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  • (★★★) Juventus 2018 - 2019 (★★★) @IndoJuveJOFC @JuveKaskus #FinoAllaFine - Part 1

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(★★★) Juventus 2018 - 2019 (★★★) @IndoJuveJOFC @JuveKaskus #FinoAllaFine - Part 1
(★★★) Juventus 2018 - 2019 (★★★) @IndoJuveJOFC @JuveKaskus #FinoAllaFine - Part 1

(★★★) Juventus 2018 - 2019 (★★★) @IndoJuveJOFC @JuveKaskus #FinoAllaFine - Part 1

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(★★★) Juventus 2018 - 2019 (★★★) @IndoJuveJOFC @JuveKaskus #FinoAllaFine - Part 1


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(★★★) Juventus 2018 - 2019 (★★★) @IndoJuveJOFC @JuveKaskus #FinoAllaFine - Part 1
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hehehe, umur ga bisa boong ternyata. kirain ane doang yg ga kuat begadang emoticon-Big Grinemoticon-Peace
ane lebih mending nonton yg jam 3 dibanding tengah malem kyk kemarin (vs SPAL), soalnya nanggung. Mau ga tidur, abis nonton takut bablas Subuh. Tidur dulu, pasti bangun2 udah jam 3-4, udah kelar emoticon-Big Grin


Italian clubs getting rich thanks to the Champions League: €250mln

La Gazzetta dello Sport reveals how much money the Italian sides have collected in the Champions League: "180’ from the end of the group stage, all four the Italian clubs can conquer the round of 16 that, from the point of view of the budget, are worth about € 250 million. A rain of gold. The Italian market pool is worth more or less 50 million: 25 are distributed according to the ranking of the last championship (10 to Juve, 7.5 to Napoli, 5 to Roma, 2.5 to Inter), the other 25 will be calculated in June, based on the games played: after four days, the income account - net of the box office - is quite clear: before taking the pitch between today and tomorrow, Juve can already count 64 million in the social funds; Inter and Napoli are on 42, AS Roma 41 approximately. Total: 189 million The difference in favor of the bianconeri has two explanations: the best placement in the last championship, and the best historical ranking in the last 10 years (Juve takes 29.9 million, Inter 17.7, Napoli 13.3 and AS Roma 12.2). At the showdown, the qualification for the knockout rounds will bring Juventus a figure between 75 (one draw) and 79 million (two wins). The same goes for the other three Italians who have a very similar "range": Napoli and Inter are between 53 and 57 million; AS Roma between 52 and 56. In the best hypothesis, the total is 249 million overall".

BIRU dan HIJAU so,dompetnya Exor ga akan kekuras banyak ini mah buat biaya transfer, tinggal mikirin buat gaji doang emoticon-Coolemoticon-army: Belom lagi klo menang UCL dan tim Itali lain gagal di 16 besar, bisa 100-110jt an. Tinggal pilih mo nyomot siapa emoticon-thumbsup

RED mau dibilang badut, mau dibilang runner up eropa, kalo konsistensi bisa bikin pemasukan gede dan ngebangun tim ane mah ga nolak. toh, usaha ga akan ngekhianatin hasil, suatu saat juga UCL bakalan mampir lagi, siapa tau M7TH UCL emoticon-army:
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