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Tell all or you shall keep silent forever

Alkisah, ada sepasang suami istri.
Mereka sudah saling mengenal sejak lama. Let's say... 10 years. They were good friends.
Then they got married. And they thought they knew each other so well.

Who would have thought that people can easily deceived each other... or subtly said... disguised from each other... for the sake of.... what? Love?
I'll get back to this one later... much later

To make the story short.
The couple - of course - had arguments, over big things, small things, insignificant things, ridiculous things, what ever things. They always discuss the arguments, and it seemed (and only seemed - nothing more) to have reached an agreement. An agreement they thought would stand on strong grounds.

Unfortunately, they both ignored the fact, very simple fact (actually the very nature of human being - later I discovered) that couples - in the name of Love? - have the tendency to give without the ability to let go.
and I'll get on this one too

To make the story short again.
One day, they had an argument. Simple matter, but over a serious life decision. Because this one is over something about life decision, the argument went big, then bigger, then it blew up to be a fight.

It became the showcase of human behavior primitive instinct, where bad memories easily surfaced - then used as weapon of destruction.

The fight triggered an executive decision inside the brains to quickly search on the things the other had done bad (but were forgiven when it happened)

Not long, not long at all, they began throwing out "you did this, you did that" "I actually never liked that" "I wished you were blah blah blah"
this is the give but not let go thing

And to make the story even shorter, the fight ended in a divorce. (Of course it was actually a very long - and tiring - story. And so much twisted too)

The Lesson

Jadi begini sodara.
Inti dari pelajaran hidup yang di dapat adalah:

Pasangan seharusnya bisa komunikasi yang bener. Kalo nggak suka ya bilang aja gak suka. Janganlah mengatasnamakan Cinta bullshit bener seh emoticon-Busatrus meng-iya kan aja. Tapi jelas jelas gak mampu untuk bener² meng-iyakan. Ternyata dalam hati masi ada ganjelan. Gak enak hidup dengan ganjelan? Bener gak sih?
Mbok ya-o kalo emang bener cinta, ya ngertiin aja kalo pasangan gak suka. Emang kenapa sih harus "aku mau nya kamu begini begitu" Rubbish!!!
Coba buka mata, lihat dunia, mana ada sih Princess Sweet sama Prince Charming? We are all humans. We make mistakes, we have our preferences, we have our needs, we have our likings, we have our wants, we have our abilities - dan semua itu tiap orang beda beda emoticon-Belo
Janganlah berharap pasangan kita pasti bisa seperti apa yang kita inginkan. Gak mungkin banget seh permintaannya.
Cobalah untuk memahami bahwa keindahan dunia ada di indera kita masing masing. You may say she's not pretty, but she is God damn hot 'n sexy with that complexion emoticon-Wowcantik
You may say that view is boring, others may enjoy it for the rest of their lives.

Kembali ke ... Love emoticon-Hammer (S)
Love makes us stupid. Dan sialnya, bikin kita terlalu mudah untuk (for some) memaafkan, (for some others) meng-iyakan pasangan, dan me me me yang laennya dah. Seolah, untuk pasangan yang kita cintai, apa aja gw kasi dah. Tae empus emoticon-kucing
Padahal, jreng jreng, ternyata kita gak ikhlas bilang maaf nya, masi tersimpan di memori kita. Eh elah, mana mungkin kita lupa seh, kecuali lu kejedot tronton di jalan tol emoticon-Ngakak (S)
Padahal, ternyata kita gak ikhlas meng-iyakan pasangan. Ternyata gak suka pasangan begitu, begini emoticon-Cape d... (S)

Menurut ane, maap kalo ane salah emoticon-Malu
Kalo ente cinta, ente kasi tau tuh, "eh, gw kagak suka lu begitu" "eh jangan begini soale gw kagak suka"
Jangan malah pura² iya pura² suka emoticon-Cape d... (S)

Kalo cinta, ya dengerin pasangan bilang apa. Suka kagak suka, bisa kagak bisa ya kudu nauin. Kan katanya cinta emoticon-Bingung (S) Kalo gak bisa nauin ya bubar aja dah. Toh ujung² nya bubar juga kan? emoticon-Berduka (S)

Gw bilang gini, karena faktanya (dan yang ini gw yakin bener gw kagak salah) manusia kagak bisa melupakan kalo suatu hal nggak sesuai sama hatinya.
Kalo suatu hal yang baik, yang enak, yang asoy, yang nikmat, yang cihuy, kadangan malah lupa. (Gw si begitu, gak tau yang laen emoticon-Malu (S) )

So, tell all or you shall keep silent forever
bisa kagak????

Sekian share saya. Kalo ada salah kata saya mohon mangap yang segede²nya sodara. emoticon-Malu

kalo ada kesamaan cerita atau nama itu hanya suatu kebetulan belaka
Diubah oleh d33k3y 01-12-2012 07:55
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