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[REBORN] World War II (1939-1945)

Diubah oleh Shuma-Gorath 30-06-2016 06:20
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Market-Garden, Operasi Linud yang Melibatkan 3 Divisi Airborne US dan Inggris
Spoiler for peta Arnhem:

[REBORN] World War II (1939-1945)
82nd Airborne Division drops near Grave

Operasi Market Garden

Operasi Market Garden adalah operasi yang dilancarkan oleh sekutu dibawah pimpinan Jenderal Bernard Montgomery dari Inggris pada bulan September tahun 1944. Operasi ini bertujuan merebut dan menguasai jembatan-jembatan di garis belakang musuh (Jerman saat itu masih menguasai Belanda) sehingga bisa dengan mudah masuk ke Jerman melewati sungai Rhine untuk menguasai lembah Ruhr (pusat industri) di Jerman dengan menerjunkan ribuan pasukan payung di negara Belanda. Dengan direbutnya pusat industri Jerman, sekutu berharap perang dapat segera berakhir sebelum tiba hari Natal pada tahun 1944.Divisi-divisi sekutu yang ditugaskan untuk menjalankan misi ini adalah 101st Airborne Division(US), 82nd Airborne Division(US), 1st Airborne Division(UK), Polish Brigade, dan 30 Corps (Divisi Tank/Kavaleri) . Dalam misi ini setiap divisi-divisi sekutu harus sudah menguasai jembatan-jembatan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat, setelah itu mereka harus mempertahankan jembatan tersebut sampai 30 Corps melewati jembatan tersebut, begitu terus sampai jembatan terakhir yang ada di Arnhem.

Secara kebetulan di wilayah Belanda ada beberapa Divisi Panzer SS yang dikomandani oleh Field-Marshall Walter Model yang sedang beristirahat dan awalnya ia menyangka sekutu melancarkan serbuan untuk menangkap dirinya sehingga dia mempersiapkan diri semaksimal mungkin. Pada awalnya, sekutu berhasil menguasai jembatan-jembatan yang ada di daerah Nijmegen dan Eindhoven Belanda, tetapi 1st Airborne Boys(UK) yang dipimpin oleh Col.Frost yang ditugaskan menguasai jembatan di daerah Arnhem dapat dipukul mundur oleh pasukan SS Panzer, hal ini mengakibatkan kegagalan yang fatal bagi operasi ini. Akhirnya sekutu dapat dipukul mundur dan operasi ini dianggap sebagai salah satu operasi sekutu yang gagal setelah peristiwa D-Day di Normandia selama Perang Dunia II yang diharapkan selesai sebelum hari Natal tahun 1944 tetapi ternyata masih terus berlanjut hingga menyerahnya Jerman di bulan Mei 1945. Operasi ini mengakibatkan ribuan nyawa melayang dari Divisi pasukan payung sekutu.


[REBORN] World War II (1939-1945)
101st Airborne Paratroopers

Operation Market-Garden September 1944

The Fall of Paris on August 25, 1944 ended the Normandy campaign, but the Allies were still dependent on the port of Cherbourg for supplies. This caused a reevaluation of the “broad front” strategy that Eisenhower followed, advancing everywhere, rather than Montgomery’s advocacy for narrow thrusts through weak points in the German lines.

US Army General George S. Patton’s Third Army, driving hard, had run off the French maps and were advancing on the German city of Aachen, the first German territory to come under attack. Hitler was determined to hold the city, but the Allies’ increasing supply problems stopped Patton cold. He was sure that given more gas, he could advance on Berlin.

Montgomery was given authorization to try his narrow advance. Holland had been under German occupation for four years, and he believed that the German forces there were weak. If airborne units could land and hold key bridges, he could send a heavy armored force racing through Holland and sweep around to take Berlin before the end of the year.

The plan called Operation Market-Garden, for the largest airborne drop in military history. Three Allied divisions would be involved. The US Army 101st Airborne would drop on Eindhoven and take the canal crossings at Veghel. The US Army 82nd Airborne would land on bridges over the Maas and Waal Rivers. 60 miles behind the German lines, the British 1st Airborne, then later the Polish 1st Airborne Brigade, would be dropped on the Rhine bridges at Arnhem. This was the “Market” plan.

UK General Brian Horrocks, commanding the XXX Corps, would dash up these Allied-held river crossings to relieve the 1st Airborne in the “Garden” phase of the operation. Montgomery’s planning did not take into account any of the lessons learned in Normandy, or even the German landings in Crete three years before.

Also, the Germans were beginning to stabilize their western forces. German paratroopers and SS panzer units were moved into Arnhem, and while British intelligence was aware of them, their presence was discounted. Also, for such a large operation, less time was taken than the Normandy landings.


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Diubah oleh M0squit0 29-11-2013 01:14
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