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Started as an "iseng-iseng" story in my facebook wall post, back in 2017. It was originally written with Pilkada DKI 2017 as the background, but later changed to the upcoming Pemilu 2019. Later, I find it hard to stop emoticon-Big Grin, and kept writing ever since...

Warning : This fictional story may contain violence and sensitive issues, such as political, racial, and/or religious

Note : This is a work of fiction. Names, places, events are either the product of author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. Author has no affiliation with any media, political parties nor their support groups.

Spoiler for "index":


... Day 700 after the war. I was scavenging for weapons and supplies from a place used to be a mini-market. During the war, this place was used as a hideout from one of the survivors group. Militants from both opposing sides were using mostly melee weapons or home-made bombs, but if you're lucky, you may find some firearms lying around...

Didn't find any guns or bullets, but I was lucky to find a cabinet filled with instant noodles. Ahh.. the only edible food from the era before the war. Back then, my only problem was deciding where I will have lunch during office breaks. Now my problem is to make sure nobody sneaks in and stabs me from behind while I'm having my lunch. This morning I had to kill 3 youngsters trying to steal my breakfast. I even resisted the urge to impale one of them in front of my bunker, as a deterrent to other thieves...

I broke open one of the noodle package, and sprinkled the seasoning on top the uncooked noodle, and eat it raw. Did all those while my left hand still ready on the trigger, just in case this was an ambush. But after a while, I decided to put my gun down, and enjoy my food with both hands, while my mind wandered to the comfort life before this cursed war, or as we survivors called it: The Post-Election Apocalypse...


I didn't even remember who won the presidential election, or should I say, the dreadful event that led to this war. I only remember that the losing side didn't accept their defeat, and started a violent nationwide protests. The winning side also responded in such a non-peaceful manner as well. Things got escalated beyond control, and like a chain reaction, we eventually ended up in one of the most brutal war in the history of man. Both sides were so deeply fanatical to whom they voted for, and thought that the other side must be somewhat brainwashed....

Why did I survive the war?
Probably because I was a neutral (a "golput" as they said).
Probably because of my 'not-so-bad' survival skill.
Probably because I wasn't near the ground zero when the nuclear exploded.
Probably because my choice of ride got me fast enough to escape some conflict zones.
Probably because my past eating habit somehow caused my body to develop immunity to all those chemical weapons.
Or probably it was just luck....

... But like they say, luck will eventually runs out. I opened my shotgun ammo pouch, and counted my remaining luck. Seven buckshot shells in the pouch, and two in the gun itself. That should be enough luck for the time being...

--- Continued in Episode Three ---

Diubah oleh prabusilitwangi 05-02-2019 10:48
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<<<< EPISODE FOUR >>>>

After loading the SUV with whatever remaining ammunition and supplies they can find, the two guys headed Southbound...

The streets were empty, signs of brutal civil war that happened a few years ago can still be seen along the road. Mass graveyard, destroyed barricades, craters caused by aerial bombardment, bullet holes on buildings, pillaged convenience stores, remainings of car tires burned by the rioting organizations, etc...

Mojo opened conversation, "How do you know there are survivors in the South? I thought all communications are down. Email, social media, messaging apps, video streaming, online forums, everything..."

"Everything but one", Rifle Rifanzo replied, who was at the same time concentrating on his driving to avoid debris on the road. "Apparently Steam gaming network still on. Their servers are somehow still up and running. We're using it to establish long distance comms..."

Mojo, still in disbelief, turned on his cellphone and tapped on the Steam icon. "Well fuck me with a socket wrench!! Why didn't I try this before!!" He was astonished knowing the chat function still active. Even his credit balance and game libraries were just like how he remembered.

"You might want to save those credits, who know maybe they'll be used as currency later...", advised Rifle. "Anyway I got to pick someone first", he said as the car pulled over in front of a house which had been converted into some kind of medical camp.

They both got off the car, and were greeted by a man who seemed to be the camp leader.

"Mojo, meet Doctor Eriksen, he is our expert in chemistry... and other things.... He's been analyzing the cause of those 'mutants' we've encountered earlier", Rifle introduced the guy to Mojo.

"About that, I have this hypothesis..." Eriksen looked enthusiastic about his new findings, as he led them into the medical camp. "I've managed to extract the substance which caused the mutation. It seems like it is boosting the aggresive emotion in the brain. Specifically, the aggresiveness which related to football hooliganism..."

"... so these are the national football team supporters, you mean?" asked Mojo, while looking at the dead bodies on the operating tables which were probably used as experiments.

"No, those are OK. More like the local football team die-hard fans. You know, the ones who were competing in national league..."

"Oh I see..." as Mojo started to recognize the team jerseys wore by the cadavers.

"Hmm, maybe that's why the outbreak was first reported in Bekasi and Tangerang, and also some part of Bandung Barat, and a huge part of East Java...", Rifanzo added. "Make sense, aggresiveness against rival team fans, added with political situation, probably throw in some racial issues as well, you got a recipe for hate-fueled zombies..."

"So you're saying, just to be safe, if we see anyone wearing such local team apparel, we should shoot first and ask question later? Orange, blue, green, everything?", asked Mojo.

"Well.. I do not disagree with that..." Doctor Eriksen replied casually.

"By the way, you got a shitload of test subjects here. How did you get them? You pick the corpses from the streets or something?"

"Oh no, no. These are from my own killing spree..." Again, there seemed to be subtle pride on the doctor's face.

"Uhh... What??"

Mojo reacted by raising his right eyebrow. There got to be around two dozens of those poor bastards here, Mojo thought, when suddenly Rifanzo interrupted, "We call him 'Eviscerator Eriksen'. Like I said, chemistry isn't his only expertise..."

-to be continued-
Diubah oleh prabusilitwangi 11-12-2018 07:42
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