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Collection of My Handmade Cakes, Pastries, and Desserts :D
Hi all ! Baru nongol lagi nih di dunia Kaskus. Kebetulan lagi ada luang waktu hari ini, iseng pengen main2 lagi di Kaskus setelah berapa taun ga muncul disini. Dulu aku lebih aktif nongol di subforum ttg hewan peliharaan (doggie), kadang suka muncul di subforum ini juga. Cuman jarang banget nongolnya hehee.

Disini aku pengen share foto2 pemanis2 lidah hasil buatan sendiri nih emoticon-Big Grin
Ya, semoga suatu saat bisa punya resto/cafe/cakeshop sendiri emoticon-Smilie

Dan juga semoga aku ga salah taro thread ya..

Hope you guys enjoy !


- Update Pics #1 and #2
Fruits Tartlet with Chantily Cream
Macadamia Pistachio Tartlet
Red Velvet Cupcake with Cream Cheese Frosting
Vanilla Souffle
Salted-butter Caramel Macaron
Tiramisu Chocolate Mousse Cake
Chocolate Mud Cake
Fruity Cheesecake

Rich Chocolate Mudcake
Creme Brulee
Creme Caramel
Raspberry Ice Cream
Fruit Flan
Banana Flambe Crepe
Apple Strudel
Frangipane Tart
Chocolate Souffle
Vanilla Bavarois with Raspberry Sauce

- Update Pics #3 - Nostalgia part 1
Year 2009 - 2010
Miniature Florentine Squares
Brownies Keju
Chocolate Chip Muffin
Chocolate Mudcake
Apple Pie
Almond Pear Tart
Strawberry Yogurt Mousse Cake
Puff Pastry with Vanilla Custard
Genji Pie
Berries Charlotte
African Gateau
Banana Loaf
Dark and White Chocolate Mousse Cake

- Update Pics #4 - Nostalgia part 2
Year 2009 - 2010
Chilled Fruit Cheesecake
Blueberry Cheesecake
Yule Log
Stolen Bread
Rum Raisin Praline, Mocha Rounds, and Almond Rochas
Matcha Opera Cake
Devil Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Cupcake
First attempt on decorating cakes using Buttercreams and Royal Icing

- Update Pics #5
Doughnut with Cinnamon Sugar
Fruits Danish
Cold Lime Cheesecake

- Update Pics #6
Black Forest Gateau
Sugar Cookies
Hokey Pokey Ice Cream
Raspberry Sorbet with Banana Flambe

- Update Pics #7
Passion Fruit Mousse Cake with Curd Surprise, Coconut Haystack, and White Chocolate Spray
Raspberry Chiboust with Almond Dacquoise

- Update Pics #8
Honey Saffron Bavarois with Flambé Peach Cake
Passionfruit Tart

- Update Pics #9
Tiramisu Gateau
Mini Pavlova
Chocolate Banana Pudding with Chocolate Nougat Parfait and Chocolate Sauce

- Update Pics #10
Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
Mini Carrot Cake
Mini Licorice Brulee
Marzipan Figurines

- Update Pics #11
Black Delice Torte
Glaced Petit Fours

- Update Pics #12
Rose Macaron
Macadamia Nut Fudge with White Chocolate Mousse
Lime Bavarois with Mint Sable
Saffron Mousse with Praline Crunch
Berry Bavarois with Mint Sable

- Update Pics #13
Tiramisu Macaron

- Update Pics #14 - Bakery part 1
Japanese Milk Bread

-Update Pics #15 - Bakery part 2
Sweet Breads with Cream Fillings
Fruit Danish

-Update Pics #16 - Chocolateporn !!!! (part 1)
Gianduja Praline
TWG Camelot Tea Infused Chocolate Praline with Crunchy Croquantine Base TWG Camelot Tea Infused Chocolate Truffles
Honey Hazelnut Truffles
Passionfruit Marshmallow Chocolate

- Update Pics #17 - Chocolateporn !!!! (part 2)
Salted Peanut Caramel chocolate bars
Peanut Butter Jelly chocolate bars
Coconut Passionfruit and Lime Blackberry

-Update Picture #18
Tira Miss You!
Caramelized White Chocolate Macaron
Making Earl Grey Tea Chocolate Tart

- Red Velvet Cupcake
- Tiramisu Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Chocolate Cake
- Dark and White Chocolate Mousse


Tumblr : twelvepatisserie
Instagram : @siyoanst
FB Page : 12
Diubah oleh siyoan 26-11-2014 21:04
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Yield: 4x22cm rings

Chocolate Cake for Layers:
Mixture A:
280gr - Egg (Telur)
940gr - Sugar (Gula)
375ml - Veg. Oil (Minyak)

Mixture B:
190gr - Cocoa Powder (Bubuk Cocoa)
565gr - Plain Flour (Tepung)
30gr - Baking Soda

Mixture C:
635ml - Milk (Susu)
625gr - Sour Cream (bisa di substitute dengan Yogurt)

Preheat oven to 185C. Prepare 22cm ring with baking paper. (Panaskan oven 180 derajat. Siapkan loyang ukuran 22cm diameter dengan baking paper).
1. Whisk Mixture A until pale. (Kocok Mixture A sampai warna pucat)
2. Sift Mixture B. (Ayak Mixture B).
3. Add Mixture B and C alternately to A and mix well. (Tambahkan Mixture B and C secara bergantian ke adonan A, dan aduk.)
4. Pour into prepared rings. Bake at 175C for about 30-45mins. (Tuang ke loyang. Panggang 175C sekitar 30-45 menit.)

Chocolate Ganache:
800ml - Cream
1.5kg - Dark Couverture Chocolate

1. Heat the cream until just boil. And pour over the chocolate. Stir until chocolate melted and smooth. Leave it aside until it cools down and becomes thicker. Panaskan cream hingga mulai mendidih. Tuang ke chocolate. Aduk rata dan halus. Biarkan hingga mendingin dan mengental.

Ada 2 cara. Yang gampang, tuang Chocolate Ganache ke Chocolate Cake, dan tutupi semua permukaan.
Yang biasanya aku bikin:
1. Potong horizontal Chocolate Cake jadi 3 layers.
2. Layer pertama untuk dasar, tuang ganache, ratakan.
3. taruh lagi layer kedua chocolate cake, tuang ganache. Dan layer terakhir, sama.
4. Tutupi sisi samping dan rapikan dengan ganache.

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