eviscerator", charging at you head-on like a jouster with a motorbike, you should re-think on your decision of leaving your hometown...

The bamboo spear went through the young man's lower abdomen cleanly, avoiding any ribs, and penetrated whatever left of the kidney. The momentum also sent him flying a few meters back. The biker released the bamboo lance. Both bikers then continued their journey, leaving outpost thirteen behind...

"Did we just attack a Credit Consultant guard post?", Eriksen talked using the helmet intercom.

"You realized it AFTER you impale that poor dude?", replied Rifanzo.

"Hey, you don't like my method, you can impale him yourself..."


After a few more "interactions" with outposts, zombies, and some refuel stops, Eriksen and Rifanzo finally arrived at a fortified gate.

One of the guards, who apparently knew Rifanzo, let them in.

"Welcome to the survivor's safe haven..."

----- Continued in episode twelve -----
-- Thank your for reading --

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