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Lounge + Tavern Forum Sejarah & Xenology - The Eight Mile Road - Newbie Welcome!
Lounge + Tavern Forum Sejarah & Xenology - The Eight Mile Road - Newbie Welcome!

Historyhas made us friends. Geography has made us neighbours. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder.
-- John F. Kennedy --

History is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside.
-- John F. Kennedy --

Secara singkat, ini adalah thread khusus bagi para pecinta Sejarah & Xenology untuk ngobrol bebas. Kami mengundang anda semua untuk ikut bergabung & meramaikan thread ini. Nggak usah malu-malu atau minder untuk ikut bergabung. Karena kita semua adalah sama, sama-sama Kaskuser emoticon-Kiss (S)


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Diubah oleh khiekhan 09-10-2018 03:54
annisarsp15522 dan 28 lainnya memberi reputasi
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khiekhanAvatar border

bukannya kalau katolik auto excommunicate ya?


kalau ternyata confirmed bahwa homosexuality itu dari gen, i wonder how the religious community will react emoticon-Ngakak


dan grab, dan literally any big tech company these days emoticon-Ngakak


urusan kamar tidur masing masing biar jadi urusan masing masing emoticon-Ngakak


and google, and facebook, and shit ton others emoticon-Ngakak
untuk boycott semua perusahaan pendukung LGBT sama aja boikot internet. good luck with that these days emoticon-Ngakak


banyakan SARA sih situ di BPLN emoticon-Ngakak


bukan masalah legal ga legal sih, tapi dianggap urusan privat. asal ga saling sodom di muka publik, ga jadi soal.

Mark Anthony ga pernah jadi kaisar, bahkan juga pernah dituduh homo sama cicero

44XVIII. Shall we then examine your conduct from the time when you were a boy? I think so. Let us begin at the beginning. Do you recollect that, while you were still clad in the prætexta, you became a bankrupt? That was the fault of your father, you will say. I admit that. In truth, such a defence is full of filial affection. But it is peculiarly suited to your own audacity, that you sat among the fourteen rows of the knights, though by the Roscian law there was a place appointed for bankrupts, even if any one had become such by the fault of fortune and not by his own. You assumed the manly gown, which you soon made a womanly one: at first a public prostitute, with a regular price for your wickedness, and that not a low one. But very soon Curio stepped in, who carried you off from your public trade, and, as if he had bestowed a matron’s robe upon you, settled you in a steady and durable wedlock.

45No boy bought for the gratification of passion was ever so wholly in the power of his master as you were in Curio’s.How often has his father turned you out of his house? How often has he placed guards to prevent you from entering? while you, with night for your accomplice, lust for your encourager, and wages for your compeller, were let down through the roof. That house could no longer endure your wickedness. Do you not know that I am speaking of matters with which I am thoroughly acquainted? Remember that time when Curio, the father, lay weeping in his bed; his son throwing himself at my feet with tears recommended to me you; he entreated me to defend you against his own father, if he demanded six millions of sesterces of you; for that he had been bail for you to that amount. And he himself, burning with love, declared positively that because he was unable to bear the misery of being separated from you, he should go into banishment.

cicero, Philippics, 2.44-2.45

that burns emoticon-Ngakak
ross should read it, it was the finest example of 1st century BCE shade emoticon-Ngakak


nah loh, kedua penyedia jasa ojek online ternyata dukung. mau go food sama siapa lagi sekarang? emoticon-Ngakak


buanyak yang kayak gitu, ga cuma romawi, di dunia islam juga ada. Al-Hakam II of cordoba haremnya isinya cowok semua emoticon-Ngakak
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